January 8, 1982

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see they need. We shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we say unto you unto these words, unto this parable.

            Men from different lands, of different religions, had gathered forth, that they might find a way to bring peace upon the Earth. Each brought with them different plans, and each was sure that their way would succeed.

            When they first came together it was with great fellowship. But soon, they were split apart into different groups, nation unto nation. And then nations gathered unto nations. And upon the last night that they would gather, they were completely and totally split. And they built, therefore, upon a great bonfire, and gathered there around it, for the nights and even the days had grown cold.

At first they had nothing to say, one unto the other. The silence was there, cold and frigid, giving off no light, giving off no warmth, even from the fire. No matter how much fuel they put upon the fire, it gave no warmth.

            And then suddenly from the center of the fire rose the image, image of a man, and from his image there came warmth that went into all. And he said unto them, “Yet, my Father has spoken unto you unto many times, into all parts of the Earth. And He has promised you that all that was hidden, light would be shed upon it. You believed Him not.

“You came here to bring you peace that should bring warmth into your hearts. Yet you did not bring the warmth with you, and so you have it not. All of you now are gathering closer and closer unto the fire, for from the fire and where I stand you are sure that the light will come into you, and the warmth shall still your souls.”

Again, no matter how big the fire is, can it thaw out your brains? Can it make you think? We have said unto you, be as mirrors ― reflect out the warmth within you. And what did you think we said? Be as a coal, a nothingless thing, that showed nothing, gave nothing, [waters] nothing?  

You have wars and rumors of wars, and you come here in a grand effort, each of you wearing your grandeury, yet you brought no warmth with you. All you brought with you was the idea that your idea alone would be the idea accepted by all the others. And each thought you would be declared the great leader of all, and the savior of all, and yet you brought nothing. You brought the shell you dwell in, but you forgot the soul and the spirit. You did not bring hope and humility to feed the fire.

For our Father has said unto you that He is like the sun, giving warmth upon the earth. And in His place as it passes around, and the Earth passes around the sun, there is a time for sleep and a time for wakeness. But growth can come asleep or awake. You hear not your dreams, nor your dreamers.

You have forgotten from where you came. You know not where you were born, for you hear us not. When the stillness comes, [when] we speak no more, will you build a great fire? Will you wait until the Seventh Angel has opened the seal upon you? Is that [then] only the time when you shall listen? Why is it that you hear us only in the time of your needs, and not the needs of others?

You became alarmed, all of you, during the last reading because soul Ray’s health would not permit us to continue. If you cut him, he shall bleed. If you place the dagger within his heart, he shall die, and upon his death we shall leave you. Yet, within his compassionate heart, he shall return back to you.

Fear swells into your hearts. But think of what a long silence would be; think of no more fire, no more flame, no more beacon to guide your way.

We say unto you, let the fire burn in the soul of all. Let beacons shine from one to the other. Let the knowledge flow now. Let the love and compassion and the hope, that is the seed of mankind, let it go out unto the four winds. Let, therefore, begin upon the Earth your thousand years of peace. Let it begin in your heart, and be as a fire or a flame, that the warmth that you reflect out from you is felt by others. And do it each day. Do it in such a way, when you touch another with your mind they feel love, they feel gentleness. Let it be in such a way that you build the temple of God where it should be, within your hearts and souls and minds. And therefore, let it be that no one may destroy them. For once it is built within your mind, you shall reach and touch one, and one shall touch ten, and ten shall touch a hundred, and a hundred a thousand, until the [whole] world has been touched. You will not do this by standing on a box and shouting hell and damnation unto mankind. It may be done by the whispering of a word, a single word, love – and as the commandment was given to you, love one another.

            Now we say unto you, we charge you – let each of you that hear us, and that you shall know us, then bring proof of it. Let each one take one of the Commandments, and whether he carves it in stone, no matter where he may carve it, let him bring it forward, and let it be placed by the healing well, the healing springs. [Note: The healing springs, Dripping Springs, are on the side of Dripping Springs mountain above and to the right of a church to God on Dripping Springs Road, or Christmas Star Route, Arizona.]

Once before we gave you a task. And we said unto you, if you could spell our name without fighting over it, it would place you one step closer to your Father. Now this is a second task.

It makes little difference the material used, but let the task begin.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [2-30-2] asks me to thank you for the assistance with her book work.”


“I have a question from [6-629-6…Tucson]. Question: ‘Do I have a gift, and how should I use it? God bless you.’”

Yes, we hear thy need, and we say unto you these words. We have just given you a way to use it. You have the gift of compassion. Put it to use.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have a question from [9-372-2…El Paso, Texas], wanting to become a teacher. She asks if you have any message for her?

Yes, we say unto you unto these words. As iron you have been placed in the fire, and brought forth, and placed, therefore, unto cold waters. And you say unto us, when is the time of testing done? And we say unto you, when you have made the decision into yourself that you are a better person than you think you are.

Yes, there are many trials and tribulations that we place before ourselves.

Pick up this challenge we have placed before you. Take the First Commandment; engrave it in stone and bring it forth. And let all come with candles as it is laid in its proper place of honor. If you shall teach no other than that one, in your lifetime, you will have accomplished more than most of mankind. [See Exodus 20:1-17.]

Within your problems, there has been great fear of losing those things most dear to you. We tell you now, this shall not happen. For has not the hand of God already intervened to save your life, and give it back unto you and your daughters? Has not the hand of God altered and changed the things that you thought were so important to you?

Look around you and see the flowers; they are everywhere. They are hard to see in the wintertime, for they are resting, some of them. But as a constant reminder to man that spring will come, that is why He gave you the evergreen.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-453-1…Tucson]. ‘Have I yet fulfilled my mission in this life, and if not, what is left for me to accomplish?’”

We say unto you, bring forth the Second Commandment. Place it in stone. And we shall tell you, then, the fullness of it.

You have other questions, ask.

“[14-453-2…Beaumont, Texas] asks, ‘I am seeking ten numbers, selected from 1 through 55, for the month of July.’”

We see thy need. And we shall give them to you: 11, 2, 7, 43, 38, 26, 19, 7, 5, 41, 13, 26, 9, 18, 48, 0, 5. You know the numbers, but you do not know the sequence. Ask and you shall receive.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-453-3…Houston, Texas]. Question: ‘What is my purpose in this lifetime?’”

We say unto you, we have given you a purpose and a way to serve it. We say unto you, you have heard the words we have spoken tonight. Let the decision be yours.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [14-453-4…Houston, Texas] asks, ‘How can I rid myself of mental pain, depression, and anxiety? Any information on obtaining peace of mind and spiritual development?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Peace of mind, we have spoke of in the beginning of the reading. Spiritual development, we spoke of that also. Yet, we see a physical problem; [it] impairs your from functioning at your fullest. We say unto you, come, therefore, unto soul Ray that this obstacle, or should we call it, [a] many-sided hexagon, be removed.

You have one more question, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-453-5…Grants, New Mexico]. She asks, ‘What is my life’s work to be?’”

We have seen within your heart that you like to paint, and quite happy and contented when you are doing this. We’d say to you, take the time to dwell in this. We would ask a favor of you. As Leonardo da Vinci once painted the cluster of roses, do so, so that it might be placed within the temple that is soon to be built.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have a question from [12-421-1…Albuquerque]. ‘Am I fulfilling my soul’s plan? What more shall or can I do? How much time have I to accomplish this, and why do I feel so restricted?’”

If all the worlds [in] all the heavens and all the galaxies were placed before you, and you could redesign them to suit yourself, would you change them? Or would you bless them? As one rushing through time and space, which you yourself have placed the limitations upon, you have forgotten something. Take each moment as a dear thing, a gentle sweet thing. Take from it each moment, and give it love, and take from it love. Fulfillment and completion comes not with how many buildings one could build, but their satisfaction in building them. Take the words we have placed here tonight. If they fit you, take a place within it and bring fulfillment, or a step toward fulfillment into your heart.

Now we say unto you, if one should not bring forth the stones we ask for, let another. If more than one should come together to place a stone, then it shall be a greater, greater thing than man has ever known, for it shall be done not only with love toward your Father, but love between two beings that are His children.

We say unto you, blessed be this child you have brought unto us this night. And blessed be the child, and let it be known from this day forward that this is a blessed child, for the world shall know it one day – in our Father and in the Son’s name.

Glory be the name of the Lord forever and ever.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.