November 6, 1981

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we say unto you unto these words. The half times are now at an end. The full time is but the beginning.

            As pestilence ravages the land in the form of disease, so shall a great rumor now of war begin. But as we have said before, now is the time when the great Sword shall cut from both sides. Land masses shall be cut away.

From the Caribbean to the Alaskans the earth shall shake as it has never shook before. Soon the one which you have almost feared, the Bear [Russia], shall begin to retreat backwards into its own land, because that land shall be shaken and set apart.

You enter now into the [area] of earth changes. As they should come they shall come in bursts.

            But as most of you have been thinking, it shall not be as you have thought, for your mid-states, such as Nebraska, and the land bordering the Canadian and American lines, and those people who dwell within the same shall be the next step and shall be the places of devastation.

It shall come upon you almost as a gradual thing.

We do not tell you these things to make you sad. We tell you these things that you may prepare and make your plans at this time, in some cases to change the place where you dwell.

            From Mexico to the tip of South America shall be as into warfare. And the Mid-East shall be so unstable as though those who walk upon it are walking upon thin ice. And the slightest shake shall crumble it and send it into warfare. But not only into warfare shall it go, for in the same lands where the oil dwells earthquakes shall occur, and volcanic action.

            As the weather begins to grow cold upon the land, a new crisis, as you would call it, in the oil-delivering countries shall occur. And it shall affect your land in this manner − that of the prokane or propane gasoline shall be in abundance. The natural gases you shall also have; yet there shall be interruptions in those. You shall also find that the lines that you had before for the use of gasoline, that shall worsen.

            In this winter which sets before you, when it passes, you will think in your minds it could never be worse, yet there is those in the future that can be, that can be for those who cannot listen nor bend before the winds of change. For those who shall bend before the winds of change, many shall profit from others’ poverty.

            We tell you these things that you may prepare yourselves in such a way that you shall be ready. The great change is yet to come. It will not occur this winter.

            Now we should say unto you of three farmers.

            The first farmer took everything that happened upon the land he farmed as a sure sign from God that everything would be bad. The second farmer found that all the signs he saw were signs that of only the good could happen, and that God would grow abundance of fruit upon his land and his land only. The third farmer took the knowledge that God had given him those things that were necessary to provide for himself and his family. He took the good and the bad within his stride. He never wavered from his faith from God, knowing that God was with him always, and with his family. His children were not the best dressed. Nor was his land always the most productive, but it was the best worked, for upon it was the neatness and sureness of each task he took before him.

            Now a time of great drought hit the land.

            The first farmer, who was so sure that all the signs were bad, everything failed upon his land.

The second farmer, who was so sure that all the signs were good, everything failed upon his land. And they picked up all their belongings and they came forth unto the third farmer. And the third farmer did make room for them. But both the first farmer and the second farmer wanted to bring their arguments unto the third.

            And the third farmer stopped and listened to them. And then he said unto them into these words, “You have come unto this land that is mine, that God has laid before me for me to dwell in while I raise my family. The bad times have come, for we have good and we have bad. We take from the good, and we do the best we can with the bad.”

            The other two farmers said, “But how do you stand under such a burden?”

            And he said unto them, “When I go to bed at night I know in my heart that I have done all things before God that belongs to God. I have done all things before man that belongs to man. And I have done all things in my tasks, to the best of my ability, to provide for myself and my family. I simply at that point say, ‘God, I have done the best I can. And for those things I can not, I leave in Your hands.’ And then I sleep and awaken to a new world. And I find, in walking into this new world of a day, how much God has accomplished that night.”

            The other two looked at him, almost in wonderment, and puzzlement. But as they stayed upon his land, and then, as he took them back into their own land and helped them make it become fruitful, they began to learn his simple way, his straightforward way − that this man had no other gods before him.

            We say unto you, there shall be these changes. Be as the third farmer. Do not forget your laughter, your songs. Do not forget those things, as the bad times come upon you, that there are other good parts. For every bad thing there is a good, for it is the opposite side. If you shall look for it, in the worst desert you shall find water, and you shall find a way of harvesting a crop.

            You who have had so much, think of those who have had so little. In the simplicity of their lives was as much fulfillment as the richest man upon your land.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from R___ E____. ‘What can be done to improve my liver function?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. And we shall explain in this manner. And we shall try to do so that your physical problem shall be still a private thing.

            First we should say, that as we came unto you we promised not that we would repair your

whole body. You have done a good job in that which you have done so far. But first, you must take more time for that which is physical exercise. The second, as we have said before, that which is known as the dialysis machine, or a machine which you use to clean the blood. If these things are not available, the third; because of the thickness of the blood itself, [in] the removal of blood in 500 c.c. lots in the time only necessary to replace the volume, and then, testing of the liver function until it cleanses itself, this will work as well as the other. But as the removal of the blood and the inability to fight off germs because − then the use of that of gamma globulin to help build up the immune system would be necessary.

            You know your own condition. You know that rest is necessary as well as the exercise. But last, you know that the more pressure, emotional pressure placed upon you, the faster the disease will progress. Utilize the ranch in such a manner as your father has told you, “The outside of a horse is the best thing for the insides of a man.” You know this as well as any. Put that time forward.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [11-398-1…Quartzite, Arizona]. ‘When and if, is the rapture going to take place or be, the calling of the faithful to meet Jesus in the air?’”

            We see thy need. As we have said before, our Father has many mansions. And for that which you believe and wish, so it shall be; that day shall come forth upon your death. But we say unto you, the new heaven and the new earth shall be upon this earth. The judgment shall be your own. And the day shall be when enough souls that dwell upon the earth shall call upon it.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [5-206-2]. He asks, ‘In other readings you say you speak from our future. How far in our future do you speak? If you do speak from our future, are some of your future selves present?’”

            (Chuckle.) We see your future, and the future of this Earth, from the beginning to the ending. Your Earth as you know it shall not end for another ten billion years. That is as we have said before, that the three thousand years of peace could come upon the Earth, not as you count, but as our Father counts. Man has been on this Earth, in the man-animal form, since its creation. And that is how far in the past some of us has been. No, we are not Adam, as you would know it, but we were the atoms of the air.

            To look forward and to look backward is an easy thing, for all that has happened has left records of light and sound. It is like the star you see that has not existed for millions of years, yet you still see it. And someone somewhere upon another planet will see it for [an] infinity, for that that is shall always be. To look at your own future, look at your past − and it is your present − and it is the most probable path to your future. Yet, there are crossroads and divisions of crossroads that you may take. As we have said before, to know where you are going is to know where you have been.

That seems complicated. It only means to recognize where you have been. If it has been a good time, know that. If it has been a bad time, look into it and see why. Blame no one else, nor God, for this time. Know within your heart that you are the part; you are the pebble of the brook, that shall flow from the brook to the oceans. And wherever you go, change shall occur.

But you are not the same person you were yesterday, and do never try to be. Do not try to be what you were in another lifetime; be that which you are today, and what you shall be tomorrow. That is the important part, for man is all parts of everything he has ever been. And he is also all parts of everything he shall ever be.

            But do not be tomorrow before you have been today, for think of all the flowers you shall miss between.

If you want only tomorrow, you would not see the birth of your child. The things you have asked for have been given tenfold. And when you look into the eyes of your child, you shall know the future of tomorrow, for that is your immortality. You may never build a building that shall stand forever, and you may never swim the greatest ocean, but the greatest miracle of all is the seed man plants of himself back upon the Earth. It is the rebirth, the reentry, and the pathway to the many mansions of our Father.

            We have taken time to answer your question, because you deserve this time. You have earned it. For we have placed within your keeping, [and] that to be born, a very precious commodity. For it is not just your future, it is also ours. And so it shall be into all the children born across the Earth. Yet in this one a light shall be kindled. Do not try to put it out.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [10-387-3…Litchfield Park, Arizona]. And he asks, ‘I would like to have a health reading and advice on my investments.’”

            We have given you both.

            We say unto you, our time now grows short, and soul Ray now tires.

            nd Sstments.'"st miracle of a11Now is the time of the Cherubim. Blessed be the name of the Father, the Son, and the children of God, for [they] shall come as one unto all of you.

And blessed be this day, for around and about you is the rapture of the angels. All you must do is open your hearts and let them enter, and great joy shall be there. And laughter shall ring the Earth with the one song and the one note that can take all parts of the worst of things and make them right.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona  85502