June 26, 1981

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we shall unto thee, for we shall say unto thee these words.

For there was the past, the present, and the future. For in the time of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, he brought unto him three disciples -- one, Judas Iscariot; the second, Peter, the fisherman; the third, John, or as you would know him in later times, John the Beloved. Now, we say unto you, each was to shape the Earth in a different way.

To most of you, you think of Judas as the most horrible person, or persons that could have lived. And we say unto you, nay. Misunderstood, would be the word. For Judas did bring about the prophecies of Jesus, and Peter, and John. And he did so in this manner. When Jesus said unto him, “Go, and do that which you must,” Jesus knew when he said to the others, “Destroy this temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days,” for he knew the time had come when this task would be given unto him. Judas went, therefore, and brought forth those of the Judean temple, and the Romans. And, therefore, they did arrest him. Before this happened he had asked his apostles to stay awake with him. He had gone into prayer. He had asked God to take this bitter cup from him, for he, as you, and all of us, knew life was a dear and beautiful thing unto him. He had lived it to its fullest, enjoyed each ounce of it, and each breath of it. He did not want it to end, yet he knew it must. Yet with the end would be the beginning. And therefore, far from being the worst of humans, Judas stood blessed, for he brought forth a task, which God, in His mighty plan for all things, to bring into completeness.

            Peter, when Jesus told him, “You shall deny me three times before the cock crows,” and he said, “Nay, master” -- and with all his teachings, and all that Jesus had taught unto him, when the soldiers came for Jesus, Peter drew a sword, and cut from one an ear. And Jesus stopped him, and healed the ear. And he said unto Peter, “Upon this rock I shall build [the] church.” And most thought it would be a mighty church, a great construction. Here once again, Peter, much as Judas, had misinterpreted Jesus’ words, for it was not a great building he desired, but only the temple within man’s heart.

            And then there was John, John who stood beneath the cross; John who felt the drops of blood strike upon his forehead; John who received a final baptism, and then stole away, still not knowing what to do.

            Judas was to take his own life. John and Peter, the present and the future, were to meet, and later to meet Jesus as he brought forth into a new form of flesh a complete resurrection. And at that time, both, Jesus said unto them, “This is the way. I have shown you that you too may rise, that you too can be born again, that you too may wash away your own sins with rebirth.”

            Peter went on from that day with a great burden upon his chest. He had denied the beloved Jesus. And when the final time came that they would crucify him, his only request was that he would be crucified upside down, for he carried a burden as strong, laden with guilt within himself, as Judas. Yet there was no burden. All things were as they should be.

            John was to give unto you the book of Revelations -- and that was to be your future. Yet, John, blaming himself, drove himself beyond all thought and endurance, and was to die.

Each of you, within yourself, contain Judas, and Peter, and John. Each of you wish to carry burdens that do not belong to you. Each of you would carry guilts, that does not belong to you. And each of you, [there’s] the past, the present and the future.

Yet, within all things Jesus taught was of the simplest of things, to love one another. He did not blame Judas for that which he would. He did not curse Judas. He did not make Judas to commit suicide. He did not lay burden of guilt upon him. He did not place guilt that Peter carried to his grave. Nor did he place into John that that would destroy him. All that he asked of these disciples was that they love one another, and that they should give unto God, thy Lord, a way for all men to understand one another.

The rock was the rock of the soul, the spirit; it was of the immortal body, that which would enter into the womb of the mother and should come forth into the form of both man and woman, and the choice to be made to enter this Earth of yours to build quite slowly better understanding among you.

            Most of you think that that of reincarnation, or rebirth, must be at death; you are wrong. Rebirth can come at any moment within one single lifetime, and become many times during one single lifetime. Yet it may come in the manner in which you seek. You may come back from the womb [of] the woman by your own free choice -- not necessarily because you had something to learn, but because you had something to give to your fellow man.

There are many of you here this night who have gifts that you may give to one another. They are not a material thing. They are the most beautiful of things, of all things -- this word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, the simple word of love.

            You store food out of fear, fear that you shall be found without food. This is not wrong, because within it you have also stored hope for a new future. You look around and all about you, and wonder which land shall not be laid [to] waste, which land to stand upon, which land shall be safe unto you. And you say unto yourself, “It is important that I go unto the safer land. It is important that I touch the prophet and touch his mind.” There’s nothing wrong with this.

There is nothing wrong with any of you. You cannot see your own growth because you are constantly measuring your growth by those around you. But we say unto you, neither can a tree see its growth. For much as it sees a tree on a high hilltop and thinks it has more growth, this is not so.

We say unto you that when Jesus spoke and said unto the woman who had given three pennies, “She has given more than all others,” because that’s what she had to give, God does not require great sacrifices unto Him -- nor does your Jesus, nor Buddha, nor Muhammad, nor Ishmael. No, none of these things are required. God wants His children to be happy, and when your hearts ring with laughter, so does God’s.

            We have given you food for thought, the thought that all of you here have goodness, and joy, and hope and faith within your hearts.

There are [thorns] and times bound into your lives that you are condemning yourself for. It only take you to forgive yourself. If you will do this, surely your Father has already forgiven you, for He loves you. And surely, if you can forgive yourself, so can your neighbor forgive you.

Cast aside these things that offend you. Do no carry a cloak of guilt, or jealousy, for they are not needed, for they are not the true measure of the love you have for God. The true measure of what you have for God is in your hearts -- in your brain, in that storage house of your own Akashic records, [where] all things you have been are stored. We say unto you, it is only important to know where you have been that it may assist you to know where you are going.

            Take these words into each of your hearts. If they fit and they may do you some good, then take them home with you. Understand them, and use them in your daily lives. For we do not have worldly riches to give you, we have only to give you the needs that are necessary to carry out this work.

If we had within us all the worldly goods, you already have them, for anything that you ask for in our Father’s name shall be given. Ask.

Be careful what you ask for, that you should [know] in full what the gift shall be. Judas, Judas of [incarnate] [Iscariot], asked that he might be the deliverer. It was given unto him. He thought that by forcing the hand of Jesus, by betraying him, that Jesus would rise up and be the king of Israel. It was not of this kingdom, of an earthly kingdom, that Jesus wished for. And when he realized this, the guilt within him could not live with it. Yet it lives on and on and on forever. Peter, when he denied him, could not live with this, and so it lives on and on forever. John, when he did nothing to save his master, and did not fulfill the last words that Jesus asked when he said unto John, “John, this is your mother; Mother, this is your son,” John did not fulfill that; he did not take Jesus’ mother into his house to care for her. And so, he carried his own guilt.

            We hope this time we have not spoken as riddles, that you may take all these things within you, this day, and cast them aside, and start anew. Look at your feet and see the flowers that God has given you. Look around you, and all the worldly possessions you want are there, and more than you need. Be as [the] light. Be as the beacon upon the hill, the psychic beacon, that of the soul that lights up the world. Let us go forth and prepare the way for his coming.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [9-360-1], and she asks, ‘In the reading of June 13, 1973, you referred to a soul who left his body due to a mental disease. Upon leaving the body, a lost soul possessed it. Is there any connection with this problem and the problem of my uncle? Is there anything we can do to help these people?’”

            Yes -- the person, and we shall explain. The mental disease which possesses a body is like a death. When the soul and the spirit can no longer function within the body, it leaves to join the immortal body. Therefore, it has no use for it. The spirit, who has lost his soul and his immortal body, which comes into this body, gains nothing, and can do no harm except those who would allow it, and would leave it by simply, if you ignored it. [Give prayer] into the Lord of thy intent. And know that nothing falls on this earth, leste the Lord should know of it.

And fear not. Do you think that the Lord should allow one of His children to wander lost without making an attempt to bring it home? We say unto you, nay. The Lord has gathered His flock, and your uncle among them.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-442-1] asks, ‘Due to the rising cost of travel and the far distance of some of the Association members, would you comment on having parallel services for renewal of vows, only, annually.’”

            We have said before, and we shall say again, if the vows mean anything to you, you shall come forth and receive them. And we shall say unto this one, if the Lord provides the bread and the wine, can not you provide yourself?

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13-442-2]. He says, ‘We now live in El Paso. I’ve had the feeling that we may be leaving El Paso sometime in 1981. If so, where? In what way can we be the most help in the future years?’”

            A way should be provided, and it is already in the making. What you think is lost is not lost. That which you ask in your Father’s name shall be given, and the way to do that which you wish shall be given also. Fear not. For you have asked in your Father’s name that you should not walk alone. And those that are needed from both sides have been provided unto you -- the place, the time, and that which you need to do with.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a questions from [13-442-3] asks, ‘Am I going to be involved with working with women in the future, or is this a fantasy dream?’”

            No. We shall answer your question in this manner. A way has already been provided, that the fulfillment of this should be made. There are other things that shall come forth. Look into the first and last of the parable that we gave you tonight, and you shall see the fullness of the answer.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. L____ M____ B_____...Albuquerque, New Mexico, asks, ‘Am I going to be involved in working with women in the future, or is this a fantasy dream?’”

            No. We shall answer your question in this manner. A way has already been provided, that the fulfillment of this should be made. There are other things that shall come forth. Look into the first and the last of the parable we gave you tonight, and you shall see the fullness of the answer.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13-442-4…Albuquerque, New Mexico]. ‘Will I do any literary writing or become involved in golf as a profession in this lifetime?’”

            Nay. But you shall do a great deal of writing where you are.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [12-412-3…El Paso, Texas]. ‘Will we recover the loot taken after my father’s death and how soon will we finish settling the estate?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. All things that were taken will never be returned. You shall settle the estate very soon, and that which has been removed shall be placed in front of you, that should you want to use it, it shall be made available.

We say unto you unto these words. There are greater things before you than you have ever dreamed, and tasks to be done.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13-442-5...Albuquerque, New Mexico]. ‘Should I continue in the work I am in now?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. Yes. But soon, there shall be new and different [challenges] be placed before you.

We shall answer your question in full. If God brought forth and handed into your keeping a sacred tablet, and He said unto you, “EACH DAY, TAKE THE TABLET FORTH AND SHOW IT TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WOULD WISH TO SEE IT; CLEAN IT AND KEEP IT SAFE,” and you would do so, this is like the job of the work you are doing right now. You are performing the work in a Godly manner, and therefore, the task and the task[s] brought forth, and the gift of God. But if also God said to you, “I SHALL GIVE ANOTHER GREATER TABLET,” would you throw the first tablet aside, or would you wait until God was ready to hand you the second? Think upon these words, for they have a great deal to do with your life at this time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “I have a question from [13-442-6...California], ‘Will I be successful in my new business?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. As a pendulum swings two ways, so may be the success of your business if you put that into it which it deserves. At the present time all is in readiness for this success that you ask[ed] for. As we have said before, that that you should ask in your Father’s name shall be given.

            Now we should say unto you, soul Ray grows very weary. Our time grows short.

And therefore, we say unto you, harken unto our words, for all around you new beginnings are taking place. All around you God is sprinkling His gifts before you.

We say unto you, give forth the blessings unto the Lord, thy God. But we also say unto you, take time from your daily lives to give prayer that the instrument, or the prophet which we have given unto you, should endure these times which lay ahead.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona