November 13, 1981

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.    

            “Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we should say unto you, in this parable and in this way.

            For once there was a land. In the land there came many people who sought the knowledge, from many continents, the knowledge of God, thy Creator. And therefore, all languages were spoken within the land. But soon, one common language became binding. And therefore, each could speak to the other with the universal language of love.

            But days did pass. And time did pass. And soon, instead of seeking they came not to find, but to bring there forth their own way of worship, to say this was the only way of worship. And soon, there was many of the inhabitants therein into warfare.

            The original inhabitants of the land looked upon this. And they built great arks. And when the others asked them why they were leaving, they said unto them, “You came unto our land in the search of truth and knowledge, and we gave you love. Now, in return, you bring us warfare and killing. And therefore, we shall leave the land and find another land, for we shall not engage in your warfare.”

            But each of the elements in return sought their approval, and sought to stop them from leaving the land, for with their approval they felt that their belief would be over all other beliefs. When they found that the people only wanted to leave, they began, first, by trying to bribe the people. Some of them could be bribed, but most could not.

Then they sought, by sending people who were supposed to believe in the universal love of mankind among them, to divide them. And this did work only to a certain degree.

When they found that this would not work, they sought to kill these people, for they thought, “If they leave here, then the rest of the world [will] look down upon us. Yet if the rest of the world knows we have killed them, they will look down upon us.” Yet, each of them did not want the world to say, “Look at those people, what they have done.” So they shunned from the killing.

            They sought to destroy their ships, [and] their means of leaving. But then, finally one day, three ships left. They circled the island once. They circled the island twice, out of sight of the landfall. And soon they saw many ships leaving, and many crafts leaving by air.

Most of the people could not understand why they only waited out of sight of landfall. Their leaders told them, “Now that we are gone, they have nothing to fight about. They have no one to convince that they are right, so they will leave our land.”

            On the third day the ships came back into harbor, of their own land, and everyone marveled at what they saw. And some of them said, “Is this the new land that we have been promised? Is this the new heaven, the new earth which the Lord, thy God, has said is ours?” All saw all the land through new eyes, yet it was the same land they had just left.

And they went back to practicing the freedom of belief, one unto the other, and their belief in the Lord, God, and that each man could worship Him as he saw fit, and that within each person was the temple of God.

            They looked at the great temples that the others had left, and they thought to themselves, “What shall we do with them, for our belief does not allow us to destroy a place of worship?” And so, they enshrined each one of these places. They were maintained and kept in good repair. No one was allowed to desecrate these temples, and no one wanted to.

            The words we have spoken may seem to you as we have spoken as in riddles. But any moment that you wish, your new heaven, your new earth may begin by practicing what you preach, the universal love unto all mankind − to believe there are many mansions, for our Father cares not so much the way you believe; He only cares that you do believe. If you wish to worship in a certain manner and believe in a certain manner, then that mansion lays before you. Do so in such a way that you do not forget that your neighbor, your wives, your husbands, your children, all have the right, the freedom that God gave man of free will, to worship in their own manner. Do not cast your child aside because they believe a new belief, as you would think of it. Be glad for them. And in truth you shall all sit down at our Father’s table in the greatest supper of all.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. We have a life reading for [7-304-8].”

            We shall explain at this time. Because soul Ray’s body and mind is tired, there should be no life readings given tonight. Bring forth the other parts of the questions which pertain to other things.

            “Okay, Aka. [2-30-2] asks, ‘How many earth years is a year as God counts?’”

            (Chuckle) Ten million − plus seven. In other words, one earth year as God counts would be equivalent to 70 million years.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. We have a question from [13-449-1…New Mexico]. She asks, ‘What ways do I need to change since I am now a widow?’”

            We see thy need. We shall answer your question in this manner. There is no change that is needed. The only difference is you walk the pathway of life not with the mate that you chose. There were some things that your mate said and did which you did not fully believe. It is not necessary that you continue this. Be yourself. And in being yourself, others will see it, as God will see it.

            There shall be some who look upon you and say, “This cannot be right, for she is the widow of so-and-so.” What difference does this make? Live your life in such a manner that it is joyful to you, for God meant that man and woman be joyful.

            And if within the joy you should meet someone to share that joy with, then that is good. But it is your choice − your choice − your freedom of will. Be yourself and others shall love you for it. And God shall love you for it. And even your deceased husband shall love you for it, for he knew you as you were, and as you are. Think back when you first met. It was only through time that you molded yourself into his image. The good nor bad of this we shall not go into. But if it served a purpose, and that time has passed, now is a new time, a new beginning. If you care to plant flowers plant them where you wish. If you care to join hands in spiritual knowledge with others do so. But bring joy into your life.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-449-2…Phoenix, Arizona] asks, ‘I have received a patent on my invention in 1974, and since that time I have not been able to do anything on it as far as getting it into production with a large company. Do you have any positive suggestions? Will I ever realize my success from it, and when? Please.’”

            First, we shall answer your question in this manner. The last of the name is not pronounced ___. The last part of this name would be pronounced as in ___.

            But we shall answer your question. You have had several manufacturing companies who have sought you out and then gone out and duplicated your product. At this time, the patent you have has already been infringed upon by two of these companies. Yet there is a Canadian company at this time which shall not only show interest, but shall purchase, and take such action as necessary.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, he has one other question. He asks, ‘What can be done to help the negative situation that seems to be increasing between my daughter-in-law and her mother towards my wife especially. Our son seems to be caught in the middle and we want to set things right. Should we ignore the problems, or

talk it over with our son?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. Sometimes a squeaky door needs oil. [To] find this in your door and oil it without words, without conversation, you shall find that when the squeak is gone, the problem[s] shall disappear. And it shall not take, as you would know it, verbal communication upon your part.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-449-3…Tucson, Arizona] asks, ‘Will my healing abilities to others become stronger?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner − within time. We shall also answer your question, if you care to learn, seek out a master of the earth plane. But when you do, be willing to sacrifice those things that are necessary, that learning can come about, for there are certain earthly things that at this time you care to cling to. To understand this gift that you ask for in fully, also ask yourself, are you willing to make the sacrifice? When you can answer, yes, to all these things, then go and find this master, and ask permission to study under him.

            You have other questions, ask.   

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-441-10] asks, ‘Shall I sell my house and shop, and move from Springerville?’”

            This question has already an answer, and it has already been shown unto you.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-449-4…El Paso, Texas] asks − he would like a physical exam and requests a health program pertaining to diet and exercise.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we answer in this manner. All these things have already been given unto you. We shall give you one other question in this manner. Feed your soul. For it is only when the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body bind as one should things that you seek be complete.

            You wish to give a gift, and we ask you this questions. If you should give a gift wishing nothing in return and asking nothing in return, then it is truly a gift that you have given. When you have not given it in this manner, then it is not a gift you have given, but a barter. Therefore, do not lie to yourself. Look at it as it is, and know it for what it is. And accept it or change it, whichever is your desire. When this happens, the true question that you ask us will be answered in full, for then, and only then, shall the happiness which you seek become fulfilled.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-449-5…Donna Ana, New Mexico] asks, ‘why myself and immediate family, my husband, two sons and daughter, have kidney stones?’”

            Because of the water you drink − second, because of your diet; third, because of the lack of intake into your systems of the necessary vitamins which would restore the blood vessels, destroy the plaque that forms the kidney stones, and let it be released from your system, the dilation of the blood vessels in the right amounts. If you wish these things, you know where this help can be given. This is all on this subject.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-446-1…Payson, Arizona] asks, ‘What career or life’s work is in God’s will for me? What should I pursue?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. Become that which you least wish at this time, [be] an accountant. But before you do this you shall become a nurse.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [11-409-1] asks, ‘Aka, will I get my GS-5, and will I get loose and buy the old house and be happy?’”

            Part of the things that you asked for have already happened. The happiness must come from within, as you already know. We have said before, ask in thy Father’s name and those things that are needed shall be given. But when you ask, make certain that those things you wish for and ask for are what you want.

            Speak unto your Father as you would unto yourself. Therefore, if you do so, God shall hear, and listen, and act. If you stand and repeat what someone else has told you, which means nothing to you, how can you expect it to mean anything to God? Talk is a very cheap commodity. Acting is a very rich commodity. Take the action that is needed, so that that you wish for shall be yours.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-499-6…El Paso, Texas] asks, ‘What specific guilt complex am I holding to prevent myself from completion?’”

            (Chuckle.) The thought that you hold a guilt complex − that is all, just the thought. Release the thought, and the other thing shall leave you. The beginning and ending of a karma may happen within the second, or within the blinking of an eye. What do you have to be guilty for? Do you not know that our Father has seen all things?

Our Father has not judged you. Why should you judge yourself in this manner? Are you ashamed of the temple that our Father has given you? There is no other vehicle like it in the whole universes or galaxies. It is a good vehicle. Quit using yourself as a whipping boy. Stand up, and know that you are the creation of God, Almighty. And with your uniqueness comes the unique gifts that lie within you. Put them to work and forget this guilt.  

            Now we shall say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your land. Prepare your land for a cold winter. Prepare all the lands of the earth, which shall be shrouded in coldness. The storm that shall come shall be very severe. Therefore, build shelter for your animals and yourselves. Increase the insulation values, that your homes might be heated more cheaply.

            We say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

            We listed places where the new earthquakes would occur.

Now we shall say unto those who come from the land of Houston, through your prayers, your many prayers, and through the gifts and goodness that you have given unto mankind, the Lord has heard your prayers. There shall be a wall built that your land shall be safe. But as this half time finishes, you shall be an island cut away from men, yet not, for there are many means of transportation from one island to another. You have fears that your land shall be no more, yet the hand of God shall lie upon it. And the land that you hold sacred shall stay and rise above the water.

You do not understand that which we speak of at this time. You shall at a different time. Since you have arrived, many thoughts have come into your mind, yet you have been afraid to express these thoughts unto soul Ray. We see thy needs. We also see why you seek him, and we say unto you, come unto him. Explain yourselves, and you shall find that a just answer shall be given unto you.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.