February 20, 1981

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we should say unto thee this parable.

            For upon the Earth there were three great nations. And the three great nations, each mistrusted each other.

            And on the land there was depression and inflation that ran through the lands. In one of the lands great abundance of food could be grown. In other of the lands they grew more weapons than food. And yet in another, it too rattled their mighty swords. And each began to build swords, each mightier than the other. Each was to say it was for the prevention of war. And then came a day when their weapons were so great that they could destroy the whole Earth and all of mankind.

And the Lord, God, looked down upon these nations and upon [the] world, and He did cause earthquakes and volcanoes and tornados to shake and shift the land. And He did so until the land itself seemed that it would not sustain life.

            All those who’d built their mighty swords began to crumble.

            And from the different countries there came those who said, “Let us join together and not make war.”

            Now this all happened before the half-times were over.

            And then, there were no more half times, and no more half wars. There was a mighty war that struck the land and the Earth. And when the earth changes came to rest, and the land began to collect itself, from war and pestilence and destruction, there were many places upon the Earth that had known from their prophets that this day would come. And they had prepared, for they had made land ready for planting. And they had brought food forth, and the seed stuff that was necessary to plant in the earth. And they had brought water forth that the earth could be washed.

While all these things were happening, the Earth itself was shifting on its axis.

            And suddenly, as though in the twinkling of an eye, all was done. All war was stopped, and the earth stood fast. And there were no more [the] mighty nations, just people, people who now believed in the almighty God, the God of one.

Yet there were many left upon the Earth who still rattled their chains as though in warfare. And they sought to make war upon these small places. Yet the small places did defend their selves.

And from this time arose from all the ashes those who would restore the Earth, and their brethren who long ago had sought their seed into other planets came forth to share in their grief and their [restoration, resurrection]. And the earth began to restore itself. And the Messiah that had been promised now walked upon the land. And [as] the villages grew upon the land, so did the peace, for now was the day that all the weapons would be beat into plowshares.

            It seems unto you that these things we are saying are small things, unimportant, for you have heard us not. For what we are saying is nothing that has not been said before -- and not been laid in many languages in many faiths upon the Earth. Yet there are those who would listen, and those who could hear not and see not.

            When the time came about when all those who could hear not had passed away from the Earth, on these lands there were many who thought that their times would be full and forever. Upon your Earth, look back into your own history, for those who should conquer on Earth, and look and see, for they have been laid a waste and are no more.

            Now we say unto you, for those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. For your country now shall pass through the beginning of its greatest triumph and defeat.

            We say unto you, you have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, regarding what you just said, what are some of the immediate problems that our country will face?”

            First your country shall face, the people of the country, shall face financial ruin. Many people shall lose their homes, their businesses, their means of making a living. All of this shall be done in the name of stabilizing your country, yet it shall bring upon [the] land a greater depression than the land has ever known. In the midst of this, new leadership shall then come upon the land, only to find that the other threats that we have spoke of are all at hand.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-319-1] asks, ‘Could you please tell me who were the Warriors of the Sun, or the Sons of the Sun, and what their mission was?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. As the Sons of God did look upon the Earth and find, therefore, the women fair, and therefore, did enter of the same, they became earthbound -- in other words, half god and half man. They brought forth unto you your first written words, your knowledge of [not] only chemistry, but alchemistry, your knowledge of building and preserving,

many scientific discoveries, all of these things, for that of what you are now. Those who chose not to remain here went into other planetary substances. Some of these planets have evolved far beyond your own. Some of these have yet to develop where you are now.

Those who are your brothers and sisters shall soon be those who you shall meet.

            You are both Cain and Abel. You are both of the first [born] and of the last. You are the vanquished and the beloved. You are the sons and daughters of God.

            If you should start at this time to prepare the thousand years of peace upon the Earth, you may begin the preparation at any time you wish by simply turning around and seeing the simple things that lay before you, the simple truths. There shall be many during the times of persecution who shall be persecuted. During the reign of the Anti-Christ all these things shall come forth. Fear not; for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast can never be forced to accept it. [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

            Yet the time shall become hard, for you shall not be either to barter or sell your goods. Yet bartering shall take place among you, one unto another, and you shall establish your own financial means of trade.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-434-1] asks, ‘Do I have a child in West Germany?’”

            Yes, we see before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. And we shall answer your question in this manner -- yes. But we shall also answer your question in this manner.  The day shall come when the child shall seek you forth. But there are some things that are better left uncovered [covered], for there are many of the people you love could be harmed should they not.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, he also asks for a health reading for himself and any other information he can use for his spiritual development.”

            The health reading he has already received. The spiritual development and guidance that he has asked for has been given. The direction he has asked for has been given. We do not interfere with freedom of choice. This is your choice. You should make it yourself.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [13-432-4…Texas]. She asks, ‘What is my time of birth for an astrology chart?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto you, 2:22 a.m.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [11-408-1...Texas] asks, ‘Does my brother, T___ W_____, have M.S., and if so, can he be helped? Thank you.’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. It is not a true multiple sclerosis, no. It would be more a pre-stress letdown, or a pre-stress syndrome, and he could be helped, yes.

            You have other questions.

            “Thank you. [13-434-2] asks, ‘What will give me peace of mind?’”

            The acceptance of the Lord, God, as the one and the only God, and the knowledge of knowing that He is always with you -- and also, that you should make labor unto Him. You do not understand that which we speak. And we say unto you, all that we say shall be made clear into you before a fortnight.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [13-434-3…Albuquerque, New Mexico] asks, ‘Is Yellow Freight going to stay in Albuquerque?’”

            We shall answer your question, yes, part; the other part shall move into the land of the Arizona.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-434-4…Albuquerque, New Mexico] asks, ‘As to my line of work, that is, my present job, should I stay with it or find another job in order to be satisfied?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. Wherever you go, you shall take yourself with you. Find peace within yourself, and you shall find peace within the work you do. Do the work in such a way that you know God is with you. And as you would want to please God, do your work in such a way that in each task that you behold, do it to your utmost ability. When you have done that, then the answers your wish, of seeking other employment, will lay right before your eyes.

            You have one other question.

            “[13-434-4…Portales, New Mexico] asks, ‘Did I died in November two years ago?’”

            No. We see not of this.

            We shall answer you in this manner, death is a frivolous thing. The doorway between what you call life and death is one that many people in their lifetime step through, only to step back, for they know there is more to be accomplished on this side. On the other side -- you think of us as being dead. What a trifle thought that is. We have walked upon planets and galaxies, and we have walked so close to God to feel the heartbeat and to feel the tears from His eyes. If that is being

dead, you are wrong.

            But God, in His ultimate wisdom, sought a balance of all things. For each master of knowledge that should be born and go through the trials of your Earth, others that you would call masters shall remain on this side to guide, to help, to bring about the work of God. At this very moment we are not dead. We live in the body of soul Ray. We live wherever you ask and speak our name and the name of the Lord, God.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim. And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

You seem to think that each trouble brings more trouble. You seem to think that there is no end to your trials and your tribulations. Yet there is an end to all things, and a beginning to everything.

            We say unto you, [6-281-1], that that you have wished for has been accomplished. Your uncle now walks in the light of the Lord, and he has passed through without great difficulty, for your father waited for him. And soon, you shall feel both presences near you once again.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona