March 5, 1982

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”               

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you unto this manner.

For long ago, people were in a migration after a great destruction of the earth. And they looked, therefore, unto the land, a land that was bountiful and would give them food, land that they could grow crops upon, land that they could love and would love them back.

Many wanted to go north, others west, others east, others south. And they came upon all of these a dream, and in the dream they found a valley of great magnificence, for its size was not great in volume, because it was sheltered on the four sides by the mountains. And from the mountains flowed the water that was needed for irrigating the land. 

And they did take these things unto themselves, and began to build their homes. As time went on the valley flourished, and all things of all manner did pass through there. And they did take from the ground, and they took from one another. And they molded into the ground the love [that] they could pass from one to another, for there was always the promise that the valley would give back unto them into a bountiful thing.

Time passed. [And] soon men came to mine, and they scratched the surface and they dug into the earth, and they found some riches. But the greatest riches within the valley was the water, for it brought from the earth a plentiful and bountiful amount of food for their animals and for their selves.

And then one day there came one among them, and he said unto them, “I have come unto you to prepare the way.”

They looked one unto the other, and they could not understand this. They could not understand of what he spoke. He spoke of love and understanding and truth.

And he said unto them, “Love one another, for that is the greatest truth of all.”

And they of the people decided that this was a good thing.

And he went unto the valley, unto the canyon, and he thrust his shaft unto the wall of the canyon, and the wall produced a stream, a very small stream. And he said unto them, “This shall be a holy spot, a place upon earth that shall remain holy, for all civilizations, for all times.”

Now the lands were coming together. Many traveled [to] this spot, because it became known as a healing place. It became known as a place that they might worship, and worship back.

And he said unto them, “For I leave three guardians to protect this place, that no man may put it asunder. And in another time I shall return.” And he left, to go unto other lands.

Soon, the one he prepared for came. And he ate from the dates, and he took from the wine, and he ate of the many things that Spider body provided. And he taught long on many things. And he said unto them that he too would go, but he too would return. And he went, therefore, unto the stream, and he did give prayer unto the Lord that all things would be as they were when he returned. 

And the Lord said back unto him, “DID NOT I SEND HE [GO] BEFORE YOU TO PREPARE THIS PLACE?”

And he said into the Lord, “Yes, I know, and I hear, for I see the three guardians.”

Now many, many years passed. Many came and left this valley. And soon even the word was gone, but not forgotten.

The valley has been given back, and therefore, a place has been provided.

We have told you before, that the one you wait for is upon the Earth. One day he shall come into your valley, as he had before. And from where he lays his hand, the dimensions of a new Earth shall grow – for the kiva of the springs are the three spirits, and the fourth spirit is the spirit of the one who came before, and the fifth spirit, making all things whole and holy, was that of the Messiah.                                                   

Place there in stone these things that we have asked you. And soon, flowers shall grow all around you, for soon that time shall come, the time when the hand shall be laid forth. Therefore, we ask you this night to let that sacred place within you begin to grow and release itself, all, therefore, about you. And let it grow in your hearts, for the most important one that shall be placed there shall be, “Love one another,” for it is the eleventh Commandment.

There are two others which we shall give you when the time is right. [Editor's note: Please see the "Afterglow" in the April 1982 newsletter, Rays of Philosophy, for an explanation or the note below.]

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [14-456-1…Litchfield Park], ‘Please give me a health reading and any other advice.’”

(Chuckle) We see thy need. But the health reading you do not need, for you know, therefore; all those things that lie within you, you have brought unto soul Ray. You also know the advice that we would give you is a very simple thing – be happy.

Love is a wonderful and beautiful thing. Do not allow it to bring hardship or burden into your life, for there is not need for that. The freedom of love is the kindness of all things; yet man makes it so complicated. If you see a flower and it is beautiful to your eyes, and [to] smell the fragrance brings total satisfaction to your nose, and when you reach and pick it up it is smooth and delicate in your hands, you do not have to think of its wilting. You do not have to think of it dying. It is a thing to appreciate at the time when you hold it in your hands.

Love is like the wind, tame but untamed, cooling and refreshing, yet it carries the storms. Yet the storm shall pass and in its place a bright new day shall arrive, and maybe a new love with this day.

Love is a word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of. Yet the moment given from one to another is worth a lifetime of all other emotions. In some ways it may be stored in the memories of your mind for all of eternity, for once it has been there, and you hold it in a delicate manner, nothing can change it. Though time may dim the memories of the emotion, yet even time has a way of sweetening the taste.

Do not become confused, for the love that soul Ray has given you is eternal. It is a love that a father would give to his daughter, as God would give to His child. It has not changed nor altered.

Do not become confused with the paths that lay before you. Touch them with love. But there is one thing that can destroy love – if you smother it, if you take the flower and crush it in your hands.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-456-2…Litchfield Park, Arizona]. ‘Please give me any health reading and any advice.’”

We see thy need also. And we shall answer your question for your health the same as we have before. Soul Ray knows your health and your problems, and that that has been needed has been placed in his heart, his hand, and his mind.

We have answered the second part of your question with that of your sister’s, and with the first part of the reading. Therefore – [long pause].

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-456-5]. She asks, ‘What is next in my life, and what direction do I take?’”

And we shall answer your question in this manner. You have come to the fountain to drink. Be patient, and all those things that are necessary shall flow into your life. Let it come one at a time. Listen unto the words of soul Ray unto you, for the words he has given to you was given to you with great wisdom.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-456-4]. She asks, ‘What is the main cause of recurring pain in the left chest and back?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit of the

same. And we shall answer your question in this manner. The circulation within your body is not complete. This of the new virus, or the old virus, whichever you care to call it, is the main source of the pain. Soon that shall be gone, and even that which carries it shall be gone, [and] defaced of your earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Regarding that statement, I just wondered if the bacteria that was developed to eat Agent Orange is the same bacteria that will attack these viruses?”

It and others, for the meanest, [or] the greatest, shall come forth to destroy these bacterias, for it shall become, in the form in which you would know as, the wind of God. And soon your land shall feel it. Fear it not. Some shall.

You have questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-456-6]. He asks for ‘the cause of right leg circulation and right hip joint problems.’”

We see your need. These questions have already been answered by soul Ray.

Now we should say unto you unto this time. Take from our words, if you wish, and make them your own. Give praise unto one another. And when you do so, God shall be giving praise unto you. Give glory to one another, and God shall be giving glory unto you.

For we say to you, once was a man who thought he had lost everything, and an angel appeared unto him and said, “God shall come to you this night.”

He waited patiently. And first an old cobbler came to his door in need of bread. And the man gave him bread. And then, a bird came, and lit upon his window sill, and it had a crippled wing and it was hungry. And he gave healing unto the bird and fed the bird, and the bird left. A child came unto the door, and he was lost, and he fed him and he showed him the path. The day was soon to finish. And in his anxiety of waiting for the Lord to appear, he fell asleep.


He awoke the next day happier than he had ever been in his life. From that day forward, unto all things he came in contact with, he treated them with the greatest of respect, for he knew that into each of these dwelt the Lord. And the Lord had truly visited him, not that day, but into all days.

Now is the time of the Messiah.

Now, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1982 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.



[Editor's note: The April 1982 AUP newsletter, Rays of Philosophy, describes the Salado culture of indigenous Indians and the Hopi culture, local to the Dripping Springs-Globe, Arizona, area.

Hopi legend tells of the Creator, His Nephew, and Spider woman, to whom the Creator tasked to make the world, plants and the five colors of people. Nephew destroyed the Second World when Spider Woman told him that the people had forgotten to sing praises to the Creator and only praised material things. Each time the people have forgotten the Creator their civilization was destroyed.

A kiva is a ceremonial chamber. The grotto containing the waters of the healing spring is shaped like a kiva without a roof. Beneath the Dripping Springs are Ray Elkins’ boots beside one of the Ten Commandments, “Thou shall not bear false witness.” Aka asked that we carve all the Commandments and place them at the Springs.]