June 8, 1981

Phoenix, Arizona



“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we say unto thee, unto this parable. A small boy sits under a tree, and watched his father work. All day his father stood behind the oxen as the oxen pulled the plow. There were many times when the plow hit rocks and his father was thrown to and fro. And soon it became time for the midday meal. And the father came over under the tree, and the lad said, “Father, why did God place rocks in our field?”

            The father thought, and he said, “My son, as you grow up you shall find many obstacles which you shall come against. Some will be very good experiences. Some shall be bad. They are like the rocks in the field.”

            The lad looked back at his father, and he said, “Yes, father, but that does not answer my question. Why did God put rocks in our field and not in all the others?”

            The father thought. He had no answer.

            That night after his work, the father went to his teacher, the Rabbi, and said, “Rabbi, why did God place so many rocks in my field?”

            The Rabbi thought and thought, but could come up with no good answer. And he said unto the father and the child, “I shall take this up with the other teachers.”

            And so, when the time came when all those traveled into the land of Judea, into the city of Jerusalem, the Rabbi went before all the Rabbis and found them talking with a small lad no more than twelve. And he at first forgot his questions, and then suddenly he said, “If this one is a gifted one, then he shall have the answer.” He said, “Why did the Lord place so many rocks in this one’s field?”

            The young lad turned to him with kind and gentle eyes, and said unto him, “Have you ever known my Father to place any yoke too heavy for one to bear? In some fields there are more rocks that others, because this one has more obstacles to overcome than others. But the real truth of it is this, God did not place more rocks in the farmer’s field. The farmer chose the field with more rocks. Should he wish to have less rocks, let him sell his land and buy land with less rocks.”

            The Rabbi thought. “But where would he get the money, the extra money to buy such a field?”

            And the lad looked at him and said, “For whatever you shall ask in my Father’s name, so shall it be given.”

            After the festival was over, the Rabbi returned home, and there he met the man and the young boy. And he told them what he had been told by the young lad. The young lad looked for a long time, almost like he knew from the wisdom that he was receiving, and he said unto his father, “I should find this one. I, Andrew, shall find him and serve him, for he shall have many answers.”

            As time went by, both boys grew into maturity, and the time came when Andrew was serving the one known as John the Baptist, and Jesus came forth to be baptized. After the baptism, John turned to Andrew and said, “Go then, and follow him, for he shall give you the knowledge that you seek.”

            You shall ask us why we have told you this story. What does it have to do with you in this day and in this time? And we say unto you, each of you have chosen your own rocky fields. Each of you seeks the answer to come from someone else, when the real answer in already in your hearts and souls. Remember, no one else chose your field for you. You chose it for yourself. If you do not like it, it is written, “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” This does not mean a part of your body, this means a part, and part that of yourself or something around you, that you do not need in your life. If it has come into your awareness and bears you harm, remove it from you. If some says, “Keep it,”nay, do not keep it. It is not them who it bothers, but you. And remember, God wants His children to be happy and to laugh. You cannot laugh while your eye hurts.

            Now, you have many questions, ask.

            “[13-441-1] asks, ‘Should the group called “The Seven” stay together at this time?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. If there is but one person who stands in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, wherever they stand, so shall we. If all the things, or any part of the things that you do, you do in a Godly manner, reconcile your differences and bind together, bit bind together also. Understand that the time grows short and whether it is seven, or one, or one thousand, or one million, for those who should bind together, they shall not wear the Mark fo the Beast,

            You have other questions, ask.

            “[13-441-2}], ‘Is southern Missouri a good area for me to move to? If not, where? When can this be accomplished?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. For we have answered it in the first part of this reading. If the land of Missouri makes you happy, go there, dwell there, and build and ask for abundance, and it shall be given. There should be no other reason.

            You should have questions, ask.

            “[13-441-3], ‘When am I returning to California, and for what reason?’”

            You shall return before the month’s out. The reason shall be business, but you have another reason for returning which shall not spoke of in public.

            “Thank you, Aka. From [13-441-4], ‘What commitment have I made that I am not aware of at present?’”

            The only commitment you have made – for you have made many, and have promised much. We shall answer your question in this way. If you should go before the altar of God, and promise God that you shall do a certain thing, should He fulfill your prayer, then do so, but remember, God asks nothing for the fulfillment of the prayer. He does not want the blood of the lamb, or yours. You are His child. Whatever you ask in His name, so it shall be given. A commitment is that that you are obligated to do. It is a part of your honor, a word that you have spoken, something to complete. The greatest commitment that you have spoken is the commitment to yourself, the fulfillment of happiness, as you would say it, under God.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Thank you. [9-359-1], ‘I am considering pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. Is this the right field for me to go into? Also, do you have any advice for me concerning my present situation? Thank you.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and we shall answer your question in this manner, In another time, in the time when Atlantis fell, and all around was chaos, and when one by one the animals were gathered forth in the ark, you were a veterinarian as you would know it, then. It is not by slight chance that you choose your career. It is by slight chance you should choose the circumstances, but they are no more drastic that they were before, and you overcame them. And so shall the part of you which said, “I shall,” even during times of depression, shall take you onward and onward. There are parts about your own commitment as this time that shall alter and change. You know of these already. We say unto you, go unto the one of Ray Elkins, and ask in private. But as you know, he shall always be there in spirit.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, from [13-441-5]. ‘Wish to know if I will remain in Arizona. If not, when and where will I fo?’”

            For the present time you shall remain in Arizona. And where will you go when you leave here? Unto that which is called Texas. When? Within the next two year period. But you shall return again to make this your permanent home.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “She would like to know if she has a guide, and the guide’s name?”

            We shall answer your question in this fashion, for those who should ask of God for assistance, guides from both sides shall be sent. These of the earthly plane and those of the heavenly plane as you would know it. But when you ask for help of a certain type, then your guides shall also interchange. What good would a guide be to you if you wanted to dig a ditch, and the guide had never dug any ditch before? He could not help you in your pursuit for happiness. And this, is the job of your guides. This is why you do not have one, but many.

            What you speak of is what you call your guardian angel, or one who has chosen to look after you, and should call upon the other guides as needed and his name is John.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. From [13-441-6], ‘What is the state of my health? Will I get my house built?’”

            Yes, We see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. At first, we shall answer your question in this manner. You shall have your health restored, you have already taken the steps needed for this to come about.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you. From [13-441-7], ‘What is the state of my health, particularly the abdominal area?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. In that of this, the short intestine, there is a puffin out, a blistering out of the same. This is causing a disease of the colon. You have take certain steps for the correction of this at this time, and we say unto you, come therefore unto soul Ray and you shall find the answer for the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-441-S], ‘Am I in the career I should be in?’”

            Yes, we find this one and we would say this. As careers go, this suits you as good as any.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. From [13-441-p], ‘Will my husband,____, be staying at his present job, or should he start searching for something else?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. He should stay where he is at for the present time. There will be a change at a different time. He shall know in plenty of time, and he will receive other offers.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [13-430-6] asks, ‘What is the path I have chosen?’”

            We would say unto you, the path of God, for you have sought to seek enlightment. You have sought to seek the betterment of your soul, and the pathway you have used has been through your wife, your child, your family. Sometimes you think that your growth is small, and we say to you, how can a tree see itself grow? For if a man has goodness in his heart, then there is goodness in the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. And we shall say unto you, nothing is too small on this earth, or any other, that our Father should not know of it should it fall. Nothing happens upon your earth without His knowledge.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, from [13-441-10], ‘Should I sell my house and move from Springerville?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. Due to certain financial situations, it would be the wisest this to do at this time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. From [13-441-11], ‘I have a business deal pending/ How will it come out?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. Not quite as well as you would like, but better that you expect. This is not an evasive answer, but a truthful one, one I think you already know.

            You have other questions, ask.


            One moment. Yes – yes, we see this. You have sought the aid of _____. Her advice to you has been good.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Thank you. [13-441-12], I’m sorry, he doesn’t have a question written down here. From [13-442-13], ‘I bought stock in 1970 in Banco de las Americas. I would like to know what to do about it.’ She bought it in her two boys’ names.”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. It would be a good idea to sell and do therefore what you wish with the money.

            Now, we shall say unto all of you, our time grows short. For now soul Ray grows tired. But for one who asks, and has not been answered, we shall answer, for the question is dear to their heart. For the one you pray for, for life, life shall be given. God sees thy need, and God loves thee as thy love thy children. Fear not. You know to who we speak.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks thy earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers have need substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona