May 22, 1981

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable. And we say unto thee, hark, for those who have ears to hear, let them hear. For those who have eyes to see, let them see. Yet let them all see with their mind, and they shall see the truth within our words. If they see it, they shall take it from this place, and place it into their daily lives, for this is the purpose of a parable.

There once were three workmen. Each toiled, each in his different way. One was a carpenter. The other worked the steel. The other was a farmer. All three of them confessed to all that they loved the Lord, God.

And they confessed unto each of the others how much they loved the Lord, God. And they confessed unto each other how much they loved the Lord, thy God.

One day the carpenter was alone. His helpers and all [of] the others had gone home. And yet, he was stubbornly going on with the building of a house. But as he proceeded, each thing in turn went wrong with his work. And he said, “Oh Lord, oh Lord, how long have I served Thee, and why must I struggle on in this manner?”

 And to his astonishment, the Lord answered him back, and said unto him, “If thy should work, and do thy work, and truly have joy in the finishing of the work, and have joy in each small task that you perform, whether it is the whole house, or but the foundation, or the walls, or the roof, or all the things that go in between, there is none any greater than the other. You stand before me and you say, you love Me, yet you curse My children. How then may you love Me and curse part of Me?” The Lord said no more.

The carpenter sat down upon the floor, and began to think. Why had the Lord degraded him; was he not the master builder, master carpenter? Then he thought further, of all the people who made the product [in] which he used. They were important too, and yet he had cursed them. He thought of the other carpenters that worked under him and each part they had played in building of the house, and how he had cursed them, and thought them unworthy. And finally, he thought of the young lad who followed behind him, picking up pieces of wood, toting the wood that he needed, and did all the menial work. And then he began to remember back as he had learned his own trade -- and he began to see in truth that he was not any more important today than he was when he carried and toted for the other master carpenters. And so he vowed, then, to go forth and spread the word.

So, when all the other people came back to work, he said unto them, “I shall apologize unto each of you separate, yet all together, for from this day forth I shall not just take the Sabbath day to make it holy, I shall take all the days of my life. And I shall take one other day of the week, and I shall travel to let these things I have learned -- yet they may not be mighty, yet they are the most important things of all.”

Never before had he let his people work five days a week. But as they began to work again, the house began to form in a magnificent manner. Each person did his job better than he had ever seen it done before. He was totally amazed that he had transferred love into the house. When the house was done, and the man who was to sell the house who had been coming each day to watch it built, he watched him as he began to deal with the people and people who came to the house, and who loved that house and took it for their own, and he began to realize the house was much like his own soul. If the house was well-loved, it projected out unto all who would see it. And if the people loved it, they maintained it, and kept it, as he should keep his soul, in constant repair.

And so, he began to take this one day, and he traveled forth, and he did meet first the farmer to speak with him. And he found that the farmer was much like he had been. He was cursing his farm equipment, his cattle, his horses, the ground into which he worked, and all things around him. He told the farmer of what God had said unto him.

And the farmer said, “Why should God come and speak to you?”

He said, “I know not, leste God wished that the house be whole.”

The farmer said unto him, “What do you mean, the house be whole.”

And he said unto the farmer, “That for all the people who worked there, for all the people who would see this house become a thing of love, and to the people who would live there.”

He left. The farmer went about his task[s], to curse this and to curse that.

And the Lord, God, spoke unto the farmer, and said, “CAN YOU NOT HEAR MY WORDS?”

The farmer, being much surprised, fell off the tractor he was on, and struck his head upon the ground, and it left him unconscious. And when he woke up he thought it was all a dream.

The next day he was about his work again. This time he was repairing his barn, and he was cursing the barn, and again God spoke unto him. And again he was so shocked he fell from the barn, striking his head once again, and once again waking up to think it was a dream.

The third day, he was working in the field, hoeing the plants by hand, and he was cursing the field, and cursing the rain, and cursing all things around him, when God spoke to him again.

The first thing the farmer could think of was, “My, Lord, God, shall I fall again?”

And the Lord, God, said unto him, “Each time you have fell because you did not want to hear Our words. You fell for the same reason that you are a poor farmer, because this is what you wish. yet you have spoken my name many times in vain, and yet you [profess] to love me, yet how can you love me and break My commandments?”

The farmer tried to speak back to God, but God spoke not unto him again.

 The farmer put down his hoe and began to walk about his farm. And suddenly, he saw it with new eyes. He heard the birds sing. He heard all the beautiful noises upon the earth, and he heard the earth itself in harmony. And soon, the farm began to produce, more than it ever had before. And much like the carpenter, he did the same. And he vowed also to do as the carpenter, to take this day and go forth and speak.

It was a strange, yet not strange coincidence, that the two should arrive to the third man.

And the third man had his bellows working, and he was working with steel. And he was cursing the steel he worked with, and he was cursing those who made the steel, and who made the bellows, and even his customers.

When the other two men walked in, they were first both very surprised to see each other, and both wanted to tell the other of the results they had had, when suddenly they realized the reason they were there. The third man stopped his work to listen because he felt that he must listen to the other two men because they were prospective customers.

They both told their stories. And they all got ready to go their separate ways -- the man, working the bellows, hammering, and literally making a mess of what he was doing, the other two, thinking they had totally failed in their effort to talk to him -- when the Lord, God, spoke down, and he said unto this man, “Do you not hear My messengers? Do you not love Me at all?”

This one, and the other two, were so astounded to hear the Lord’s voice again, and the other for the first time. The other in disbelief, fell into his bellows and caught his clothes afire. The other two put out the fire.

And God said unto him, “Must it take the wrath of hell and damnation and fire, which you have placed in your mind, to awaken you, to get your attention? Go forth and love My children, and love that which My children have given unto your keeping.”

They all three parted. The next day, with burned parts of the anatomy, which hurt when he sat down, the man went back to work. On this day he began to do, to make some ornamental work, and he was thinking of all that had happened before him. And each time, when he would try to deny it, he felt the pain coming from that part of the anatomy which he sat upon. And finally he thought, “If this is truly the Lord, God, why should He allow me to be burnt upon this part of my body? And why should He allow me to be in shame in front of these other two?” And he shouted forth unto the Lord and said “Lord, give me a sign!”

As he began to scream at the Lord he backed up once again into the bellows, and caught that part of the anatomy afire. And [since] there was no one around to put it out, he threw himself into the cooling trough, and there he sat, to contemplate what the Lord had said unto him. At first he thought, “The Lord has given me no sign.” Yet when he arose and he felt the pain, then he realized that the Lord had given him a sign.

And he had decided that he did not want that part of his anatomy burned any further, that he would heed the Lord’s word, and he would do as the two strangers had said. But even that he began to do grudgingly. And he continued to do this until the day he died.

Now we say unto you, why should two people learn, one easier than the other, and why would one, after the Lord spoke to him twice, why could he not hear?

Because that part of his mind he had closed. He only learned what he had thought he had learned. He thought he had learned that the Lord might smite him, when the Lord did nothing. It was his own foolishness that put his backside afire. It was his own foolishness which gave him his pain. And still yet farther, it was his own foolishness that he wasted his life, fearing that the Lord would come and smite him again.

On the second man, the Lord did not cause him to fall. He fell because sometimes it is to fall to the bottom of the pit before you must look up to see the Lord, God.

On the first one, he learned, also in a harsh manner, yet in a better manner than the other two.

Now who should the Lord love the most of these three? He should love all three. And He loves even the one who heard Him wrong.

Yet the Lord, God, as you, would wish that your children should not burn their anatomy or fall on their heads to learn the simple truth of things. This is one of the reasons we were sent here − that if you are to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, that you may not have to burn your anatomy, or fall upon your head, or all of these other things, for the Lord, God, does not want you to suffer. He does not ask for the blood and suffering of man, He loves man. He loves to hear you smile and laugh, for it gives Him great joy knowing that in your laughter is gladness, and hope, all the things that you wish for He is ready to give you, even your wants.

We have told you this parable, and some of you will hear, some of you will see it in your mind, and some of you will see it and hear it not at all. For it is nothing new we say this day, for we have said the same thing in other ways, many times before. We shall see who shall hear this time.

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [2-33-1] and [5-206-2], and it asks, ‘We would like to know what lives we have had together, and which lives, as such, have had the greatest bearing on our present one. Also, any advice which you might wish to give would be appreciated.’”

We see thy need, and we shall call you Mary and Philip, for in that life in is where you met before, yet you met before that. But in that lifetime, you fell in love, you walked with the Master, and in many ways it was much as it is today.

You both chose to write. And a lot of [good] things you had written was later taken up and written, and rewritten again, and has become parts of what you [would] know as the Bible. We know that it has changed its form from where you wrote it the first time, many times. That in itself is the way of men. But in the final part of all things, the truth usually comes forth.

And that unto which you were before you are now. If you should write at this time, and you will truly want what is so deep in your hearts to be, then we say unto you, write about the philosophy, this is true. But if you want that that which should become of a best-seller, write about the man in connection with the work he has done. But write about the real man. And if you wish, we shall give you a title at a different time. But first, write without the title, and you will find that it will become that which you wish, a best-seller.

Spend the time to do the research that is necessary, for the man himself will only give you pieces and parts at a different time. And sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction, and in this case, you already know it to be so. And though it will be sold as a fictional account to a certain degree, it will give you joy to know you know the truth.

For in your writings before, you wrote a lot of the one known as John, for you knew him before you knew the Master, one known as Jesus of Nazara. This has been part of your rebellion, Philip, for he sent you forth to serve with this one, and you could not understand that.                                                                           

We have answered and unlocked the key. If you hear our words, it shall give you the tools to do that which you desire. Yet in all things, we are bound by the same gifts that the Lord gave unto you, freedom of choice, that we may not interfere with this. You must make up your own minds. We have given you dreams, and we have given you sight. You must make the decision yourself.

 You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, we have had questions about the other four places to which you came in 1970. Who were the people you came to, and where were they?”

This has become a very important question in your minds.

One of those persons unto which we came and laid seed was then that that you know of as the Catholic Pope of today. This is why it was so necessary for those of the Anti-Christ to try and destroy this one. [See editor’s note below.]

Some of the seed in the other three places, for the betterment of a man, and for their safety at this time, so the seed in some places is beginning to take hold, we shall not speak of at this time.        

But we shall say this. It is by proof, that long ago we told you that two prophets would be laid to the ground, and yet risen by the Lord. And so it has happened. Let us pray that it is not necessary that the other three must suffer the same way. [See The Revelation, chapter 11.]

For we have told you before of the threat to soul Ray’s life. And though he worries not about these things, you will find that there was someone, and certain people, who went forth in his travels to try and assassinate him. Yet, in his own way, should you try and guard him too closely, he will become rebellious and refuse that part. Therefore, we have seen fit to place in the minds of some, who some of your society would not totally approve of, their love to see that nothing happens to this one.

We would also say unto you, do not become paranoid. Do not think that behind every bush lies the assassin. For if it should come now it shall come from the outside.

We say unto you, beware of this.

You say unto us, “Why must it always be so?” And we say unto you, there are those who would prepare the way for the Anti-Christ who are working even harder than you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Could you give is the time, in terms of month and year, of the beginning and the end of the four-and-a-half-year period of the mark of the Beast?” [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

As we have told you before, only the Lord, God, has that information. We do not have it. When that time is at near its completion the Lord, God, shall place it before you, as He has done many other things. But the time for that preparation is as deadly as the reign itself.

Continue the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. That is the most important thing. Even the full time, for those who refuse to wear the mark of the Beast, who devote themselves to the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, shall not have to worry.

This much we will say to you. Think of when the Beast reached his 13th birthday, and know he shall come into the fullness of himself on his 33rd birthday. But his power to rule over all of the  dominion shall occur four-and-a-half years before this time of his age. Therefore, it should not take but a small amount of mathematics to figure the time, the date, and the place.

You have other questions, ask.    

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [4-125-2]. She said, ‘Aka, when R_____ L_______, on May 31st, said, “There, the contact is broken,” did he or I lessen the spirit that was given by the Father as life, as one, in me? If it be the Father’s will and love for me, may I please again be given a gift of life. “May we be one, the Father in you,” His messengers, “and you in me, and I in you.”’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Once there was a life-giving well, [and] whoever drank from it became enlighted, and they became youthful. And their knowledge was great, and known among all men.

And the person who found the well one day decided to hide it. They looked for all kinds of hiding places, and so they decided to hide it in themselves, that others may not share it. And this is where they hid the life-giving well.

This is the same way you have done into yourself. God has taken nothing from you. You, and only you, may do this.  No one may take the light of God from you, but yourself. You have taken it into yourself and hid it. Reach into yourself and let it shine forth.

It is like the rose that was beautiful beyond all others, and a man grasped it in his hand, so that no one else could see it, to go into a hidden place to see it. And he was so afraid of seeing it, anyone else seeing it. He would not even turn the light on in his closet. So he could not see it himself. Bring this out into the light. Let it shine, and others shall see it along with you. And you shall know that the Lord, God, did not take from you this gift of light.

We say unto you, when you first came here, when soul Ray looked out upon you when you had your injury and your neck was broken and you were flying through the air, and he reached with his mind to gently put you on the ground, when he reached with his mind to place healing into your body, he did so with the permission of the Lord, God. And when you came to this place it was not by accident. You came here so that you might bring forth ─ and transcribe all of the readings that had laid dormant. All you must do is remember all those words that you typed and transferred into the written word. And remember the time when you did this, and the reasons that you did it. You did it because of the love of God.

If you allow that love to come forth now, inside of you and outside of you, everyone will see it; that is not important. It is only important that you see it and know it is so and true. Do you think the Lord, God, would bring you here to do His bidding and His work, which took long and tedious hours, which you did in love, that He would take this from you? We say, nay ─ not today, not tomorrow, not ever. You are the one who has hidden this treasure which lies within you. Bring it out of hiding.

And now we say unto all of you, yet we shall say unto one of you, the Lord sees your affliction. Had it not been for your affliction, you would not have taken the time out to show the love that was needed. You would not have sought this place in which you are now. You would not have found the knowledge within yourself to use the compassion you have used this day. So we say unto you, this small affliction of the body, has it not been worth this for the growth of your soul, your spirit and your immortal body?

You are wondering if we are speaking to you. That is the thought that has gone through your mind. So you might know it’s so, we will speak your thoughts. You are almost ready to jump with joy with the realization that you think it is true. Is not our words true?

The call which you made this day, you grew more than you have in a long time. It shall not stop now, but shall continue as a butterfly. You have been as a butterfly in the cocoon. You are coming out of the cocoon to spread your wings and be beautiful, before all men, and before your God.

Yea, and we say unto you and to all of you, who have ears to hear, and eyes to see, hear our words. Take them from this place this night. Put them to work for you, that your souls may grow. And through the [soul’s growth], so grows the spirit, and so grows the immortal body, the temple of God.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.]


       [ Note: In April 2005, the Holy See, Pope John Paul II, died of a natural death, although he had been shot May 13, 1981, in an assassination attempt. As the editor saw many videos of the Pope on TV, it was joyously amazing to recognize the same, very familiar look in the Pope’s eyes as was in Ray’s eyes -- that of Aka, the spiritual messengers of God, looking through them too. The editor knew Ray Elkins well, for 28 years in this spiritual work, and for 17 years of attending to see and hear the spiritual messengers of God speak through him. In this May 22, 1981, message, the spiritual messengers of God clarify what was so familiar, loved, and known to her in both of their eyes.

      Also, the editor knows not how this reading came up to be proofread in May 2005 after the Pope’s death, except that all things that God’s messengers speak come in God’s great wisdom and timing, as always is so in hearing their words – for spirit sent from God lives on in the word of spirit He sends, as in the beginning.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.