October 9, 1981

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            And we say unto you, as your world stands aside to mourn the death of this one known as Anwar Sadat, we have spoke to you before of this day. We have spoken to you of those of the “Black September,” those who would violate the Commandment, “Thou shall not commit murder.”

            We say unto you, as we have said before, the fuse had been lit [from] France and it shall burn unto Israel. For those who should work, and do the work of the Anti-Christ, are about their master’s bidding, to [subvert] and take by violence, and to bring forth the mark of the Beast upon the unwilling.

For those who can hear, let them hear. For those who can see, let them see. For now you shall see, very soon, the name of the Beast and the name of the Anti-Christ.

As we have said before, [that] the Eagle [U.S.A.] should spread its wings -- and in doing so it shall protect the Christ child -- for you stand at the threshold of the beginning and the ending. For the things we have told you to prepare for are now at hand. [See The Revelation, chapters 12 and 13.]

            Now, beyond all times, you must bind together. Lay aside your petty grievances. Know that this is a time when the half-times are behind you.

As the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, soon shall be the Sixth. And then the Seventh. Should the Sixth [Seventh?] Seal be opened, woe be most of mankind. For you see before you the two karmas of Abraham [Isaac and Ishmael?], much as you saw before you Cain and Abel. And now you see the descendants of Cain, and what they are capable of doing.      

And there are those who gather around the Lord and say unto Him, “How long must we wait, oh Lord?” [See The Revelation, chapters 6 through 8, and Genesis, chapters 4 and 15 through 25.]

            And we say, unto the fullest time of the Lord, thy God.

            For we shall send forth upon the third day a rose to be born and lain in the land of Egypt. And he shall rise, to walk with the Messiah. But before this time, in the fulfillment of these things, war lies before you.

We say to you -- bind together.

            As Judas walked among Christ and in the time of Christ, and so did John the Baptist have his Judas, so it is once again. There shall be many who shall strive, now more than any other time, to strike down your freedom of choice. There will be those who shall both try, from without and from within, to destroy this work. But we bring forth a new Sword, and it shall cut away the untruth, and lay forth the truth. And for those of the men and women and children of God’s, and God’s people, it shall stop the mark from being placed upon them, on one side; on the other side of the Sword, it shall cut away [at] those who should infiltrate you, and try to destroy you. [See The Revelation, chapters 18, 19 through 22.]

            But we shall not take from you the freedom of choice. Should you care to walk with the Anti-Christ, this is your choice. If you should care to walk with the Judas, this is your choice. If you should care to walk with those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, this shall be your choice -- a freedom of choice, the most precious gift the Lord, God, has given you. Hold it dearly. Do not allow it to be taken from you.

            For those who hold it in a righteous manner, we go before you to prepare a way, as we come before the Messiah to prepare a way.

Roses shall sprout upon the earth where blood has flown.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, thank you. I have a question from [13-447-1] and he asks, ‘I am now writing a book on Ray Elkins. What advice do you have about how this book should be written?’”

            We have just given that advice. We have also told you of the danger. There are many truths. There is the ones you see with your eyes, the ones you hear with your ears, and the one you know of the soul. Write of the man, of the work, and of his destiny. You shall find that the abundance lies all around you.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from number 13-437-3. ‘Aka, we thank you for our readings. Now we have a question. Would you tell us if there is valuable mineral that we can find in the locations we have been given, and in which; which is the best location?’”

            (Chuckle) We say unto you, soul Ray has shown you this. But the most valuable mineral which you possess is the love and compassion which you have shown others.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [8-338-2].”

            We shall answer your in this manner. For within all things you were, you are. And with all things you are, you were. To know where you are going should give you the guidance to know where you have been.

            It is not important whether you were a king, [a] queen, a laborer, a farmer, or a fisherman, for if you were any of these things or all of these things, you have brought them forth with you. It is more important at this moment and this time to take what you have within you and use it to the fullest extent -- a commitment. If you should pick up this work and go on in it, then it must require a full commitment, not a half commitment. If this does not serve your need, then walk away from it.

            This, as we know, is an unusual way to give you your life reading, but it shall serve into the fullest for the knowledge that you need at this moment. Make your decision now. For look around and about you and you shall see all you have been. Look within yourself and you shall see what you have been not. Look in front of you and you shall see where you are going. Look behind you and you shall see where you have been.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13-447-2…New Mexico]. ‘How soon will our farm sell? Were should we move? Is our long-range goal the one for us?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. [And] we shall answer your question in this manner. Your farm shall sell within a three-month period. There are those who are there now negotiating.

Once again, we shall answer your question of where you should go in your long-range projection in this manner. You must use your own freedom of choice. You have made some wise decisions. Continue.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13-447-3...Las Cruces, New Mexico]. ‘In your opinion, will I soon have a good companion?’”

            (Chuckle) Yes, you shall soon have a good companion. [And] you have companions around you now, and you have found new companionship within this day. But also remember, the Lord, God, walks with you, and He is a companion also.

            We say unto you, our time now grows short. Soul Ray now grows weary.

            Pray for your world. Pray for the deliverance of the souls that shall be slain uselessly upon the face of the earth. But pray mostly for unity among yourselves. [Note: A long pause.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright 1981 © by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.]