July 30, 1982

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy needs, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of the children of God. And glory be the name of the people of the universe.

And we shall say unto you unto this way, unto this manner.

For in the land of the valley, there came into it many people, each with their own ideas, each with the things that they would desire to have and to keep unto themselves. Some brought forth with them the cuttings of many plants, that they would sprout forth unto trees and bear fruit. Some brought forth whole plants, whole trees, and put there forth into the earth. Others brought forth seed. And the earth did yield an abundance of all things to feed the people and to clothe them.

And there were those who brought forth the written word. And the written word was knowledge.

And so, all the people gathered from around and about and they brought forth unto themselves counsel. And they said unto themselves, “Let us cast out this written word, for it has been used before to destroy ourselves, our livelihoods, for the written word has been brought forth in forms that were lies.”

Another, of the wiser, said unto them, “If you shall cast this aside, then cast aside the spoken word also, for it should come forth in both truth and lies.”

They all thought upon this.

And it was true. So they decided, therefore, that they would not do away with the written word, but they must pass a law, the law of the lands, against the lying in the printing of the written word.   And all from around and about did say unto each other, “What sort of punishment shall be fitting those who should violate this law?”

Some thought of hard labor. Others thought of imprisonment.

But then those in the valley said, “We have no room to build prisons in this valley.”

And others said, “We have no people to watch after those who would do hard labor.”

And others said, “Then let us bring death unto them.”

Once again, the wise one said unto them, “For what is the difference in murder? Is not murder a planned and plotted thing? Is it not the killing? And we say unto you, no, let it be that only a life be taken for a life. Let this one who shall trespass upon the Commandments of God be sent forth, and be judged by God.”

So, this one who did this, and printed lies into written words, they sent them into the high place. And they provided him food and water. And each thirty days they came to see what God had given him as punishment.

Each day, as they came forth, they saw in this one something different, something lost. And so they did bring him down after six months. And they said unto him, “What has God told you? What punishment has He befitted upon you?”

And this one looked into all their eyes and said, “Loneliness. For you placed me upon the mountain so that God could judge me, yet I found not God there, but only myself. For it is not the high place that God dwells, but in the hearts of men and women.”

Now we say unto you, to walk alone without God, in either world, is the loneliness of all lonelies. For to have the world without God would be nothing. Look closely into the things you write, into the things you say unto one another, and say the best you can to another. And sometimes the truth may hurt, but it will be the best that can be said or done or written. But judge yourselves not too harshly, for what is truth to one man may not be truth at all to another.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [14-459-1...Las Cruces, New Mexico]. She would like to know if she is following her divine design also?

(Chuckle) We shall answer that last, but not the first at this time, for soul Ray has not gained his strength back. And so that we should not take, but add unto him, we shall answer the last ques­tion.

Divine footsteps of all man and yourselves is that which you make them. You have cast your lot into the preparation [of] the coming of the Messiah. Take it in such a way that it becomes a reality. The rock unto which we have spoken many times, unto which we shall build, has been your bodies and souls, your spirits everlasting.

And we say unto you, as the church is born it shall soon need the roses for the rose garden. Bring it forth. [Note: A church to God on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona]

There are many things that we shall say unto you. And one of these things we shall say unto you is, blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God. And blessed be the holy place in thy heart where the Lord may dwell.

Thy have other questions, ask.          

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-459-2…El Paso]; ‘Can I expect assistance from my deceased friend, B_____, in solving technical problems. If so, what form will the help be in?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. If a man should lose his hand and pray unto the Lord, God, that he should receive assistance, then God should send forth those who have lost their hand and shall know of such things. And He shall send them forth from both sides.

We shall say unto you, you seem to think because a person has died that he becomes a technical genius. This is not true. He is no smarter, no wiser, than when he lived upon the earth. It is only when he has reached beyond himself that he can tap into the temple of knowledge. All things that have ever been are still. All knowledge that was before and shall be again, lies within this. Look unto these places for thy answers.

We are sorry; we have not meant to embarrass you or to belittle you in any manner. But if you need this, this crutch, to tap into your own mind [and] knowledge, then do so.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-459-3…El Paso]. ‘What more can I do to bring spiritual, mental, physical, and financial health into my life?’”

(Chuckle) Pray.

You have other questions.

“Thank you.”           

We shall say unto you unto these words, soul Ray now grows weary.

And therefore, we shall answer this question of the one who reaches from the other lands. And we shall say unto you, your body is not perfect, and the Government is like a body, it is not perfect. But it is the most perfect form of government that you have on this world today. It has faults, many. But a government is only as good as the people shall make it. If there are laws in your land that should be changed, then cast your heart and soul into them and change them.

But we say unto you, a government, like anything, must have a revenue; it must have a means of support. If you strip this totally and completely – it should be regulated in the means which it is [taking] from the people. It should be as a tithing given unto God.

But we say unto you, look at the aged; look at the sick of your land. Your Social Security laws must be changed, that the Social Security that they receive is something that they have earned. It is not a gift from the Government. Stop this bad law, a law that makes criminals of honest people. Give them that that is theirs. Let them earn that that is theirs, and let them pay taxes on that that is theirs.

You do not understand from which we speak; then we shall explain, in your form and in your way. Your Social Security has been paid for and belongs to the people who paid for it. It is not a political ball, and politicians should be stripped from it. Second, since it is a payment been paid, and should be paid back, regardless of how much a person makes, they should receive their payment, allowing them to receive it and continue to pay taxes on anything that they make beyond this. Let them also continue to pay into the Social Security fund if they wish. In this way, the Social Security form that you have would not disappear from the face of the earth, and the hope of the many would not disappear with it.

For of all the laws that you have, if this law continues, if this means continues, then this land that you say is by God’s word and by God’s hand, then you have lied, for it is not God’s way to give you with one hand and take away with another. This land shall feel the wrath of God unto four and fourscore years.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona