May 1, 1981

 Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you unto these words. There was a time upon your Earth when the one known as John the Baptist came forth. And he was born of Elizabeth, and he was taught and schooled in that of the Essenes. When John came forth, there were those who would follow him, and those who would help prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

From the four corners of the Earth, yet they knew not what they waited for, in every land he would make his presence known. For in each land, they thought he had come only to them. Yet he knew this was not true. From Elizabeth’s womb he would walk and touch the people of the Earth, and [would] prepare them for the coming of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. To each person who met him saw him different, and some thought of him as Elijah, and some thought of him as other great prophets of the past. For John knew from where he had come, and he knew where he would go.

Now in the preparation, John chose disciples and taught them these things that he knew, and taught them to baptize. There were many of his followers who thought him to be the messiah, yet he was the first to tell them, nay. He was there but to prepare the way. For John had been in many lands before, in many lives, in many places.

And there had been happy times in the lives that he had lived, and sadness.

There was a time, in the Land of the Eagle, when John could fulfill all of his needs -- the needs of a man, the needs of a prophet, the needs of a scientist, as you would know [it], the needs of an engineer, for all the knowledge that he had brought forth.

And in this time, there was one who came from the land of Ur, for she and her husband and her children had raised flocks and the land that was theirs had been taken from them. And so they came into the land of the Eagle. And there they found great contentment and harmony. And they continued in their learning process of the spirit, the body, the soul.

Once again, they reappear, in the time between times, in the time of Elijah. Now Elijah, as a prophet, came forth as a man, and therefore, to prepare the way. Yet as a man he bore a daughter. Elijah, in his great fondness for roses, named his daughter, Rose. And he did see her wed. Now, as Elijah, the closeness of a daughter and father was a great bond, and he did promise her that in another time they would come together.

And so, in the time of that that you [have] known of the life of John the Baptist, this did come forth -- not as a daughter, but as a cousin, a cousin of both John, and a cousin of Jesus of Nazara. And when the time came forth that John was executed, confusion began in her mind, for she ran back to Jesus of Nazara, and she [could] not understand why he could allow this to happen.

And Jesus said unto her, “Can you not see that we are both about our Father’s work, and what is written cannot be changed. What was promised must be fulfilled.”

She could not fully understand then. She could not understand the persecution and the changes that were made around her. Nor could she understand when she followed Jesus, as John had told her, only to see him crucified.

After the crucifixion, she found herself in a time, and this time is known as Joan of Arc unto most of you. And she found herself as a peasant girl. And she found herself being talked to -- first, by John, who she would believe beyond all others, and then by Jesus, and then the Lord Himself did appear unto her. She ended her life being burnt at the stake -- not fantasy, but truth. And then and only then did she understand why these things before had come about.

And now we find her once again, in the land of the Eagle, afraid. For the husband who is hers now is the husband of before, who through his wisdom and kindness has brought great love. Yet, as the memories have stirred within her, a total confusion has set within, an un-understanding. And now, at the time when you are ready to break and shatter apart, we tell you, God is reaping His harvest. He has brought you here for [the] purpose. Stand firm, and learn. But He has not just brought you, He has brought your husband and your children, all for a reason.

Now John would tell you these words. You are made of better stuff than to break.

And now you know where you have been, and you will have some idea of where you are going. This is not a parable, but a truth.

But in a sense, it is a parable for all of you. For we have said unto you, all, look at your feet and see the flowers that have been placed there. Do not walk upon them; do not stomp and trample them into the ground. If you need to pick some pick them, for they will replace themselves so that others may appreciate them also. The flowers are the blessings of God that are placed around you every moment of the day.

Man and woman are like instruments, a musical instrument. When they are tuned properly, that of the music that comes from them is the music of the soul and the spirit, and all plays in tune. When it is out of tune, it puts off what you call, bad vibration, or confused vibration.

There are those upon your Earth who put forth bad vibration, for that is their wish. There are others who put forth confused vibration, for they know not where they have been or why there are here. And there are those who would put confusing vibrations only for confusion’s sake.

We say unto you, love one another, and the vibration about you shall be of total love’s. If you build your house from the foundation up with love and care, nothing can destroy it. And remember these words, “for not the smallest thing shall fall upon the earth without our Father’s permission and knowledge.” Yet He has given you free choice -- a very precious gift of life, death, and life again, all by your own choice.

            Can you not see? Can you not hear?

            Do you not know what love is?

            Can you not love one another? Can you not take the time from your lives to express this love?

Can you not take the time to know that God is love? He has loved you for so long; can not you return this love? Can you not swallow your self-pride? Are you so important that you cannot bow your head and say, thank you, to one another? For it is not the greatest deeds upon the Earth that count. For it is the story that Jesus told you of the widow who had but three cents, And he said unto you, “She has given more than all the rest, for she has given all she had with love.”

This word you use so often, yet when we mention it to you it disturbs you, for you feel that by showing love you will show weakness. And we say unto you, by showing love you shall have strength. By showing hope, you shall be rich. By having faith, you shall have everything. But without love you shall have nothing. And if you cannot show it, one unto another, you have lost your ways.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God.

You have questions, ask.

“I have a question from [13-437-1.] She called from Tucson this afternoon, and she says the doctors believe that she may have stones in her bile duct. They are giving her disodiumphosphate and choline tablets. She asks, ‘What is really wrong with me, and how may my health be improved?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And to the first question we shall answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and we find, therefore, not stones as such, but nothing more than plaque. These are not in the bile duct itself, but in the artery, therefore, that enters the same, and therefore, we have an inflamation of the blood vessel or the artery, as you would know it, swelling, and therefore, restricting the bile duct. There are different manners of taking care of this. The first, if you wish it, would be with [the] “normal surgery,” and a bypass or artificial blood vessels being placed in the place of the same. The second would be that that you [would] know as chelation therapy. The third would be as soul Ray would do it, with the use of the Alpearon, the Golden Seal, that of the Nia-C in correct proportions, much fluids, the use, therefore, of the sage tea in large quantities, and last, that you would know as Gerovital.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [13-437-2] asks, ‘Why am I having all this illness? Is this past-life? And how do I go about getting well?’”

We have just explained the why and the how. It has been said before, respect that and know of that of the way others believe, but respect that unto which you believe and know of, yet with the doorways open.

You live as a person who is afraid to pass through a doorway. You live with the Roman Catholic belief within you, and you feel a conflict of the knowledge that has come from soul Ray. You believe within yourself that you are violating your faith in your church by believing in what soul Ray is able to give you. This is not true. [For was it] not once has he told you to leave your faith. He has only added to that you already have. When you can accept these things and create a balance within yourself, a total healing shall come forth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question for the group. It is asked, ‘Is it advisable for us to withdraw the funds we have paid into [the] Social Security program and invest or put them into something more secure?’”

We shall answer your manner in this way. At the present time, the Social Security fund, as you would know it, is a good fund; it is a good way. And it was originally intended to serve a good purpose. Given time it will continue to serve this purpose. We say unto you with these realizations, the day there is no more Social Security there will be no more governments at all.

For the present time, do not make these changes, for if you do, it will be the first steps in the destruction of your own Government. You think at the present time that you shall not reap the benefits that you have paid into, that there are other ways and methods. What can you save that can be greater than what you already have? If you should place all you own in gold, if this Government of yours is no more, at that time gold will be no more and worth nothing. People tell you to run like rabbits. Your Government shall only be as good as those who work to make it good, starting with yourself. There is much change that is needed, but it can only come about when the people ask for it and demand it.

We have asked you to preserve and place away food, not because your Government shall be totally destroyed, but for only a half-time shall it be incapacitated. And then a half-time again. In the end of these times, your Government shall lead the world into a world government and a world Social Security. These times are a long ways ahead of you, but the fundamental things that built your Government shall not only help to build a world of peace, but a federation of planets far strung upon the galaxies and universes, where all men stand equal with freedom, and justice shall prevail.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. What is causing the illness and loss of our best breeding stock?”

Yes, we see your need. At the present time you are moving much earth around, but basically, that is not the cause. You think it is. There are certain viruses in the air at this time that were left over from the virus, the same virus that’s affected man, that you would know as a flu. This virus was a man-made virus -- we talked of this in the last reading -- created by two governments. There is vaccines that can be used. But there are other methods -- the same method you used on yourselves use on your animals. Soul Ray brought forth vitamin and minerals that could be used unto the animals. If you will use these, your animals will become healthy once again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13-437-3…], and he asks, ‘Please give me the date and time of my birth. Thank you.’”

The date that you have is correct. The time was 9:42 a.m., and the place is correct.

But you have other things that we would say unto you. And you say unto us, “Why have we come so late in our lives to the well of wisdom?” And we say unto you, age means nothing. The gift you have brought is a beautiful gift, and that is the soul of yourself and the soul of your wife. You have come as examples unto others. Fear not. For we say unto you unto these words, you shall see the Messiah.

You have other words, other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [13-437-4…Albuquerque, New Mexico] asks, ‘Is the time now to sell the land in Camp Verde or should I wait?’”

If it is your wish to sell then do so, for it is a good time to sell. Yes.

You have something else in your mind, of to buy, and a place to buy. It lies only at your feet. It is not something you would wish us to discuss in public, so therefore, we shall place it in a way and in your mind where only you will understand what we mean. And that is that that lies before you and shall appear like a rose at your feet shall mature and come into fulfillment. Remember, all that you ask for in the name of the Lord shall be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Thank you. [12-413-3] asks, ‘Will my brother recover from his mental illness, and where is he now?’”

We would say unto you, come unto soul Ray in private. This is not a question that should be answered in public.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray now grows weary, our time short.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.