February 16, 1981

Phoenix, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this way and in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We shall say unto you this parable.

The Lord, God, had called forth three of his prophets from the Earth. And as they lived in different parts of Earth, He asked them to journey forth to a central point of meeting.

Each began to prepare for the journey. At the place they prepared, there was water and food in abundance. As they began to travel forth, some did not bring enough water nor enough food. Some drove their animals too hard, and as a result, some of the animals became lame. Eventually, all arrived at the designated place; some were late, and some later than others, but they would waited as they were ordered to do so.

Yet as they arrived, they began to complain, “Why would God ask us to go to this place and have these things, evil things, befall us?” And soon, each was telling the other his woes. And none could understand why the Lord, God, had allowed anything to happen to them on their way.

And then upon the [appointed] day, the Lord, God, came forth. Now all three had heard the voice of the Lord, God, but none had felt in truth His physical presence. When all felt His physical presence, some had brought people with them, that they might ask God for healing [forth], and some of these people fled and ran into the desert and the mountains to hide themselves. Others stayed. The three prophets became quite fearful, for they had asked questions unto the Lord.

And the Lord, God, said unto them, “Why do you Praise Me with one hand and curse Me with the other?”

And the first prophet spoke unto the Lord, God, and said, “Lord, you told me to come to this place, and on my journey here I have lost animals.”

And the Lord, God, said back unto him, “Were not all the animals THAT you started out with of sound being before you left?”

            The man said, “Yes.”

      “Did I not give you ample time that the beast of burden that you rode upon could carry you and those around you to reach this point?”

            The prophet said, “Yes.”

“Then why did you abuse this beast of burden which I have given UNTO you to protect?”

            The prophet shook his head and could say nothing.

            The other prophet said, “But Lord, I ran short of water on the journey.”

            And the Lord, God, spoke back unto him and said, “Was there not ample water and ample beasts to carry your water before you started the journey?”

            And the prophet said, “Yes.”

And the third, thinking now of what he had said before, meant to please God, and he said, “My Lord, God, You have given us everything.”

And the Lord, God, spoke unto him and said, “Yet you complainED most, WHEN YOU thought I WAS not herE. I have called you forth to tell you these good tidings -- that the Messiah shall come forth upon your earth once again.”

            He said unto them, “I shall come unto you three days.”

And so the second day He did come unto them.

By this time, all those were frightened had come back. Some of them had died.

All three of the prophets felt abused, and therefore, wanted to report to the Lord, for some that they had brought with them for healing had passed on without the healing. And they said unto the Lord, God, “Why should You allow this?”

The Lord, God, said unto them, “I gave unto you free spirit in the beginning; Shall I take it from you now?”

            And they said, “Nay.”

Then, the Lord, God, said unto them, “It is not your place to take it from those who died, for it was their choice to pass over. And for these who shall ask for healing and stay on the earth plane, it is their choice to do that also.”

The second day the Lord, God, appeared back unto them. And they complained again about trivial things.

And the Lord, God, looked upon them and projected love upon them, and love upon the Earth, and spoke no more.

They did stay into this place many days, and then they left.

And you shall say unto us, “Why should the Lord, God, not speak unto them?”

And we shall say unto you, the Lord, God, had brought the greatest gift He had, to place at their feet, and they could not see this. And when He stood among them and spoke with them, they could not feel this and the love He had got forth unto them.

And this is the way it is upon your Earth now, in this place, in this time. You curse God, or you curse your brethren, or you blame [the] others for your own misgivings. The greatest gift God gave unto you was the freedom of choice, the freedom to live, to die, to laugh, to cry. He placed all the things upon the Earth to bring happiness into your hearts, and love. It is by your choice which you should choose.

            Now we should say unto you, you have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [13-433-1], asks ‘It is a good idea to help my son buy a lot?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For it is written, “Honor thy father and mother.” It is also written, “Father and mother, honor thy child.” And as your son has been a good son, and brought good tidings into your heart, then give of the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, [13-433-1…San Juan Capistrano, California] asks, ‘Should we leave for another state? We live 50 miles south from Los Angeles near the beach. Where would it be good for us to move?’”

We see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner. The land that you reside shall be affected by both earthquake and tidal wave and war. Much of the lands of the Earth shall be affected in the same manner. Where you reside at the present time, after the earthquakes and the tidal waves, shall become an island, almost a paradise.

And I would say unto you, fear not. Do these things for yourself and your family. Provide water, that that it should last of you into the amount of 30 days. Provide food into the same amounts. Store seed, that when you come back into the earth it shall allow you to replant. But remember these things, we may not live off of wheat alone, nor barley alone. Do not store things, all things, that are harsh, for it shall take your body time to adjust to eating things that you are not used to. Maintain the necessary chemicals to cleanse the water, the necessary fuels to heat and cook with, the necessary chemicals to take care of your own waste, for it is sanitation which shall save your lives in these times. And during these times go back unto the book of Moses and read of the same, and eat nothing during these periods that were not given to eat, for if you do so, during these times, the diseases that were dreaded and could be carried by certain animals can be carried once again.

We say unto you, prepare, therefore, that that you would know of as a shelter, with one-and-a-half foot of earth covering all around.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [13-433-3…San Juan Capistrano, California] asks, ‘Will I be successful in the field of music -- harp and voice? Do you see a specific place to apply for a job playing the harp?’”

             Yes, we see thy need. We see [you] beginning to migrate, and you shall come into this land first, and at a later time you shall then venture into the Tucson area. But jobs will be available in both places. It is for other reasons that you make the journey, and they are personal.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “[13-433-4…Oak Creek, Colorado], ‘I’d like to know where I could locate my wedding ring set, W______’s diamond Shrine ring, and small quartz clock taken from my home about October 3, 1980? Thank you.’”

First we could say unto you unto a question you have not asked; you were born at 2:56 a.m.

You also have another more important question in mind, and that is of a financial. And we should say unto you unto these words. The times shall not be, go easier. The inflation rate shall increase. Work of many types shall become scarce. Do not overburden your shoulders at this time.

Of your losses, we shall answer [it] this manner. Of the young man who came to your house as a guest, that of dark hair, and that who was quick to smile and quick to praise, was like a smiling serpent. You have your answer where your property is, or was, for it has now been sold. Yet, the thief goes on stealing.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [13-433-5…Phoenix] asks, ‘What should I do to improve my physical health and energy level?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer into this manner. One of the first things that you should do is to adapt to a good exercise program. And do it as it is supposed to be done. The second you should do is adapt unto your diet into a good balanced diet. As you exercise, your appetite shall increase, but you should be maintained -- your weight should be maintained, for you shall burn this off. The third that you wish, we would say unto you, has and is being given unto you.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [13-433-6] asks, ‘Will the gravity motor operate? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. God bless you.’”

Yes, we see thy needs, and we shall answer in this manner. What you seek to achieve is that of the same substance that is created within that of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh -- and that is the generation of electricity by the collection of cosmic power. And as the neutron passes forth, into the positive- and negative-ion field, the power substance which you reach for becomes an unlimited source.

      There are several things at this time which are not totally correct, and that is the magnetic circuit and the length of the wiring within the same. Second, you are not using diodes as they were properly placed forth to be used; therefore, the energy substance is slipping away.

      When you have assimilated this unto which we have said, come again and there are other things that we might suggest. But these things we have suggested shall bring you to the start or the threshold through the door unto which you wish to pass. There is one further word, and that is of an alloyed that may be used in the magnetic field; instead of using copper as such, use a copper, silver, gold alloyed. Do not try to use a dip method; a photo plate method, this would be cheaper. And do not try to use a purity of gold or copper or silver. If they are even partial parts – and to the partial we mean 50 percent into the parts -- they will serve the same need. Once this is done, by placing a mere 110 volts onto the substance you will cause each of the particles to become one part or one alloyed.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [13-433-7…Phoenix] asks, ‘When will I be in a home of my own and not rooming with someone else?’”

      You shall soon be in what you consider a home of your own. It will be July before you will own that which is of your own. You will have times when choices [will] be placed before you, and there are times now when ultimatums are placed before you, yet you have walked away from them. This is of your own free will.

You reach for spiritual guidance, and you hear not the Lord. We say unto you, for the next three days, as you sleep dreams shall come unto you. Heed these dreams. Write them down, and the understanding of the spiritual guidance you need shall be given. Remember, when you ask the Lord, you shall receive help from both sides, both that of the spiritual world and of your world, that fulfillment shall come unto you into a complete and beautiful thing.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [13-433-8] wants to know, ‘I have attended other readings. Are the ones that you address on the other side known by other names than those names you refer to them as? For example: (1) the voice in the desert, (2)Jesus Christ, (3) the voice from’…I can’t read. Thank you.”

We see that. And we say unto you, as we ask permission to answer questions, we, of the Council, are not great. That that you know as Jesus Christ is now upon your Earth in body, and so is the body containing Buddha, Muhammad, for in this, of the Messiah, contains the spirit of the Lord, God, and those He has sent unto you. His first begotten son now awaits his time upon the Earth. We are here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for His kingdom.

The One who we must ask permission from in answering questions that we are not normally allowed to answer is the Father, or God, as you would know.

We say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, our God. Glory be the name of His children.

              And “upon the desert, by the sea, where the stars are shining in thirteen and more than three,” now grows strong, for he shall reign above the Anti-Christ. But we say unto those who should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ, beware, for none shall touch this one, and none shall crucify him. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

            You have one more question, ask.

“Yes, [13-433-1], ‘How do we know the spirit which speaks through Ray is of the God over all things and not of evil influence?’”

That is for you to decide.

For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. For those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have minds to think, let them think. We say unto you unto these words. Look unto the past and you shall know of the truth, for to know where you have been is to know where you are going. There shall be many false prophets upon your Earth in this day. Study that which they do and you shall know which is a prophet and which is not.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. In all your lives there has been a harsh time, a testing time. It is like fine steel. You have been thrust through the fire, and you shall be so again, before the day comes when the Messiah walks with you. Some shall become brittle and break. Some shall just fall away. But some, who shall not wear the mark of the Beast, shall walk with him.

It is the prophets we told you in the beginning of this reading. It is your choice. No one is forcing you. God has given you free choice. The direction you take, though it may be many other directions, may be all part of the same to complete the whole.

But the Lord, God, says unto you, “I am a jealous God. You shall have no other gods before me.” Remember this.

And remember, that as a hand was stayed upon this city of the Phoenix bird, as the spiritual growth continues, so shall the hand lay upon it, the hand of God. It is your choice whether it stays there or is removed.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona