September 11, 1981

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. For as we have said before, nothing from either side shall not be allowed, to interfere with this work.

            There was once a great garden, and in the garden there worked six gardeners. At first, they planted and they worked side by side to reap a bountiful harvest, not only in things to eat, but in things of beauty to look upon. Each did their job and shared one unto the other.

The head gardener each day met with the others and each put that which he had to offer into the conversation.

            Gradually each became jealous of the other in that which he had. And instead of being a whole garden, each began to separate the garden and call this part of the garden, “theirs.”

            The head gardener continued to watch these things. And finally, he calls the gardeners together and he said unto them, “What should we do, when the weeds in the garden are ready to destroy the fruit of the garden?”

            He asked each in turn, and each in turn said, “Weed the garden.”

            He said unto them, “Then are you sure, absolutely sure, this was the action that you would take?”

            And each agreed.

            He told each of them their problem, and gave each of them once month to rectify this or they could seek employment elsewhere. Each of them, instead of seeing that which they were doing, went away, blaming their faults upon another -- one which possessed a very sharp tongue, another who could stretch the truth beyond its limits, another who took from other parts of the garden to put in [its] own, another who took plants from the other parts of the garden so that his would look the best, and last but not least, another who carried tales and untruths.

Each of them thought unto themselves, “I shall use my talent[s], that the others shall be fired.”

            The month came. And the head gardener called them all forward and fired each of them in turn.

Some, on being fired, sought to destroy the garden itself; others, to destroy the gardener. But the Lord, God, had looked long upon this garden. And when those who would destroy the garden began their work of destruction, it was turned back into them. And for those who would destroy the gardener, it was turned back unto them.

And so they ran away, and went into the masses of the crowds to say how evil the gardener and garden was. Yet the gardener went right on working, and the garden thrived and continued to feed the community.

Soon the community did not want to eat of any of its fruit, but was thoroughly convinced from the poison of these people, that the food was bad, that the flowers were tainted.

The head gardener continued to work, and each day he brought his cart forth and took the fruit into the poor and into the needy. And they ate the fruit, and they ate the vegetables, and they enjoyed the flowers. And it was not long until all of [those] became healthy.

And as they became healthy, they soon began to prosper. The rest of the community began to fall away, into sickness and bad health, and bad times.

And once again, they wanted to blame the gardener and the garden. And this time all of them came forth to make the destruction so. But those who had been poor and weak before did rise up, as the spirits of God, and did stop them. And it was like a great parting of the sea.

            And the Lord, God, sent, therefore, a messenger.

And when they saw him appear all was in awe, because they were frightened. And he said unto them, “Five of them have caused all of your problems. Yet you listened to them. You listened to their lies and deceit. You have allowed them to destroy you.”

            And they in turn decided to destroy the five. But the angel of God said, “Nay. Bring them forth.”

And they were all brought before him. And he did mark out a garden and piece of land − some of it into the worst of land, and some of it into the best. And he marked out in proportions of the other garden, and he said unto them, “Your punishment shall be that you shall all work this land until you can work in harmony.”

            Both sides left. The gardener went back to his garden.

            Time began to pass. The gardens that were laid out for the five gardeners to plant became a no-man’s land. No man went there; no man set foot there. [Yet] within time, it became what was known as a forgotten land, or the forbidden land. No one came in, and no one came out.

            And then one day a mighty light came from the land. By this time, other than it was a forbidden land, most had forgotten all that had transpired. And when the mighty light shone from there, they became greatly superstitious. And the five walked out, and the light shown behind them and from within them, and many wanted to stone them − [though] they had at last overcome their difficulties in life. They had learned to plant together and work together.

            And the stranger did appear once again. And behold, the Lord, God, came and placed His hands upon the stranger. And the stranger put out his hand and stopped all harm to come unto them. And he turned unto the one who had the sharp tongue. “What have you learned?”

            The one with the sharp tongue said, “I have learned to work [with] my fellow men, and not be critical because they have faults, not to cast doubts upon them. For all things are here but just a short time, even our time that we spent on the gardens. In the lifetime, it was but the twinkling of an eye. I have learned that if I have nothing good to say to a person, I shall say nothing at all.”

            And the one who bore false witness said, “I too have learned this.”

            Each of the five walked forth with the same knowledge.

            Now we shall say unto you, we have given you a parable, a parable of truth.

In the garden of the Lord there once dwelt an angel upon the high called Lucifer. And through his deeds, the Lord, God, even with the greatest of love He had for him, cast him from the heavens unto the earth. And there he has dwelt ever since.

            Now, God is once again, as [the] good gardener should, weeding the garden of earth. And no matter how high these who should seek to destroy, befuddle, deny should be, all that they produce shall be turned against them, for everything they wish upon another, it shall happen unto them. If they cannot use kindness and gentleness, then no one shall use kindness and gentleness unto them. For now is the time of the great Sword, and it shall cut away men.

As the land masses begin to break away now, now shall be the time when the garden shall be weeded. There are those who we should speak to, who know that we are speaking to them. Draw out your plot of land, and learn to work it. If you do not, you shall be smitten from the earth, and your soul shall dwell no more, nor neither shall the spirit, for it shall be cast into nothingness.

            Now is the time of the Anti-Christ and the beginning of his rule. Now is the time of the coming of the Messiah, and no quarter shall be given, and no more time shall be wasted.

If you have doubt of our words, then watch around you, and into you. Where no light shone before, it shall now show. Where water did not flow, water shall flow. The Sword has two sides − one to cut away man, the other shall cut away the masses of earth, and so shall be the change of the earth.

            We come unto you but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Let all those who have not that in their heart and soul depart, for they have been given fair warning.

            Soul Ray now grows weary.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1981 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona