January 30, 1981

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the children; glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever.

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. He who should offend another, and should do so in the namesake of our Lord, shall never know the glory of the Lord, for he has committed the greatest of all sins. He who should break the Ten Commandments and accuse another falsely, in any way, there is but one way that he shall find the righteous way unto the Lord, and that is by going to the person he has accused, and telling them of the wrongness they have done unto him. For we should say, the wrath of the Lord is mighty. For in the twinkling of an eye all things can be changed.

You have seen despair. You have seen yourselves on the verge of bankruptcies. You have seen all of these financial things, physical and mental things, beginning to happen to you. We have told you for many years that the time would come, the time when those who would make ready for the Anti-Christ would try to destroy you. And we told you at that time, for all those who did not wear the mark of the Beast, that of the money changers would be hard upon you.

You have seen that time now before you. You are beginning to see in a way that we could show you no other. Earthquakes have shown you nothing. Tornados, hurricanes, plagues, all these things, as soon as they passed, you could not see beyond that. These you see, because they are happening all around you.

But the wrath of the Lord for those who cause this shall be mighty.

We shall say unto you, we have tried many times to prepare you for this time -- the storage of food, the storage of monetary means. We have also told you that we would give you your needs, but not your wants.

We have also told you to ask and you shall receive. And yet, you say unto us, “Why should all of these things happen?”

And we say unto you, this is but the beginning, for as it is written, “In the full time, for four and one-half years you shall not be allowed to barter outside of yourselves, nor buy nor trade.” And it is written so for those who should not wear the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation 13:16-18.]

So now is the time that the bartering system among yourselves, far and wide, should be established. Now is the time that you may think not only of yourselves, but of one another. Now is the time to wipe away all prejudice and thoughts of these kinds.

There are those who should try and assassinate your leaders. There are those who should try and destroy you, financially, morally, and spiritually.

Now we say unto you, let the demon within you be cast out; let it leave your bodies. Reach out into the fullness and the knowingness that there is but one God and one Messiah. God is the Father; the Messiah is the son. And as God sent him forth once before, so He shall, and is here on your planet now. It is not within our power to tell you the place and whereabouts that he dwells at this present time, but should you read the Rose without Thorns, you shall find the verse and the answer, therefore, within the same. You shall further find the answers to the trials and tribulations which you go forth through now.

We say unto you, if you should plant a quarter acre of vegetables, plant ten. Now is the time. Do so in harmony and in a just manner. For all these things shall be needed. Let the wheat come forth that it may be stored for making bread and feeding your animals. Let the oats and the barleys both come forth for feeding both.

Now is the time that all these things are coming into fulfillment.

There are those who have looked upon soul Ray as a fool in his obsession to plant and lay ways [to] [lay away] land that could be planted, and develop[ed], therefore, unto the same, but this could be the savior. Your time is running short. Therefore, the development of such places as this will not happen in many places. You will find other groups like yourselves who have picked up and listened. But you shall find many others who shall persecute you and throw stones upon you, and spit into your wounds. If you shall stand you must stand together. When you speak, speak with wisdom.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ray asks, ‘What was the motive, or motives, for the disturbance on the night of January 18th to 19th?’ He also asks, ‘Who was responsible, and how many parties were involved?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. In the number of people involved, five. The motive -- obsessed hatred, the same hatred that brought Adolph Hitler into power and saw millions upon millions die. The second part – alcohol, used in the wrong manner, and obsessed through one who was thought a friend. It shall be proven that that of a female species, of 5-foot-9, dark hair and white skin, did that of the writing upon this night. It shall be seen that that of a male, weighing approximately 180-to-190 pounds was involved. It shall also be found that the neighbor who sought revenge was involved and did bring about this.

Second, you shall find, with the use of alcohol and some drugs, hallucination did occur, not in before, after this one being shot. At this time the mind, grasping to reality and fear, did the rest. And unrealities became realities.

We shall also tell one in this room that when this one came back to reality, the love of this one was so afraid that you yourself were involved that a second shot was placed through a substance.

The reason? To drive all of these people from the land.

These things that we speak shall soon be proved, in polygraph, in writing analysis, and by other means, for as we have said before, for those who should strike in this land where the Lord holds His hand, for each that they strike ten times shall they be struck, and ten shall be of ten. And the children of God shall be held in His hand, for His hand coveths the valley and your hearts.

You shall also find that the problems in your life began with the entrance of this party into your lives.

Further information shall be given as it is needed. But the guilty shall not go unpunished. For that that they thought to strike down is that that we have said many times -- nothing from either side shall interfere with this work.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [12-428-1]. He asks for suggestions for distributing the Association publications.”

(Chuckle) We shall answer you in this manner. There are those who are in the business of distribution of books. Seek them out, and you shall find that they will be very happy to handle the books. You shall also find, should the Rose without Thorns be printed in the Spanish language, there shall be a great sale for it, and The Psychic Light also, and those other books, therefore, to come after them, and the booklets that you now are in print. Seek and we shall go with you and help you find.

You have other questions.

“[11-399-1] and [9-360-1] ask, ‘Can you give us information on how to clear up our financial difficulties? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see your need. We shall say unto you these words. Sell that that you do not need. Make a budget and stick with it. Go unto your debtors, and say unto them that you need time and you shall pay the interest, and they shall listen. But do not go out and make other debts. Take those things that you do not need and sell them, and this shall bring about catching up all of your back bills and bringing you into solid ground. For one, the ocean shall not rise to your doorstep; you will not need a boat.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [13-432-1] asks, ‘My questions is, how can I find peace of mind?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Peace of mind comes in many ways, spiritually, physically. You are alone and feel cast aside, yet all around you are those who love you and care. Yet you will not allow them to help you.

There are those who would use you at this time, and will try to use you. Beware of those. Know your friends and know your enemies.

But peace of mind shall be brought into you heart and your soul, for what you have long sought is a spiritual need. It cannot be bought nor sold; it must enter in the heart as a free gift. It is not a gift you can give another. It is like love -- when given it must be accepted in such a manner that it is cherished above and beyond all other things. But we say unto you, you are not alone; we walk with you. No one cast you out. Fear not, for a new time is just above you, and its beginning shall be a fullness of life that you have waited for. We cannot force upon you that that you ask for. Reach out your hands, your heart, your mind, the soul within you, and let it flow. And that that you ask for shall be given.

You feel part of that gift now entering you. You feel a peace you have not known entering you. All of these things have happened for a reason; do you not know this? If God had no use for you, He would not have brought you here. Had you not been before in the preparation, you would not be here now. For in another time, when that one known as John the Baptist came forth, and most thought him mad -- and he as a rabbi who shouted, “Make way,” -- you looked and you saw within him a brethren. You did follow him, clear to the beheading. And then you went unto Jesus of Nazara, and said, “Oh Lord, why have you allowed this to be so?”

And he said unto you, “Carry this weight for us, both him and I, for soon, I too must be about my Father’s business.”

These things were not known to you until now, for you had not asked.

The great spiritual need, the void which has been within you, may now be filled, and your cup shall runneth over. And many things shall come about. Be patient. Take no actions. Be patient.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [3-63-1] asks, ‘What is the cause of my dizziness and what should I do for it?’”

We shall say unto you, you have that of hardening of the arteries, but you also have that of arthrosclerosis, which should lead into other complications, and has led into other complications. We should suggest that you come unto soul Ray for counseling, that these problems may be taken care of. Healing you ask for, and healing shall be given.

Other questions.

“Aka I have a question from [13-432-2 and 13-432-3...Tucson, Arizona]. They ask, ‘What would be the name of the area of a safe valley by the sea that our family will be safe and self-sufficient and survive for the coming years to do the work of our Father?’”

You have seen it, walked in it, squabbled over it. The valley extends, not into one valley but many valleys, upward and downward, unto that that is known as Mammoth. There [it] shall be -- and pointing across in a straight line shall be the shoreline in the end days. There are other valleys, if you wish them, but the one that you wish by the sea lies in that area.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13-432-4... Texas]. ‘Is my purpose (1) teaching or healing?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. If a person teaches another person to avoid a bad stone in the road, they are a teacher. But we are always students as we teach. A healer can be of many types, a healer of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. The gifts of God are mentioned in your Bible. Take of these and know of them and the many sides and facets to them. But the direct healing that you seek, you shall heal yourself in your own soul, and in doing so, you will reach others.

You say unto us these words, “Why can I not become a master?” God does not stop you from becoming a master. All that is necessary has been placed there. But we tell you now -- that he who cleaned the stables where Jesus was born was as important in the greater picture as the wise men who came from the east.

Now we say unto you, our time grows short, for soul Ray now grows weary.

Now is the time to look into the healing wells, the healing springs. [Note: on Dripping Springs Mountain.] Now is the time to bring them about, for it shall be a place of baptism and a place of healing for many in a time when it shall be needed. As the Lady of Guadalupe appeared, so shall the lady in white appear -- in five days, on the exact spot where you shall build the healing well. [See note below.]

Look into the Rose without Thorns, and you shall know the answer of what we have said. For those with the small[est] faith shall see nothing, for only those who can see shall see, and only those who can hear shall hear. For we say, hark, now is the time when the journey we have sent you upon to see if you could gather the seed from the worst of fields is coming about.

We say unto you, before you speak, of a harsh tone unto another, stop and think, would you want this same spoken unto me? When you accuse another, are you sure that this person has done that which you are accusing them of? When you look upon a person with lust in your heart, is the lust from love, or is it from the darker sides of all things? When [you] look unto a person who has more than you, why would you envy them? Do you not know that if you are in need they will give it to you? But we say unto you, be prepared from this day forward, for by the toil of your sweat upon your brows shall come your rewards.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. There is two more angels. Pray not that the last walks. There is time now. There is time that your prayers may be answered. [See The Revelation, chapters 5-8.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s Note: In 1973, many people from all over the U.S. and Mexico began to come to Ray Elkins’s home for healing. One elderly man who had been blind for more than 30 years received a miraculous healing. As Ray prayed for his sight, Ray turned the man’s face toward the window to ask him what he could see. The man said in Spanish that he saw the light framed by the window. Then Ray prayed more and turned his face toward the unlit part of the room. “What do you see now?” Ray asked. “Madre de Dios!” the man exclaimed. He could see. And what he saw first was a spiritual figure sent from God, a “lady in white.” His vision was healed, but he had also been given a gift of sight of a greater kind.] 


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona