August 6, 1982

Globe, Arizona


Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee, for those who should ask, things that they should ask for shall be provided, as long as they do not interfere with that of the free will of another.

In asking, you shall receive. If you ask for knowledge, then knowledge shall be given. If you ask for a material thing, that shall be given. But we should say unto you unto this manner, a man would have little use for what you would call, for a yacht, in the middle of a desert. Nor would he have very much use for an oasis in the middle of a lake. Nor would he need more ice in Alaska, or the Antarctic. What we are saying unto you, ask that in propor­tion to your needs and it shall be provided.

We shall say unto thee this parable.

For the farmer had land that was rich in abundance. But on the land he called his bad land, in one place there bubbled forth that substance known as oil. He looked upon it in contempt because it ruined the land around it. In another place came forth hot water from the ground in an artesian manner. He looked at this with contempt. But that of the hot water gradually seeped over and formed a natural lake. And in the farther corners, as the water cooled, an abundance of fish grew. And the farmer took his leisure in fishing from the lake.

And one day came forth men with knowledge of oil and refining. And they gave him much money for that of the oil well that bubbled to the surface.

Another day, another came by and offered much money for the artesian hot water. And he said to him, “We shall continue to provide you water for your lake.”

The farmer did not fully understand, but he liked the money. And so, with the hot waters they pro­duced much power, energy. And, as the water cooled, it went into his lakes, and provided the water for his lakes. Soon he had more water than he had ever had before, and he was pumping the water in­to his fields, and using the energy that came from the power that was produced by the hot water. And soon he was buying his fuel at the refinery where the old oil well stood.

And one day he got to thinking, “Why did I not think of these things? Why did I not put a refinery where my oil well was? Why did I not make a power plant where my hot water was?”

He became quite vengeful. But the people went on producing both. Then he became hard in his heart, and he went somewhere else to buy his electricity, and he went somewhere else to buy his gasoline and oil. But those who had agreed to pay him royalties continued, each month, to send him their check. They did not notice that he had gone some place else to buy his oil. They did not notice that he had gone some place else to buy his electricity.

Now, on another farm there had come forth in the same manner of oil and hot water. And many came forth, and they stole the land that the hot water was upon, and they paid no royalties. And another came forth and he stole the oil from beneath the land. And the farmer looked upon them and knew not what to do.

And then one day, the farmer who was receiving royalties came upon him, and said, “What a stupid man you are,” and went on his way, still being mad at all parties.

But others of his neighbors came forth, and they saw that which [had] happened to him, how he had been cheated. And they stood together and they said, “We shall not buy the oil that comes from this land. We shall not buy the electricity that comes from this power source. But we shall go farther, and anyone who buys or sells from this power source, we shall not do business with them.”

More and more of his neighbors and friends did bind together, until finally those who had stolen were out of business. And they left and they went away. And in their place came honest men.

Now, we say unto you, the parable is true with each of you this day. By yourselves you have little strength. Bind together, with one decision, and you have the strength, that you [are] needed, to carve your way into the history of the world, that you may and your people may survive.

If you do not find this way to bind together, you shall soon perish. And all the land around you shall perish with you. For it is you who can preserve the land, the energy, and all these things that you need, but you must do it together.

You have built a church unto the Lord, God. When you have placed a roof upon it, make there fast a service that all thy people may attend. And all may have the choice to invite God into their hearts, but also to invite God into the house of God, for that is when a meeting place becomes a church, when the people within it invite God to enter.

You have many questions. And one we shall answer, first, unto the one who would ask of their past ties with the Indian. What you were has little bearing on who you are. You are honored this day for what you are, right now, at this place, at this time, and you are all parts of anything you might have been. It is because of the way you conduct yourself now, is the way you are treated by others.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-460-1…Santa Fe, New Mexico]. He says, ‘I do spiritual healing work now. I want to know if the God energy will flow through me more powerfully, and when? Is my path to be a spiritual or psychic healer?’”

We shall answer both questions with one simple answer. The choice is yours. But if you shall wish to be that which you say, then you shall reach the point of no return. And at that point you shall know that the body, the mind, the soul, and the immortal body belongs to God, and not to you anymore, for you have given them freely up to Him to deliver.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-460-2…Santa Teresa, New Mexico], ‘Am I fulfilling the mission I was sent here to complete?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Many people come to the rose garden to see the roses. Few walk up to the gardener and say, “Let me learn how to tend the roses, how to make them grow, how to make them beautiful.” When that choice, which is now, and all, forever, when you have made it, the rose garden lies at your feet. You have seen it. You are like Muhammad that has been brought to the mountain, and the mountain has been brought to Muhammad. It means little difference, until you are ready to apply yourself, fully, completely, and compassionately.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-460-3…Santa Teresa, New Mexico]. ‘Will the balance of my life be happy?’”

(Chuckle) You ask a question − as a ship maker would build a ship and cast it upon the sea with neither a captain or a crew and say, “Bon voyage, forever and ever.” Within this ship of your soul, if you wish it to be happy, it shall be so. But no road goes anywhere unless it winds and turns and twists and has some bumps. How you take those bumps can either be with great sadness or happiness. It is your choice.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [5-206-2] and [2-33-1]. They ask, ‘We would like to know where we’ve known F______ before?’”

(Sigh) We told you once to study of Philip and his journey. We told you once to study of that of the city of Lazarus and her journey. Cannot Lazarus rise?

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-460-5…Globe, Arizona]. ‘I would like to know what is my gift and how do I use it?’”

We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. And we shall say unto you, you have a gift, and the gift is kindness. Yet you are afraid to show it. You have a gift of gentleness, a gift of giving others hope and joy. You have other gifts. You have a gift, should you choose to use it, of that of the artist in sculpturing. You have the gift of God within you. All lie before you. It is your choice what road you shall take.

But you also have a gift within you, a gift of healing, a gift of calming the waters before you. If you wish to begin this, begin by joining hands with the others within the organization to form what would be called a youth program, to expand the knowledge of youths in the teachings of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-460-6…Alabama], ‘Will I ever marry again, and if, yes, when? Also can you give me any information on the sale of my property?’”

On the sale of your property, you shall have three offers. Take the second. It shall be the one that has, as you would call it, “the proof in the pudding.”

As of the marriage, offers shall come. The choice shall be yours. The time and the place shall be yours.

And now we say unto you, soul Ray grows tired.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks your earth.

Look unto the “self” of yourselves. Look unto thee that is you. Study it. Know of it. Rejoice in it. But also rejoice in your brethren.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona