November 20, 1981

Globe, Arizona



 Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. 

And we say unto thee this parable. 

            For once there were seven cities. And they were very rich cities. But each looked upon the other in lust for that that the other had. And they did make war upon each other, and did bring damnation and destruction upon their lands and their fields. They destroyed each other’s temples and places of worship and defiled them.

            But in each of the cities there survived small groups of people who did not believe in what the others were doing. And therefore, they left, each upon their own path, to find a new place and a new beginning, that they may worship the God of One as they wished. 

            Now in each of these places they had all waited for the coming of the Messiah. What they did not know is as they had left upon their different paths they would all meet at one place.

            Now these people, even though they worshiped the God of One, and even though they had all awaited the coming of the Messiah, and hoped that in their cities they would prepare the way for his coming, when they met in this one place, at first they were very suspicious of each other. Each built his temple in his own way.

And they chose the elder from each of them to go in council. 

            So the seven sat together. And they were of many colors, for they were of many races. And the seven said, one unto the other, “Let us vote that we shall bring and have a council and we shall appoint one among us to stand as the chairman of this council.” They voted many times. Always the vote was split.

            They stayed upon the ground for seven days and became quite weary, when from down the road came forth a stranger walking alone. He wore a plain white robe, and beside him was a small burro that he led. The burden that the burro carried was very light. He stopped in front of them, went to the burro, and removed seven candelabras. He placed one before each, and lit them.

            The seven looked one unto the other.

He brought bread and gave one unto each. And he brought wine and gave one unto each. And each of them, one at a time, said, “Are you he that we wait for?”

            And he looked upon them but to smile. He poured their wine, and took bread and wine for himself, and sat down. And he said unto them, “Let us take bread and wine, that we shall know the Father and His wishes.”

They did so.

            And he said unto them, “Nay, I am not he who you wait for, yet I am, for I have come to prepare the way for the one you seek. And when I have finished here, I shall go elsewhere.” He talked to them of both heaven and earth, and then told each of them unto a valley that they may dwell.

            And they said unto him, “Then you shall be the head of the council.”

            And he looked upon them and said, “I have come not to be great in the eyes of men, I have come unto you [but] to give you this gift. If you choose it, pick up the candelabra, and each go your own way, and in one year we shall return here, all of us.”

            The seven departed back into their people to tell them what they had been told. And all the people picked up their belongings and went their way into the very special place that they were to be sent.

During the year that followed, whatever they planted grew in abundance. The weather was fine, for there was an abundance of grain and clean, pure water, not contaminated.

And when they returned in one year, each of them brought a share of their crops and their flocks, and they brought all of their people. And when they returned, again there was the stranger coming down the road with his small burro. Each of them set their candelabras in place.

He went about and lit them all; [he] gave them bread, he gave them wine. And he said unto them, “How have you fared?”                                                     

            All were most happy. They said, “Our flocks have multiplied and our people have multiplied. We have almost the same amount of people that live now that lived in the seven cities.”                                     

            And he said, “Are you rich?”

            And they said back unto him, “We have been provided the things that are necessary for our lives. But we are rich in belief, that we are preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah.”                        

            And he said unto them, “Then go there, all back into your valleys, and we shall meet again in another year. In this next year, mingle around about and trade among yourselves.”                                             

            Without hesitation they rose, went back unto their people to tell them what they had heard.

            The people returned. Trade routes were established. And all who prospered in different goods, and food and ironware, and the different things that they had known from the great cities, soon becoming very rich. 

            But within the year they returned. And they sat down, and they placed their candelabras before them. Again up the road came the stranger. He lit their candelabras; he gave them bread and wine. And they took of this. 

            And he said unto them, “Are you rich?”

            And they said unto him, “We have many things, and the faith among the people have not wavered. But the thing that we have not is the Messiah.”

            And he said unto them, “If the Messiah is given unto you, will you give up all the riches that you now have?”

            They looked unto him, and they said unto him, “Our answers would only be our own. Let us go back unto the people and ask.”

            And he said, “Do not hasten, [for] come again upon the third year.”

            They went back, and they prospered way beyond their wildest dreams, for now they traveled back to begin by air, by ship, and by machine across the lands. And great cities were being built, and new valleys were being established.

            And they returned upon this third year. They set their candelabras before them.

And the stranger came up again. And he asked them, after giving them bread and wine and lighting their candelabras, the same question. 

            And all in unisis said, “Yes, we shall go back unto the poorest of our poor if you allow the Messiah to come unto us.”

            And he smiled upon them, and he looked upon them and thanked them. And he said, “Now you have done my job well for me.”

            And he started to rise, and they said, “But take our wealth.”

            And he said unto them, “It is the offering that you have brought, that is the love for your God, that now the Lord, God, is truly sure of your intent. And the Lord, God, does not wish the blood of the lamb, nor all your material things. But now, He has sent to you His son, the Messiah you have waited for.”

            And they all looked unto the heavens, for it had brightened and brightened. And from the heavens came a multitude, and they joined them. 

            And when they looked back, the stranger and the small donkey was gone. But in [his] place there stood another − and they knew that this was the Messiah that they had waited for.

            And they brought all things before him. 

            And he gave unto them the blessings of the Lord, the blessings that they had truly kept holy, within themselves, and 3,000 years, not as you count, but as the Lord counts, did flourish upon the earth, and the Lord, God, therefore, laid his head.

            What we have told you is a parable, a story of a time in the future.

Yet into each of your lives there is part of this now. Study these words, and make the decision for yourselves. For you have been given the candelabras, the bread and the wine, and you have been given the instrument unto which to prepare the way.

The future shall lie within the story we have told you.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, in a recent reading you said not one of us had ever asked − we’d asked all kinds of questions, but not one had ever asked how to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. Could you tell us how to prepare for the coming of the Messiah?”

            We have just answered that question.

            “Thank you, Aka.”

            For no matter where you stand, on this earth on any other, now is the time to build together, put your hopes and your dreams together. For there shall be many who come from different places that shall wish the bread and the wine. Share all things in a like manner. Keep the Commandments as they were originally written, not as you have interpreted them, and not as you have chosen to turn them and twist them to suit your needs.

            There were not just ten commandments, there were eleven. Send out among your people and find these. When you are not sure, ask, and we shall answer, but only after you have put the effort into the seeking of the knowledge. When that is complete the full answer to the question shall be known unto you.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [7-304-8], and she asks, “This entity wishes to ask for guidance at this point and any information that will be beneficial for the future, related to past lives.’”

            We shall say unto you, we have watched you run in many directions, for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. You have tried your utmost to destroy this, for no one else may harm you but yourself. You have tried to destroy all things that we have given you and all things that you brought forth from other lifetimes. The only help that you need is the help that you already know in your heart and your soul. Place yourself, your heart, your soul, your body, as the temple of God; open the door that He may enter.

            You have acted at times after time to destroy this temple, yet you have not succeeded. But if that is your fullest wish it shall be given. But knowing that you seek within you the spirit of God, which already dwells there, let it blossom forth. All the tools you need are inside of you. All the knowledge you need lies before you. Ask and you shall receive. Give unto the Lord one-tenth of the love which He has given you; give unto your fellow man the same amount, and give unto yourself the love the Lord wishes for you, and in all ways you shall be serving God.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [11-450-1...El Paso, Texas], she asks, ‘What specific fear keeps me from achieving my goal of recalling childhood memories?’”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immoral body. [And] therefore, we shall say unto you, your fear of recalling childhood memories is that of a delicate nature, one into which you were basically raped. The person [who] raped you, you know of this, and your love for the person who did this. To block this out, you have blocked out all the good and wonderful things of your childhood. You have forgiven this person in your heart, but not in your mind. Forgive them, and the memories shall return, but first forgive yourself.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, thank you. [11-450-2…El Paso, Texas] asks a question, ‘What specific guilt am I using to block myself from regaining custody of my son, V_____ A___ R____, age 4?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit there of the same. There is no guilt. There is fear within yourself that you might not do the best job of raising this child to its full potential. When that is removed, then the things you desire shall come into fulfillment. 

            Remember, the beginning and the ending of a karma can happen within the very moment that you realize that there is no problem, no karma at all. But if you continue to use yourself in the manner of continued persecution of yourself, it shall destroy you. Be transformed − turn around, and you shall know of yourself, and like yourself, and respect yourself. But be not [in] such a hurry to cast things out that you cast the better part of yourself away, for you are that that you are.

            Remember the story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, when they brought her before him? And they said unto him, “Rabbi, you know the law. This person is to be stoned.”

            He reached down and picked up a stone and said, “Let he who has no guilt in his heart cast the first stone. Let he who has not sought, or thought or lusted in his mind cast the first stone.” They all turned and departed. He threw the stone away.

            And she said, “But Master, strike me, for surely you have not sinned against your Father.”

            Jesus smiled and laughed, and said, “Little but do you know. We are none so perfect as our Father. Rise, my daughter, and live.”

And she did.

            Now we say unto you, soul Ray now grows weary. 

            Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We do not expect you to run out and stop all the wars upon your lands, nor change all the people upon your land. The only change that need be made is within yourselves.

            Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever. In that quiet place within your mind, beside the cool waters, where the candle is always lit, let it open up. Let it come forward, that the pools may mingle and the candles shall come together, and bring more light into the world.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.