October 2, 1981



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

      Soul Ray stands with God.

      Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

      And we say unto thee, take these words that we give you. Take them in such a way, as they are given, as a gift. Take them and use that part; [put] that that you need, and pass them on to another. Take not from them, nor add to, except to explain in such a manner that another may understand. We have come to you, not to take from you of anything; we have come with a gift. And the gift is a Messiah, the fulfillment of God’s promise unto His children of all races, of all colors, of all religions. We have come to prepare the way.

      Many shall reject this. Many shall say unto you, “Why should I contribute my time or my thought in the preparation of the one who is to come who promises me no monetary gain?” Of those who would say, we shall see to your needs, but not always your wants.

      Of others who will say, “Look, and you shall see, for this is the way,” nay, we have not said that. We have said unto you, this is one of the ways. And we have also said unto you, if a man should come unto you with knowledge and wisdom, and it be good, take of it.”

            We shall tell you this story, of a land called Sodom and Gomorrah. [See Genesis 18:16-33, 19:1-29.]

            Now this land, and these two cities, were high trade cities. They did an abundance of business of trading everything that man could want or think of. And across from the desert came a man called Lot, and he was a leader of his people. And he was the brother of Abraham. Now Lot, as Abraham, knew of the ways of this city, and yet he went into the city and made his home there. And he became there a merchant, and a trader of many things. And he became very wealthy. Yet he tried to keep before his family all the things that the Lord had given unto him, all the things that were good and holy.

      Now three angels from heaven were sent unto Abraham. And they said unto Abraham, “These cities are wicked and corrupt before the Lord. And they have taken the people of the Lord to corrupt them. It is like a bad seed within a fruit. If it should be allowed to continue, it shall con­taminate all the lands. Therefore, it must be removed.

      And Abraham did bargain with the angels of the Lord until he reached the bargain if he could find three just men in these cities, the cities would be spared. For, in this way, not all the seed would be rotten.

And he did go unto Abraham with the three angels, and did speak unto Abraham, his brother, and did tell him of the bargain he had struck with the three angels of the Lord, thy God.

      And Lot went around and about, and through all the land thereof, from night and through day for three days, and yet, none would listen. The only three that went with him were his two daughters and his wife.

      And his wife could not believe Abraham or the angels. And when they were instructed to flee unto the mountain and not look back, she did thereof. And the moment she looked back into the brilliant light, a light more brilliant than ten suns, first the eyesight went, and then the brain, and then the molecular structure, until that of her component parts were as salts or stone.

      In this day and in this time you have come upon those same components that were used to destroy this, two cities, and you now know how rapid the molecular structure of man can be changed.

      Now the Lord removed, [on] the face of the earth, for not but one day, but for all days. For go there and you shall find that not one thing grows upon it, this earth, no water, not even the smallest of weeds. And count the years since this has happened. And think to yourselves, if the Lord, God, must clean the path before Him, He is more than capable of doing so.

      Yet, in the new coveth He did make with Moses, and the coveth He did make with the one known as Jesus of Nazara, He has given you free choice and free birth, and times and half-times upon the Earth. The prophesies of what you would call the Later Days, are now being fulfilled. The choice is up to you.

      For in the coveth He made with Jesus, and Moses, He gave you complete and total freedom of choice. But we say unto you, should the whore of Babylon try to swoop up this one, then he shall be raised back into the heavens where he shall be made safe until the time of his deliverance. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

      You have that choice now before you. Shall you take from him now that he has reached his 13th birthday, now in the time when he knows who he is and shall become, and begin to come and make you aware who he is, and begin his work upon the Earth? Shall you prepare a way, or shall you leave it to the Lord? And shall the Lord have to pick him from your bosom and hold him until his time is full?

      Shall you allow those who prepare for the Anti-Christ and his coming, and his rule, rule you? Or shall you know that now is [the] time of the full times. The half-times are past.

            You have many questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [13-446-1...Payson, Arizona]. ‘Will the full straightening and healing of my eyes be given through Mr. Elkins?’”

      Yes, we see thy need. And that that you have asked for shall be given through the instrument you asked for. As it has already begun, so it shall be done.

      We shall answer another question within your mind. The love is a fleeting thing. In youth, it travels sometimes with heartbreak. but time is a healer and a renewer. For that that you think at the moment is the most important of all shall just be as part-time, a learning time, for the day when your fulfillment shall come.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka. [5-206-2] has a question about his missing cat, Jet. Can you tell him where he might look, or if he still should look.”

      We should answer in this manner, soul Ray has answered it earlier in the day. No one has done bodily harm unto the cat. The cat shall weary, as the people shall weary with him. When they stop feeding him he shall come home.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “Thank you, Aka. The Association secretaries urgently need to know, ‘What has become of the envelope Ray brought from Houston. Should we continue to look for it or not? And if we should look, where?’”

      Yes, we see your need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. You shall find the envelope in the desk in that of the laboratory. But that is all you shall find. The contents, other than the breakdown of the monetary value, has long since been added into your treasury, and has been added in such a way that it is there, but not there.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13-446-2…Tucson], and he asks, ‘What is the significance of this shape (it’s like a kite with a number of x’s in the middle) which has been reoccurring, focal point or symbol, recently? It is grey-blue with black lines.’”

      We see not of this. We see no meaning other than that you shall place it in. We shall explain to you in this manner. If before you there was a map with precise measurements and routes, with longitudes and latitudes of a land, and the land was gone, the maps would become useless, other than to show you what had once been, but passed away. It is like a star that has been destroyed millions of years ago, yet you still see the light of it in the heavens. It is there, but not there.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13-446-3…Clovis, New Mexico]. ‘Will my son, Eddie’s, eyesight return, or will he seek the help of Ray?’”

      We shall answer your question in this manner. Freedom of choice is one of the most precious gifts God has given. It has also been said, “Ask and you shall receive.” And it [was] also said unto you, “God helps those who help themselves.” But ask in my Father’s name, and all things are possible. If that is what you wish, and he wishes, then that that is necessary shall be given unto soul Ray that this may be possible.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “I have a question from [13-446-4…El Paso, Texas]; ‘Can I do anything about my hypertension?’”

      Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner. The steps that you are taking are the correct steps. But remember, that even unto the healing of God, or man, could only last when you yourself become a party to the healing process, a commitment upon your part. All that can be done can be destroyed in the twinkling of an eye with negative thought, and yet, be restored in the same manner with a positive thought.

      There are those things upon your Earth that are useless, and stupid, cruel and vicious, all without logic, all without compassion or knowledge.

      We have seen many times, throughout the centuries, when men have stood up and said unto other men, “Look at me, for I am great, for I and I only have the ears to hear and the eyes to see the Lord, God,” that “He speaks only to me, and from me to you.” You know, deep in your heart, that no matter where you are, in heaven or earth, if you prayed unto the Lord, God, He is with you. If you cast Him from you, He is not with you. It is your choice, your time, and your place. Choose wisely.

      For there is among you who have many questions. There is those among you who would seek out and need life readings. There are those among you who would like to know what great deeds you have done in a former life, and what great sins you have committed that you are here in this life. And if you fall down, you blame it on karma or an act of God, when it is neither; the only karma that has been created is at that moment when you speak it, for you have borne false witness unto yourself.

      We say unto you, the Commandments were not only made for your treatment of your fellow man, they were also made for each of you. And they were made in such a manner that the rules that you live by could be formed around them, as a great circle, inside of a circle, and inside of another circle. For these were the circles of life, and from the core of all life shall come God. And not even the smallest thing shall be struck down leste our Father knows.

      We say unto you, those who confess [profess] on one hand to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and on the other hand to use the time and energy to prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, remember these words -- that all action creates action, yet even non-action may create action and disharmony. It is sometimes better to go unto your brother and speak unto him and do so in such a manner that you have no anger in your hearts, or your souls, and speak unto your brother of the things that you feel they are doing unto you which is unfair and you do not want. If the table were set with poison, and you knew it ahead of time, would you drink of it?

      We say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pray not of the coming of the Seventh.

      Take from the many words we have given unto you as gifts. Take from them and reach to the very stars and heavens, [trust] they shall be the holiest of all things.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona  85502