July 23, 1982

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee unto this parable.

For the Lord of Hosts did bring forth upon the earth three very wise men. And the Lord of Hosts did bring forth in another part of the world three wise men. And in another part of the world He brought forth three wise men. And from another part He brought forth three wise men. And each prayed and prayed [a] long and many hours, for they were sure that the longer they prayed, and the louder they prayed, they were sure that God would hear them.

Now each was waiting patiently for a messenger of the Lord to come unto them. Now one lived in the north, the other the south, the other east, the other the west. And each thought that the place they lived was the only and the greatest place upon the all of the earth and all the universes.

And they prayed so loud, the echo of their voices soon rang around the earth. And the others began to hear them. And they thought that this echo was an echo of themselves, so they prayed even louder. One day they decided they would pray all day and all night, that one would stay awake and continue in their loud prayers, for the Lord of Hosts would hear them.

And from the north, as they prayed, a young man walked up to the one who was praying in such a loud and boastful voice, and said, “Who are you talking to?”

Of course, this wise person had prayed so long and so loud that he could barely hear the other man. And he wasn’t quite sure whether he should stop and answer the young man’s question or not, because he was afraid if he stopped, the Lord would not hear. So, he went on praying louder and louder.

So the young man went on. And soon he reached the east, and there he asked, who were they talking to? They felt that they were the only ones that were talking to the Lord, and if they stopped talking to [Him], the Lord would not hear. So they would not answer the young man.

The young man went to the south, and asked once again, “Who are you talking to?”

And they felt that if they stopped talking, the Lord of Hosts would not hear their prayer. And therefore, they chose also to ignore the young man.

The young man went on to the east [west], and there he asked, “Who are you talking to?”

And they said unto him, “We shall stop talking only to answer your question, but one of us must continue talking to the Lord.” And so, one shouted while the other answered the question.

The young man said, “Why do you shout in such a loud voice?”

He said, “So that the Lord, our God, might hear us, the Lord of Hosts.”

The young man said, “Is He the same God that those in the east and the west and the north and the south have?”

And those of the west said, “Yes, but there is no east, there is no north, there is no south; we are the all that worship the God.”

And the young man said, “Nay, there are others.”

They could not believe this. It was an unbelievable thing to them. How could this be so; how could the Lord allow others to worship Him? And so they became quite angry, and they decided that they would not shout to the Lord.

When they stopped shouting to the Lord, those of the north and the south, not hearing the echo coming from the west they thought that was themselves, stopped shouting to the Lord. And that from the east, not hearing any echo, any sound, stopped shouting to the Lord.

And so those of the west, said to the young man, “See, if what you say is true, then there is no sound.”

The young man said, “Come, I shall show you.”

So the young man took them to the edge of a cavern and said, “Follow this cavern and you shall find that of the truth.”

And he went to the north and said, “Follow this cavern and you shall find that of the truth.”

He went to the east and said, “Follow this cavern, and you shall find that of the truth.”

He went to the south and said the same thing.

Well, as it happened, they all met in the center of the earth. (Chuckle) And as you know, the center of the earth was a rumored place where Lucifer lived. And they all were so sure of this. And as they met each other, they each decided that the other was Lucifer. And they decided that their only way to rid themselves of each other was to shout praise unto the Lord.

Well, when they all shouted praise unto the Lord, the bowels of the earth, not being able stand such loud noises, decided to have earthquakes upon the earth. And so, therefore, they were erupted upward, and soon found themselves, not in the north, the east or the west, but all mixed up into different places upon the earth.

Now we say unto you, the Lord, God, has strange and mysterious ways, but are they strange? Are they any stranger than your own? God does not argue over who is God. God knows who is God. God is satisfied with any temple, which is man. The house of the Lord’s which you built, He is satisfied with those also.

But when you decide that you have found the true and only way to the Lord, and when you shout at others and it becomes warm and hot and you are sure you are in hell, that is the day that you shall be, for you have made your hell. For even Lucifer has eardrums that could be burst.

If you wish to walk upon the earth, and wish for God to hear you, it is not how loud you speak, it is the way you speak, from the heart of yourself.

Yes, God notices those who stand on street corners, and find soap boxes to stand upon, to shout and tell you you are sinners, that you’re all going to hell, that you are blasphemous, that you have taken all His commandments and done them wrong. God had heard all of these things. And one day – and that day, thank God, is not too far away – the Lord, God, shall empty His bowels upon the earth. And then, you shall hear the whisper.

So why must all this be necessary? Why should it be necessary you condemn one another? Why can you not love one another? It is nothing new.

You say you are Christians. Yet you say, “I could love this person, but there are these small things. This person is a little better looking than I.” Or, “This person is green or purple, and if they would only change their color.” In truth, what does it take for you to commit the one act that God has asked you, to love one another, to take hatred from your hearts, and cast it aside?

In truth, these twelve wise men were not wise. They had shouted so long they had become deaf. They had blinded themselves with their own self-importance, until they knew not where they were. Look unto yourselves and “judge not, leste ye be judged.” Take not the words of God and say, “This is the words of God, for I have heard the spirits.” The spirits that were sent to you were for you, but not necessarily meant for someone else.

We say that the chapel, as it is concentrated [consecrated?] unto all segments, unto all places, shall be open to the earth and the heavens. And laughter shall come unto you, and praise shall be sung from you. For look into a child’s smile, and you shall see God. Look unto laughter, and there is God, all around you, within you and without you. You do not need to shout for Him to hear you, for He knows you are there, for you have forgotten you were created by God, and you are unlike any other person upon this world and all others. You are unique in kind. Does that not show you that God loves you?

You have thought in your minds that the times of war, the times of earthquake, the times of famine are here before you. This is true. How many times have we told you, let not the Seventh Seal be opened? How many times, in how many ways, in how many parables have we said the same thing, “Love one another.”

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And you shall say into your hearts, “Once again they have spoken as unto riddles. They have shocked us; they have pleased us; they have teased us; and they have given us some knowledge. Why do they not pick us up and show us all of the truth of God?”

And we say unto you, unto each of you lies the truth; unto each of you lies the knowledge. But there is but one total and complete truth, love one another. If you wish to start this, do it now, this moment. Cast out of you your hatreds. Cast out of you your jealousies. If [for] one has something you do not have, be glad for them. But all things that God has given you, do not cast dirt upon it, for it is all beautiful. And those things He shares within His children are beautiful. For men and women are like flowers upon the field, each a different color, each reaching to the heaven in its own way, yet the beauty of it all is beyond your spoken words.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona  85502