January 29, 1982

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we say unto thee – and we shall say these words for those who should say unto us, “Is my work done? Am I through? Is there no longer a place in the servitude of God?”

            And we say these words unto all of thee. Unto the slightest thing upon Earth that brings forth the joy unto our Father’s eyes, it is never done. Unto the smallest task that you do, you do in the eyes of God. Each of you, no matter how menial your task may be, it may be the most important task done upon the Earth that day.

We shall say unto you this parable.

            The many people came together, unto the thousands and hundreds of thousands. And there they came, to build and raise unto the Lord an altar. The monument was carved of stone. It was not a graven image. But upon the stone was all the knowledge they had of the Lord, thy God, for they intended it to stand, not for one year, nor a thousand years, but for as long as man and God should dwell upon the Earth.

            There was a small lad who very much wanted to serve. Now all the carving and moving of the stone was done. All the mathematicians had worked out what they thought was the last detail in the raising of the stone. All the equipment was there. All the ropes and bindings were placed in place. And they reached forth, and upon one single signal the stone was to be raised. The lad had sought out many many ways to serve the Lord. All the people did put, therefore, their might into the raising. The stone began to move. It raised, and then it began to totter, this way and that. One single small strand of rope hanged down. The boy ran and took hold of the rope. It was but a small amount of weight he applied, yet it was all he had, and it steadied the great stone and settled it into place. Now all the others had applied great strength, but it was just that small amount that was needed to bring it into balance.

And so it is with all things upon the Earth. It is but the smallest thing that you think is not important can be of the greatest importance; it can be the difference between life and death for many others. For those who should come from a faraway lands to come for healing, each of you who work in this field, no matter how large or how small in what you do, is important, that the work become harmonious and in balance.

            We shall tell you of the healer, who a girl of the black race came unto. She had had surgery, yet she was dying. She was a young woman. The healer reached down and removed the towel which covered the upper part of the anatomy, and there, stood a gaping hole through her rib cage, and he could see the heart functioning. What all the other healers had not known he knew when he looked upon it. He knew that the young women had been a diabetic, and because of it, that that was necessary to bring about healing had not been added.

The young woman looked into the healer’s eyes with all the hope and reverence that could possibly be given. The healer looked, and he saw, and he turned abruptly and went out where no one could see him, and he wept. And he cried loudly unto the Lord, “Why have you brought this unto me, Oh Lord, this burden? This hope in her eyes, why have You brought it and placed it upon my shoulders? Am I to go back into that room and tell her, oh Lord, that it is not within the power You have given me to heal her? Must I send her forth to die, when she has come here with such hope and faith?”

            He struck the ground; he struck all things around him. He was furious. He was anguished. He was heartbroken.

Slowly, he turned and walked back into the room. And with all things he possessed, he gave unto the girl. She kissed his hand and thanked him.

He turned and he left and went back outside again, and there he cried unashamed before his Lord because he was afraid he had not given enough, he did not know enough.

            “How many times,” he said, “oh Lord, must I see this? How many times shall they say unto me, ‘Why must I die,’ and you have no answer? Why isn’t my brain large enough to absorb all You have to give me?”

Through the years increased knowledge has been given, and many has been brought from many places to [add] and assist in the healing. Some of the tasks seem very small and not important. And you think that no one knows the importance of the tasks that you do. We say unto you, you are wrong. Two shall always know and be grateful, the Lord, thy God, and the healer. It is with his ever-living gratitude that he appreciates every small task, that he can bring life back into life. For you who have performed the small task, it may just be that that is necessary to bring things into balance, and allow him to complete it.

            But if any perform a task without a willing heart, it may be that that is necessary to bring things into balance, yet the imbalance that you have created may topple the stone – for a gift is not given unless it is given with love.


Nay, the Lord provides all things unto all. He asks nothing; He expects nothing. He does it because He loves you. And He has provided all things that are necessary to make each of your lives fruitful and fulfilling.

But if the well that is before you does not quench your thirst, go unto another well. And when you find the well that quenches your thirst and you are happy to drink from it, do you not know that you are serving God there also?

When shall your task be done? The Lord has given you freedom of choice. You may walk away any time you wish.

When will the healer’s task be done? He has been given the choice. But he cannot walk away, for the sick and the poor shall always be with him. And the answers to your problems he shall always seek, for it is in him to give. And he is most joyous when he can give life.

The things we have told you this day, some of you will understand. Some of you will not. The degree of understanding shall be the joy of your hearts.

But remember, had not God the faith in you to continue with the sun and the rain and the earth? Has He not the faith in you throughout the centuries? Has He not the love?

But “judge not, lest ye be judged,” for God is not judging you; He loves you. Judge not your fellow man, for who among you is fit to judge? Raise your fellow man upward, even before yourselves, and it shall bring great joy into your hearts.

Had not the one known as Jesus promised you all these things? Do you not know that the work you do in the preparation is for he who shall serve after this one? Cannot you take his words as well as Jesus’? For you did before. Cannot this time they both live together and be on your Earth together?

We say unto you, the time of [the] Anti-Christ is upon you, yet the time of the Christ is upon you. All things that were, are. All things that are, shall be, for all the prophecies now shall come into fulfillment.

Sing joy unto the Lord; sing joy unto yourselves.

It is not wrong to think in your heart, “I am a good person. I have done good things.” There is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong giving yourself what you would call, a pat on the back. Yet it is better if you pat each other on the back, and tell each other that you love one another, and how much you appreciate what the other does.

We shall say unto you, the words that were said unto the healer, and from the one who said them, for [R____] said unto Ray, “Why me; why must I die, when you have saved so many?” And soul Ray looked into his eyes, and said, “I have not the answer for you. Only the Lord and yourself have that answer.”

And now [R____] says unto you, he has that answer, for he went, therefore, to prepare a way for many, and he went, therefore, to renew the wine of life.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [12-428-1] asks, ‘Is our solar system a satellite of the Pleiades or any other star? If so, what is our period about that star, and what consequence does this have in terms of geological changes upon the Earth?’”

As we have told you before, your Earth is like a stepping stone, and from it you shall step farther than you even imagine. Yet, there are other earths, and other people – all reaching to now [form] the joining of hands. Some shall come in friendship, some shall not, for some are not evolved any farther than you yourselves, and some, even though they have knowledge, or technical knowledge, their spiritual knowledge has not evolved together. They shall come for you, and to you, that they may learn also. In the vastness of all galaxies and universes there is an interlinking system. It is called man, and God. Though the shapes and forms of man may be many, as he has adapted to his environmental conditions, the soul is the same, the spirit is the same, and all are the same God.

We see you do not fully understand that which we have said; then we shall answer, yes, unto either question.

You have others, ask.

“What astronomical cycle, if any, is the 70,000 years you speak of part of?”

(Chuckle.) It lays before you, now. Look into the heavens and you shall see it. All things are as they were once before.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-454-1…Ft Garland, Colorado, and he asks regarding a Dr. C______ L______ G____ A_____]… He asks,(1) ‘Where in Switzerland did C______ leave a secret account?’” [Editor’s note: Here ensues a detailed question about a third person who had died without revealing to his family, who are now in need, the whereabouts of his funds.]

We shall answer your question in this manner. We are not at liberty to violate that of the free wishes of another soul. Had he wanted you to know, he would have told you so.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. The other question would have been of the same nature. I’ll go on to another. I have a question from [14-454-2]. She asks, ‘Have I known Christ before, and will I know him in this lifetime?’”

Yes, you have known Christ before, and you shall know him in this lifetime. Your age was much the same before as it is now. [We] know that the promise that was given before shall be fulfilled, and you shall have the fullness of the answer. But know this, that your cup shall runneth over, and therefore, do not take anything less.

You have other questions.

“Thank you, Aka. [14-454-3…Houston, Texas] asks, ‘What direction do I need that I am closed off to?’”

We shall answer your question. Sometimes the flowers are so close at our feet that we stomp upon them. In this respect, you are doing so. All the answers that you need are laying all around you. They are before you. Just bend down and pick them up, and put them to use. There are those of material things and those of the human being, both that are there that you wish. You wish for spiritual development; there are those who would give it to you freely and lovingly. You ask for knowledge; it lies all around you.

When the Lord, God, said unto the people of Israel, “YOU ARE A STUBBORN LOT,” do you not know that you can change the descendents of Abraham as easily as you should turn the stone? It is not a word of nationality that should make you a descendent of Abraham, but the heart and soul. It is not the nationality or the color of your skin that should make you the brothren unto the Master, but the heart and soul.

Look about you. All things you have asked for are there. The only thing that needs correcting is your own indecision. If you choose to pick it up do so. If not, if it does not [fulfill] you, then step over it and leave it for someone else. If you do not like the house you live in, move into another. Ask and you shall receive, [for] God cares not whether you live in a mansion, or the smallest little shack upon your earth, if that’s what makes you happy. And happiness is what He wishes for His children. For did He not make it whether it was less work to smile and laugh than it is to cry and frown?

He meant for His children to be happy. The freedom of choice is your own. If you do not like the town you dwell in, go to another. If you cannot find the satisfaction of the soul in where you stand, walk away. If you do not like the car you are driving, leave it and get another.

[But] the one thing you cannot leave nor walk away from is yourself, for wherever you go and whatever you ride in, and wherever you live you shall take yourself with you. So find satisfaction within yourself, and you shall find satisfaction no matter where you stand.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [14-454-4…Scottsdale] asks, ‘How can I help people through my new vitamin and health food store I am starting in Scottsdale, and should I start another store, a survival type?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. The helping of the people through the, your health food store that you have chosen, and the pathway you have chosen, we would say, get off your knees and quit crawling, and stand and walk (Chuckle). As for the survival-type store, you have the means before you to open that in the city, so do so. You have that, both of the financial means, you only lack certain other parts. Come unto soul Ray and he shall give them to you, and your knowledge shall be complete.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have a question from [11-407-2…El Paso, Texas]. ‘Do I have any kinds of knowledge that will be of some use to others? Also will I ever gain control of myself?’”

The answer to both is, yes. You are as the carpenter that took his bag of tools and went where there was no wood. He looked around him and thought, “I can build nothing!” There was stone and mortar all around him. He looked at the stone, he looked at the mortar; he did not realize the building of anything can be done from any material. You have the material, use it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-454-5…Connecticut]. ‘Do all or some people have the ability to heal others and not know it? And can it be improved on?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. The Lord, God, gave many gifts. There are some who are bakers, and this is a gift of God. There are some who are great song writers, and music comes into their head, and all around them, and they bring joy to the world because of it. There are others who may sing the music, and this in itself is a gift.

The gift to heal is no different from those others. All of you may sing, some better than others, as all of you may heal, some better than others. But the greatest healers are as the greatest singers, have dedicated their whole lives to what they do, and the dedication means that many, many hours of every day they place forth in the performance and [the] learning of their task, and practicing of that which they do. Much as a performer or a singer when they go before the audience, so the healer comes before you when you come unto them for healing.

But if you are a singer or a carpenter, or bricklayer, or ditch digger, and that’s what you do best, do it. The grass always seems greener on the other side of the hill. It is not so. Be that which you will and be content at what you do, and do it because you wish to do it.

For you, you see only the stardust. You have yet to see the pain in what you ask and wish for. We say unto you, until you have felt the pain of hell itself, and known death, you cannot know life, nor can you know the joy in giving life back into the living.

Now, we say unto all of you, our time now grows short. And we shall say unto you once again, now is the time of the Cherubim, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. The two-edged Sword, which cuts away the lands and masses, and the other side which splits man from man, [is] now striking your Earth.

It is not a great mountain we ask you to build. If you are here because you want to be here, because it is a joyful thing within you, and because you bring joy into another, be as the boy with smallest rope and bring balance unto the Earth, and those around you. Which is the greater, the stone cutter who placed the words upon the stone, or the boy who kept the stone from falling, and shattering? Which is the greater in the eyes of the Lord? The boy gave all he had. So did the stone cutter.

You asked the Father to take judgment on who He should love the most. He cannot, for you are all His children. He loves you each equally.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.