February 12, 1982

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall answer your question in this manner. In a village lived many people, of many crafts. One young lad who tried to become a carpenter without success; he worked very hard at it, but he had no feeling for it. He tried to become a mason. While he was trying all the different crafts, in his spare time he planted a garden. And as the garden grew it produced many varieties of flowers. It became not known only within the town, but across the nations. And many people traveled from many places to see this wonderful garden. Yet the lad continued to try to learn a craft, and he continued to tend to the garden.

Each person who came asked the name of the gardener. And soon, his name sings far and wide. But the lad did not know this. He continued to seek out a trade, a way to make his livelihood.

And one day, the community in itself, who had become well-known for his efforts, came to him and said, “Would you be the official gardener for the town?”

The lad thought long on this. And he said unto them, “I must go and pray upon this.”

And so he went alone, and therefore, to pray. And he said these words unto the Lord, “My God, I wish to be worthy of You. I wish to perform tasks that are important to others. And the loneliest thing in the land is just the gardener.”

And the Lord looked upon him. And the Lord did send messengers unto him, three in all.

And the first messenger said unto him, “Is it better to be a good gardener or a bad carpenter?”

“Do you love your gardening?” came from the second.

And from the third came the words of wisdom, “Do that into which you wish.”

The Lord watched the lad as he returned.

And he thought upon these things, and he went back unto the people, and he said unto them, “I shall be your gardener, but I must have a livelihood. So far I have gardened [to you] out of, because it was a love of my heart, and therefore, I have felt badly to take money for that which has been a gift given from God unto me. But, I must prepare to take care of my parents, and my family that I shall have one day.”         

And therefore, they set a salary aside.

His fame grew even greater. Great artists from all over the world traveled to paint in his garden. Statesmen from all over the world came to just gaze upon it.

And as the days passed, he did marry, and he did bring forth his family, and he did provide for his mother and father. And yet, each of the artists sought him out. And one day he went back to his place of prayer to thank the Lord for his gift of gardening.   

Now we say unto you, each of you have gifts. Some of you think that they are not very important. Yet in the eyes of God they are the greatest. They are gifts of God, and gifts you have given yourselves. Why then should you be ashamed of them? Why should you belittle yourself for these gifts?

Take the gifts that you have, and build upon them, and you shall one day become great in the eyes of yourself and your fellow man.

It is not important to be as others to be accepted. It is being yourselves, being that which you are, and doing that which you do – doing it with the utmost love in your hearts, and the utmost compassion for yourselves. If you do these things you shall have the utmost love and compassion for all living things. For God created the heaven and the earth, and He loved all living things upon it. It is with respect that you love one another and acknowledge this. But it is also of the utmost importance that you respect yourselves. In doing so, there is no sin.

We shall say unto you, some of the words we have spoken may not be clear to you. Take them and examine them. If they fit you wear them; if they do not, put them aside for another day. But do not deny them, or the right for them, unto the other person. If you wish to do [some]thing, do it, and you shall be respected because of it. But that that is done with intent, and the intent is good, even though it may not always turn out to its best, it is the best.

You have questions, ask. 

“Yes, Aka, thank you. I have a question from [7-316-1]. He asks, ‘At what number does my blood residue stand at? What should I take for my lung trouble? Thank you.’”

We have told you before, and we shall tell you again, we have placed a healer before you. If the healer does not suit you, go elsewhere.

You have other questions, ask.

            Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-455-1…El Paso, Texas]. ‘Is there specific qualifications for developing psychic knowledge?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner, yes. Psychic knowledge, as you would know it, may be developed from birth unto death. That that you develop for the use of mankind develops quick and fast. That that you develop to harm of mankind develops slowly and becomes stagnated. Yet, we shall say unto you, the intent, and the knowing within yourself must be developed. Practice daily, not just a few moments each day. And do not stand on your head or go into meditation. Quite simply place a bowl of water in the center of your room. Think upon it until the water moves. Continue to thinking upon it, until you can empty the bowl with the one thought, and then you shall be well upon your way.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [3-69-2…San Carlos]. She says, ‘The braid is unbraided, and I know it never was and never can be. My thoughts are going in so many different directions I am not accomplishing anything. I am like a child in a candy store. Yes, I know about free will, and am experiencing it, but please give me some direction, especially for this summer.  Thank you for the warning dream.’”

We should explain unto you unto this manner. There are many types of goals you may set for yourself. Those are of free will. You have thought of going back to school during the summer months. This would be good, but this is not what you really want. We should answer your question in this manner. You have a secret desire which we shall not speak of. Fulfill it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Thank you. I have a question from [14-455-2…Albuquerque, New Mexico], ‘What is the importance of selenium to humans?’”

Selenium, in itself, is an ingredient that should change forms once into the system. It becomes a nutrient to the brain. It is a guiding light, as you might know it, to the reproduction of cell structure. The brain cells, as you know, are not connected. They produce electrical charge which sends a signal from one cell to the other. It is like a great organ being played. The selenium in itself aids in turning on the electricity necessary to light the organ and keep it in harmony.

We have placed it in a way which you will understand which we speak of. There are other things that must be added to it that it may enter the bloodstream as it should, because in [the] one which you are thinking about, it cannot enter the bloodstream by itself. It needs the vitamins, as you would know them, as B-12, B-6, and B-3. These would act as a catalyst agent. We would also suggest that by placing the DNA factor of that of the mesquite with this, it would then work as a nutrient, not only to the brain, but it would also work in such a manner to prevent disease of many different types. It allows your own defense mechanism to be triggered, and built, therefore, into a complete substance.

If you have further questions on this subject, come unto soul Ray, for he has done thorough research in this field, and [has thought] to build a product accordingly.

We say unto all of you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children.

But we say, if you walked one day into a field that was pleasant unto you, yet it was not pleasant unto anyone else, it is not wrong. If you find a place in the heather which brings peace and quiet to your mind, it is not necessary to tell others where this place is, or to share it with anyone unless you wish to. There is no wrong in that.

    Now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. It is also the time of the Anti-Christ, and those who prepare the way for him. Because you do a foolish thing does not mean you are working for the Anti-Christ. When you work for the Anti-Christ, it shall be within your heart and your soul to do so, as much it shall be in your heart and your soul to work for the preparation of the Messiah. You will know the difference.

    But if you wish to work for neither one, if you wish to go your way, and say, no, to both sides, God shall not deny you, for there is a place for those also, for our Father has many mansions.

   Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona