January 16, 1981

Globe, Arizona



      Aka is here.

      “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

      Soul Ray stands with God.

      Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

      And we should say unto you this parable.

      For there was a time when there were wars upon the Earth, and wars upon wars. And no one knew, therefore, what to do, for there were many upon the Earth who longed for peace. Yet there were those who would bring warfare and more warfare to the land.

      And finally, into the warring nations it was decided that each would send forth a disciple of their beliefs, and gather together that they may talk and bring forth peace. Each disciple made ready to leave. Each of the heads of the state, both the hawks and the doves, gave them many words of advice. And they all walked out unto a common ground, and therefore, sat upon the ground, and they made rules that each may speak, and in turn, and that each would listen fully to the other without interruption and would try to understand that which the other had to say.

      One of the least nations, who had not wanted war, but had [between], between the warring nations, was chosen to speak forth. And he said unto them these words. “We have no grievances with you, any of your nations. For in our philosophy we see the world in a grain of sand. We see heaven in a flower. We see the ocean in a stream. And all is the making of the Lord, our God. And, it is our belief that we have all come from the Lord, our brethrens and sisteren, in the spirit of mankind and in the spirit of God. We have but little to say. We see no difference in your beliefs. We honor them. All we ask in turn is that you let us, our small nation, live in peace. Let us worship as we wish. And you worship as you wish. Let each nation stayed out of the internal affairs of another. If one nation should go to war within itself, let that be decided within the nation. But let it not take the warfare beyond its own borders. But even then, if there is a difference within the nation, let them come together and speak. Let them tell no lies. Let them come forth as men and women of God, sit down, as we are sitting, and decide their own fates. It is said, ‘If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.’ It is our opinion that if we do not stop this war, the Lord shall cast us aside.”

            The other nations listened. And each of the delegates thought long on the words they had been instructed to say. There were some among them who were fanatics and stood to say their philosophy in a fanatical way. Yet none could say what the first delegate had said, nor deny the truth within the same.

            We tell you, there shall be nations who turn from God, and have turned from God. They have turned their backs, their hearts, their souls. And there are nations who are reaching to God, some in a different way than your own.

            But you are a nation of many religions of many kinds. There shall [be][     ] brought forth unto this nation many crisises ahead. We have told you before, now is the time that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We have also told you that now is the time that a preparation is being made for the rule of the Anti-Christ. But we have also told you, for those who should not wear the mark of the Beast, they have nothing to fear. The great turmoils that shall take place upon the land shall be the final reckoning of peace upon the lands. Stand fast in your beliefs and you too shall hold the world in your hand, and heaven in a flower. For in darkness there is light. What has been covered shall be uncovered, and all truths shall be known.

            There shall come forth unto you, now more than ever, many false prophets who shall tell you, “Come this way and that.” We say unto you, God did not invent religions, man has done so. Believe in God and His commandments and the heaven and the thousand years of peace shall be yours. It is not a reward. It is not something God dangles before you. It is your just earnings.

      For as there are those who should make ready for the rules of the Anti-Christ, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah who shall rule upon your Earth for a thousand years -- but not as you count, but as the Lord counts. Cast aside the differences among you. Bring forth the love that can be your eternity, for you have it before you. and within your hands to start that thousand years any moment you wish, in the mere knowledge that all you must do is reach down and pick up the torch, the torch that shall burn in your heart and in your mind.

            Jesus of Nazara said unto you, “I have come not to change the Laws of Moses, nor the prophesies of Isaiah, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.”

      We say that the Son of God speaks the truth.

      You have many questions, ask.

      Yes, Aka. Reverend [13-432-1] asks for help and also for advice on their property.”

      We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. While there is time, remove that that is yours into a safe land that has been offered you. Use your court, which is called, bankruptcy laws, and the final knowledge that you need for the completion of this shall be in soul Ray’s mind. If you wish this, then take of these words which he has already spoke[n] unto you, and act upon them. Further information shall be given on this subject at a different time in a manner that shall be private unto you. If you wish, come forth and ask, because of the extreme delicacy and nature of this situation, that a private reading shall be given, that we may speak frankly. But the knowledge you need shall be placed forth in soul Ray’s mind. But decision cannot be indecision.

      You have other questions, ask.

      “Thank you, Aka. Soul Paul [2-30-3] asks, ‘What is the source of our vandalism problem and how can we bring it to an immediate halt?’”

            In the first part of this reading we spoke to you of the problem. There is [are] those who are fanatics. But as we said, “an eye for an eye,” and so it shall be, for as we have said before, nothing from either side shall interfere with the completion of this work. [But] those who should wish harm upon another, then harm shall be returned. If they cast a stone, ten shall be cast back. This does not mean that you have to pick up the stone, for we shall do that that is necessary, with the permission of the Lord.

      You have other questions, ask.

      “Thank you, Aka. [R_____ McK_____] asks, ‘Because of the water problem, should we plan to purchase elsewhere so we can grow food in the years ahead?’”

           We should say unto you, yes. A way shall be provided. But we should also say unto you that if these things are to be done, they must be done with discretion and forethought and planning. Again, the light shall be placed in soul Ray’s mind to complete your answer.

      You other questions, ask.

      Thank you, Aka. [9-372-3] says, ‘I know of a treasure near Wagon Mound -- gold bars, 48 pounds approximate, assay over 85 percent. Can I do this with a trover’s lease to rancher, and then can he turn to government for his 20-to-30 percent, tax free?’ He asks your advice.”

      (Sigh)We shall say unto you that there is no treasure [sayeth] the ground in the area you seek. If you wish to bring treasure forth, bring the people, that “My children shall have a place to rest,” and work, and come together in harmony.

      You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [12-426-1…Fairhope, Alabama] asks, ‘What changes, if any, should I make in invested securities? And also, the hour of my birth time?’”

            Yes, we see the hour of thy birth time; this being 8:22 a.m.

            And we shall also say unto you, the changes you seek in the securities we shall place forth in this manner. Certain banks in your country shall go broke, as you would call it, or become without funds. They may be swallowed by larger and still larger banks. Investment in the land cannot deteriorate. Investment, if you shall, in securities -- then into the solid of type banking, not of the home-loan type. What you invest in the land shall only become more fruitful, and your return shall become of a greater nature.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka. [13-431-2] asks, ‘I was born October 30, 1917, in Lansing, Michigan, but what was the hour of my birth?’ He is now living…in Albuquerque, New Mexico.”

      10:41 p.m.

      You have other questions, ask.

      Thank you, Aka. [13-437-3] asks, ‘Where is my special sitio?’”

      We see not of this.

      Now we should say unto you, our time grows short.

      And we should say unto you, your country shall go through many changes in a short period of time. Bind together, and all shall come through this time. Cast aside your grievances. Cast them out, as an unwanted spirit. Now is the time to begin to work together, more so than any other time.

            We shall answer one other question that is in the mind of [13-431-4], and we shall say unto you these words. Glory be the name of the Lord, and the Spirit of the Lord that dwells within your soul. And the goodness that you have shown, and the patience you have shown, for you have waited long for some small reward from the Lord, or even to be [spoke unto] Him.

            And we say unto you, the Lord says these words unto you -- He has seen. And we say unto you, pick up the book, A Rose without Thorns, and find and open unto the page of the Healing Well, and the same words shall apply to you.

            But the healing well shall be made, as we have suggested, in the springs, on the land you are living on. This healing springs must come into completion. You do not understand this now, but you shall.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


            [Editor’s note: The following year, in December 1982, a church to God was built in Dripping Springs Valley, Arizona, beneath the Dripping Springs on Dripping Springs Mountain. The springs were blessed as Aka and Ray awakened the spirit of the kiva, to bring healing from the water that drips from the mountain. After that, miraculous healings took place there and for people who took the blessed water and rubbed it upon them. Aka and Ray asked us all to maintain a pool beneath the springs, which Ray had built to contain the water.]


 [Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona