March 27, 1981



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

      Soul Ray stands with God.

      Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

In another time, when the Earth of yours before the continental shifts, as you would call them, began, there was huge cities and great civilizations, and much knowledge, even the knowledge to travel from planet to planet. And the Lord, God, sent those forth unto the Earth to make ready for the coming of the son, yet they did not hear Him.

And the earth began to change its form. And the Lord, as He did in the beginning, placed forth His hands, and as you would know it, those planets began to line up in exact sequence. And the earth’s crust began to shift, and tidal waves, earthquakes, volcanic action. It was as though the new earth was rising beneath the old to replace itself.

And when it ended, and time had passed, their knowledge was gone, and they became known to other planets as the man-animal or man-beast. And then it did come forth when the Sons of God did look upon these of the women and see them fair and leave their craft to marry and live upon the Earth. And from that time, so you have built another civilization.

In many of your minds are the questions of when. In the next two-year period your earth shall begin the worst of its shifts. These shifts and changes shall continue until the year of 1899 [1999]. If your societies are ready to preserve their knowledge, they shall survive with it. If they are not, they shall crawl out of their caves once again and become the man-animal, for they shall forget how they worked of steel and how they touched the other planets. Even the stories of the old shall be thought of as superstitions. For you see, yesterday is a superstition of today and a truth of tomorrow.

Many times we have told you that now is the time when the Anti-Christ, as you would know him, shall come into power. And those who are here to make a place for him are now going to do so, as we are here to make a place for the Messiah. This shall place greater burdens upon you, because those who shall stand fast, and because of the mark of the Beast which should identify you as one of their own.

For those who should not accept this mark, your ability to trade or barter shall become almost impossible unless at this time, now, you begin to build your links -- the link which should stretch across the land and the countries, the link that shall be strong enough to bind you to the Lord, God, yet bind you together. You may think you will survive by yourselves, and we tell you, no.

            You may take our words as lies or as of truths, but we say unto you these words of which we have said before: “Why should you believe us of heavenly things, and not the earthly things?” Why should you take our words of the spiritual growth, and not realize that we come to you to prepare the way, that you might not climb out from you caves, that in the midst of all of this change the Messiah shall come unto you, and the thousand years of peace you have asked for, waited for, is but at your finger tips in less than 20 years. Much of the things as you know of them now will change. But only if you build your trade links across the land, only if you bind together.

            You shall hear much of those who should come to you and ask you if you believe this or you believe that. These are the radicals who are doing nothing more than preparing the way for the Anti-Christ. No one needs to have you confess your beliefs. Your belief is within yourself, and if it is true God knows it. But remember these words, “Thy shall have no other god before Me,” so sayeth the Lord, God, and that is the first commandment He gave unto you. [See Deuteronomy 5:7.]

We can place in your mind the wonders of the Earth and the stars of the universe, in the twinkling of an eye, but we can do none of these things without your permission. We cannot lift a finger to save you unless you wish it yourself. And if you wish to only save yourself as a selfish gesture, we can still not help you. It must be a universal binding together.

There shall be some of you who say unto thee, “Come, go sit on the mountain with me and let us contemplate this.” If you contemplate long enough, the earth changes shall occur. The Anti-Christ shall have taken power. And quite possibly God will look on you as a sad soul, and accept you into that that you know as purgatory. There is that place, you know, between life and death, which [was] made for fools. They achieve nothing in their life, nor did they harm anyone in their life. They took the life and used it for nothing, and wasted it.

As you say, the son of Lucifer shall rule. When he is through with those that he rules, they shall become lost souls, as Lucifer shall become lost, for even Lucifer has no use for nothing.

      You say unto us, why do we speak to you in this manner? And we say unto you, is it not time? Have we not yet reached you? Have we not touched your hearts and your souls? Can we not plead, as Lot pleaded, for your souls?

We have never dictated to you, nor said, “These are the things you must do,” because the Lord, God, will not permit it. We have said these things unto you, “Nothing from either side shall interfere with this work” -- not those who prepare for Lucifer. They shall try. But remember this, the Anti-Christ shall be the son of Lucifer, and he shall have the strength of Lucifer, and Lucifer was a strong angel as you would know, but he was cast from the heavens by God and the Son of God.

If you come in truth, then lay aside your petty bickering, your petty aggrievances. Cast them aside. When Jesus came unto you before, he did say these words, “You think I have come to bring you peace on Earth; I have not, for I shall change and put daughter against mother and son against father.” And for those who believed in him, it did happen that way. But now is another time, and a new coveth [covenant] has been brought forth unto you. Accept it, of your own free will. And that that you wish, in the spiritual sense, shall be provided, and all things that are needed for this work shall be provided.

We have spoke to you of the healing well. We have spoke to you of a place to build for worship. Now we say unto you, blessed by the name of the Lord, our God. Blessed be the name of His children.

Now we say unto you these words. A good shepherd does not leave his flock in need. If you should leave your children, God’s children, to be devoured by the wolves, you are not a shepherd; step aside. Make your decision, once and for all, and either way we shall stand with you. [See note.]

A decision of this type is not a varying thing, something you decide to do one day, and decide to undo the next. A vow to God is a promise to God you have laid before Him. We have told you before, unless you expect God to not collect the bills that are owed unto Him, do not make them.

            How many times have you said, “Oh, Lord God, give me this, save me from the police, keep me from being arrested for the wrong I have done, and I shall be a righteous person.” How many times? Will you stop and count them? How many times have you found yourself with a loved one dying, and called upon the Lord and said, “Lord, save this one, and I shall do all to you.”

            God does not want your lives. God only wants you to love yourself and one another. But think of the debt that you have brought forth and made to occur. God forgives you all your debts. Cannot you forgive one another?

            Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy, except the last several paragraphs, which had been recorded over on the tape made available.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona  85502