1981 Readings

January 9, January 16, January 30,
February 16, February 20,
March 27,
April 3, April 24,
May 1, May 15, May 22,
June 5, June 8, June 26,
July 17,
August 21,
September 11,
October 2, October 9,
November 6, November 13, November 20,
December 4, December 11

These readings are copyrighted 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona U.S.A. 85502. All rights are reserved. U.S. Library of Congress registration A 624240.

November 6, 1981, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, were asked a question: "When, and if, is the rapture going to take place or be, the calling of the faithful to meet Jesus in the air?'"

We see thy need. As we have said before, our Father has many mansions. And for that which you believe and wish, so it shall be; that day shall come forth upon your death. But we say unto you, the new heaven and the new earth shall be upon this earth. The judgment shall be your own. And the day shall be when enough souls that dwell upon the earth shall call upon it....

Now is the time of the Cherubim. Blessed be the name of the Father, the Son, and the children of God, for [they] shall come as one unto all of you.
And blessed be this day, for around and about you is the rapture of the angels. All you must do is open your hearts and let them enter, and great joy shall be there. And laughter shall ring the Earth with the one song and the one note that can take all parts of the worst of things and make them right.

February 16, 1981: And we say unto you, as we ask permission to answer questions, we, of the Council, are not great. That that you know as Jesus Christ is now upon your Earth in body, and so is the body containing Buddha, Muhammad, for in this, of the Messiah, contains the spirit of the Lord, God, and those He has sent unto you. His first begotten son now awaits his time upon the Earth. We are here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for His kingdom.

The One who we must ask permission from in answering questions that we are not normally allowed to answer is the Father, or God, as you would know.

We say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, our God. Glory be the name of His children. And "upon the desert, by the sea, where the stars are shining in thirteen and more than three," now grows strong, for he shall reign above the Anti-Christ. But we say unto those who should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ, beware, for none shall touch this one, and none shall crucify him.
[See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

You have one more question, ask.

"Yes, 'How do we know the spirit which speaks through Ray is of the God over all things and not of evil influence?'"

That is for you to decide. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. For those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have minds to think, let them think. We say unto you unto these words. Look unto the past and you shall know of the truth, for to know where you have been is to know where you are going. There shall be many false prophets upon your Earth in this day. Study that which they do and you shall know which is a prophet and which is not.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. In all your lives there has been a harsh time, a testing time. It is like fine steel. You have been thrust through the fire, and you shall be so again, before the day comes when the Messiah walks with you. Some shall become brittle and break. Some shall just fall away. But some, who shall not wear the mark of the Beast, shall walk with him....
It is your choice. No one is forcing you. God has given you free choice. The direction you take, though it may be many other directions, may be all part of the same to complete the whole.

October 2, 1981: Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. And we say unto thee, take these words that we give you. Take them in such a way as they are given, as a gift. Take them and use that part [of] that that you need, and pass them on to another. Take not from them, nor add to, except to explain them in such a manner that another may understand.

We have come to you not to take from you of anything. We have come with a gift. And the gift is the Messiah, the fulfillment of God's promise unto His children of all races, of all colors, of all religions. We have come to prepare the way.

Many shall reject this. Many shall say unto you, "Why should I contribute my time or my thought in the preparation of the one who is to come who promises me no monetary gain?" Of those who would say, we shall see to your needs, but not always your wants. Of others who will say, "Look, and you shall see, for this is the way," nay, we have not said that. We have said unto you, this is one of the ways. And we have also said unto you, if a man should come unto you with knowledge and wisdom, and it be good, take of it.

We shall tell you this story, of a land called Sodom and Gomorrah. [See Genesis 18:1, 18:16-33, and 19:1-19.]

Now this land, and these two cities, were high trade cities. They did an abundance of business, of trading everything that man could want or think of. And across from the desert came a man called Lot, and he was a leader of his people. And he was the brother of Abraham. Now Lot, as Abraham, knew of the ways of the city, and yet he went into the city and made his home there. And he became there a merchant, and a trader of many things. And he became very wealthy. Yet he tried to keep before his family all the things that the Lord had given unto him, all the things that were good and holy. Now three angels from heaven were sent unto Abraham. And they said unto Abraham, "These cities are wicked and corrupt before the Lord. And they have taken the people of the Lord, to corrupt them." It is like a bad seed within [the] fruit; if it should be allowed to continue, it shall contaminate all the lands. Therefore, it must be removed. And Abraham did bargain with the angels of the Lord until he reached the bargain, if he could find three just men in these cities, the cities would be spared. For, in this way, not all the seed would be rotten.

And he did go unto Abraham with the three angels. And he did speak unto Abraham, his brother, and did tell him of the bargain he had struck with the three angels of the Lord, thy God. And Lot went around and about, and through all the land thereof, from night and through day for three days, and yet, none would listen. The only three that went with him were his two daughters and his wife. And his wife could not believe Abraham nor the angels. And, when they were instructed to flee unto the mountain and not look back, she did thereof. And the moment she looked back into the brilliant light, a light more brilliant than ten suns, first the eyesight went, and then the brain, and then the molecular structure, until that of her component parts were as salts, or stone.

In this day and in this time you have come upon those same components that were used to destroy this, two cities. And you now know how rapid the molecular structure of man can be changed. Now the Lord removed from the face of the earth, for not but one day, but for all days, for go there and you shall find that not one thing grows upon it, this earth, no water, not even the smallest of weeds. And count the years since this has happened. And think to yourselves, if the Lord, God, must clean the path before Him, He is more than capable of doing so.

Yet, in the new coveth He did make with Moses, and the coveth He did make with the one known as Jesus of Nazara, He has given you free choice and free birth, [and] times and half-times upon the Earth. The prophesies of what you would call, the Latter Days, are now being fulfilled.

The choice is up to you. For in the coveth He made with Jesus, and Moses, He gave you complete and total freedom of choice.

But we say unto you, should the whore of Babylon try to swoop up this one, then he shall be raised back into the heavens where he shall be made safe until the time of his deliverance.
[See The Revelation, chapters 12 and 17-19.]

You have that choice now before you. Shall you take from him now that he has reached his 13th birthday, now in the time when he knows who he is, and shall become, and begin to come and make you aware who he is, and begin his work upon the earth? Shall you prepare a way? Or shall you leave it to the Lord? And shall the Lord have to pick him from your bosom and hold him until his time is full?

Shall you allow those who prepare for the Anti-Christ, and his coming and his rule, rule you? Or shall you know that now is the time of the full times. The half-times are passed.

December 4, 1981: But now, before you, in a short span of years is that time. He now lives upon your earth. He lives by the thread of your thoughts. He lives and exists with the knowledge that you are preparing the way for him. He also knows that should you fail, then we shall fail, and therefore, he shall be taken back unto the Father, and another time it shall be tried again. But it will not stop the rule and the time of the Anti-Christ.

The spiritual messengers of God have come, not to change the laws or the prophecies of Moses, or of Isaiah, or of Jesus or the gift given in him, nor have they come to change the prophecies of Ishmael, or of Muhammad, nor of Buddha. But they have come for this time, to show their fulfillment. In a loving way they seek to remind us.

June 5, 1981, the messengers of God said: When the Ten Commandments were given to you, you altered and you changed them to suit yourselves. What we are showing you, God does not condemn you when you alter the form of earth, when you reach into the heavens and make the alterations there. He does condemn you when you destroy or murder anything. It is one thing to protect yourselves. It is another to bear false witness against thy brethren, or to steal from another.

It is but another to worship other gods than the Lord, thy God, thy one God. We have told you the Lord does not wish the blood of the Lamb. He does not wish that you worship images of any kind -- any graven images. Therefore, we say unto you, let thy hear the words of the Lord. Let them come in a truthful manner. Do not alter His words or change them. Give the Lord the right that He has given you. He has given you the right to choose your own destinies. Your freedom of choice to live, to die, to love, to hate, to cry, to laugh, all these things, He has laid at your feet. It is your choice. But take not from the Lord His choice. When He gave unto you the Ten Commandments, He did not place them in such a way that you should judge one another. They were not Laws for you to judge another person with. He gave to you His commandments, and He said, "FOR ALL WHO SHOULD KEEP THEM HOLY." He did not instruct you and say, "Worship Me in this way or that." He did not bring judgment into your house.

Now we say unto you, for those of you who should hear these words, and who have built your houses of the Lord, and have these places you wish to go to, we are not here to change this. We are not here to take you from your churches. We are not here to change your religion, or your thought on religions. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. It makes little difference to us if your religion is pink or blue, or any other color, as long as it becomes a part of the preparation. It makes the Lord little difference if you have chosen a great cathedral or a small house as your church. It is but a meeting place, a place that you come that you may share your belief with God, and about God....

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God....
Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. As you have noted, that your weather and climatic changes are taking place more rapidly upon your earth. So will the earth changes, now, be more rapid.

There has been the rattlings of war -- the land of Lybia, and the land of Israel. And we say to you, the Bear now is ready to strike. But so is the earth ready to strike. That that they have placed within the earth shall come forth and consume them. If the Bear,
[Russia] continues its way, the war of Armageddon is but a short way, and a short distance from you now. Bind together in your thoughts, and you may alter the pathway of the earth.

January 30, 1981: He who should offend another, and should do so in the namesake of our Lord, shall never know the glory of the Lord, for he has committed the greatest of all sins. He who should break the Ten Commandments and accuse another falsely, in any way, there is but one way that he shall find the righteous way unto the Lord, and that is by going to the person he has accused, and telling them of the wrongness they have done unto him. For we should say, the wrath of the Lord is mighty. For in the twinkling of an eye all things can be changed.

You have seen despair. You have seen yourselves on the verge of bankruptcies. You have seen all of these financial things, physical and mental things, beginning to happen to you. We have told you for many years that the time would come, the time when those who would make ready for the Anti-Christ would try to destroy you. And we told you at that time, for all those who did not wear the mark of the Beast, that of the money changers would be hard upon you.

You have seen that time now before you. You are beginning to see in a way that we could show you no other. Earthquakes have shown you nothing. Tornados, hurricanes, plagues, all these things, as soon as they passed, you could not see beyond that. These you see, because they are happening all around you. But the wrath of the Lord for those who cause this shall be mighty.

We shall say unto you, we have tried many times to prepare you for this time -- the storage of food, the storage of monetary means. We have also told you that we would give you your needs, but not your wants. We have also told you to ask and you shall receive.

And yet, you say unto us, "Why should all of these things happen?" And we say unto you, this is but the beginning, for as it is written, "In the full time, for four and one-half years you shall not be allowed to barter outside of yourselves, nor buy nor trade." And it is written so for those who should not wear the mark of the Beast.
[See The Revelation 13:16-18.]
So now is the time that the bartering system among yourselves, far and wide, should be established. Now is the time that you may think not only of yourselves, but of one another. Now is the time to wipe away all prejudice and thoughts of these kinds.

There are those who should try and assassinate your leaders. There are those who should try and destroy you, financially, morally, and spiritually. Now we say unto you, let the demon within you be cast out; let it leave your bodies. Reach out into the fullness and the knowingness that there is but one God and one Messiah. God is the Father; the Messiah is the son. And as God sent him forth once before, so He shall, and is here on your planet now. It is not within our power to tell you the place and whereabouts that he dwells at this present time, but should you read the Rose without Thorns, you shall find the verse and the answer, therefore, within the same. You shall further find the answers to the trials and tribulations which you go forth through now.

We say unto you, if you should plant a quarter acre of vegetables, plant ten. Now is the time. Do so in harmony and in a just manner. For all these things shall be needed. Let the wheat come forth that it may be stored for making bread and feeding your animals. Let the oats and the barleys both come forth for feeding both.

Now is the time that all these things are coming into fulfillment....

We say unto you, before you speak, of a harsh tone unto another, stop and think, would you want this same spoken unto me? When you accuse another, are you sure that this person has done that which you are accusing them of? When you look upon a person with lust in your heart, is the lust from love, or is it from the darker sides of all things? When [you] look unto a person who has more than you, why would you envy them? Do you not know that if you are in need they will give it to you? But we say unto you, be prepared from this day forward, for by the toil of your sweat upon your brows shall come your rewards.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. There is two
[one] more angels. [Note: In 1983, the messengers said the Sixth Angel had also begun to walk upon earth.] Pray not that the last walks. There is time now. There is time that your prayers may be answered. [See The Revelation, chapters 4-8.]

Octoger 9, 1981, after the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat by radical religious fundamentalists for his unprecedented visit to Israel (for which he and the Israeli Prime Minister received Nobel Peace Prizes) God's spiritual messengers spoke of terrorism: And we say unto you, as your world stands aside to mourn the death of this one known as Anwar Sadat, we have spoke to you before of this day. We have spoken to you of those of the "Black September," those who would violate the Commandment, "Thou shall not commit murder."

We say unto you, as we have said before, the fuse had been lit [from] France and it shall burn unto Israel. For those who should work, and do the work of the Anti-Christ, are about their master’s bidding, to [subvert] and take by violence, and to bring forth the mark of the Beast upon the unwilling.

For those who can hear, let them hear. For those who can see, let them see. For now you shall see, very soon, the name of the Beast and the name of the Anti-Christ.

As we have said before, [that] the Eagle
[U.S.A.] should spread its wings -- and in doing so it shall protect the Christ child -- for you stand at the threshold of the beginning and the ending. For the things we have told you to prepare for are now at hand. [See The Revelation, chapters 12 and 13.]

Now, beyond all times, you must bind together. Lay aside your petty grievances. Know that this is a time when the half-times are behind you.

As the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, soon shall be the Sixth. And then the Seventh. Should the [Seventh] Seal be opened, woe be most of mankind. For you see before you the two karmas of Abraham
[Isaac and Ishmael?], much as you saw before you Cain and Abel. And now you see the descendants of Cain, and what they are capable of doing.

And there are those who gather around the Lord and say unto Him, "How long must we wait, oh Lord?"
[See The Revelation, chapters 6 through 8, and Genesis, chapters 4 and 15 through 25.]

And we say, unto the fullest time of the Lord, thy God.

For we shall send forth upon the third day a rose to be born and lain in the land of Egypt. And he shall rise, to walk with the Messiah. But before this time, in the fulfillment of these things, war lies before you.

We say to you -- bind together. As Judas walked among Christ and in the time of Christ, and so did John the Baptist have his Judas, so it is once again. There shall be many who shall strive, now more than any other time, to strike down your freedom of choice. There will be those who shall both try, from without and from within, to destroy this work. But we bring forth a new Sword, and it shall cut away the untruth, and lay forth the truth. And for those of the men and women and children of God's, and God's people, it shall stop the mark from being placed upon them, on one side; on the other side of the Sword, it shall cut away [at] those who should infiltrate you, and try to destroy you.
[See The Revelation, chapters 18, 19 through 22.]
But we shall not take from you the freedom of choice. Should you care to walk with the Anti-Christ, this is your choice. If you should care to walk with the Judas, this is your choice. If you should care to walk with those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, this shall be your choice -- a freedom of choice, the most precious gift the Lord, God, has given you. Hold it dearly. Do not allow it to be taken from you. For those who hold it in a righteous manner, we go before you to prepare a way, as we come before the Messiah to prepare a way.

Roses shall sprout upon the earth where blood has flown.....

Pray for your world. Pray for the deliverance of the souls that shall be slain uselessly upon the face of the earth. But pray mostly for unity among yourselves.

November 20, 1981: We do not expect you to run out and stop all the wars upon your lands, nor change all the people upon your land. The only change that need be made is within yourselves. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever. In that quiet place within your mind, beside the cool waters, where the candle is always lit, let it open up. Let it come forward, that the pools may mingle and the candles shall come together, and bring more light into the world.

A note from the editor: Most transcripts of the words the spiritual messengers of God spoke from 1970 to 1989 contain prophecies, which you can see before you in the news today. Please read their words, for they who were sent from our Father have promised us, much can be changed by our free will, and by asking God in prayer.

Dates of 1981 Readings

January 9, 16, 30
February 16, 20
March 27
April 3, 24
May 1, 15, 22
June 5, 8, 26
July 17
August 21
September 11
October 2, 9
November 6, 13, 20
December 4, 11