August 12, 1983

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable and in this way.

We shall tell you of a time when great famine of many natures had struck the earth. The mountains bellowed and volcanoes erupted. Oceans roared and tidal waves were not of just one day, but of many days. It seemed as though there was no safe place upon the land.

And so, from those who lived near the ocean they did come together and delegate to send a young man forth to find a safe haven for them. And for those who lived in the mountains, they did do the same. And so the young man from the moun­tains and the young man from the oceans, not knowing of each others’ existence, began their long journey. From what they knew, there was fertile land to the south of them.

And so they did venture forth.

But when they began to cross the great deserts, each had not come prepared for this. And even though their bodies were strong, and their spirits high, soon the toll began to come upon both. And as each day passed into another, they knew that should they not return, their people would perish. Yet they looked for water and for food, and they saw it not.

And one day, they came and met each other. And as they talked, barely in whispers because of the dryness in their throats, a young man came out of the desert whistling a merry tune. They looked up into him, and said, “How can you [whistle], when we can barely speak?”

And the young man looked upon them, and laughed and said, “It is a saying, gentlemen, ‘But do you not know you have been sitting on water?’”

They looked all around and about them. There was many cacti of many kind[s], but they saw no water.

The young man who had whistled walked forth, pulled from his belt a long knife; both of the other young men poised themselves for battle. Yet the knife was not for that purpose. For he walked to that of the cholla, and he cut it in two at the base; he brought forth from his belt a long protruding spoon, and reached up and started to pull it out. From the back of his pack he brought a bowl, and as he pulled it out, he offered it to them.

They looked at it, both one unto the other, both afraid to taste it. They did not know whether it looked appetizing or not, but it was moist. And so they began to eat of it, and they felt the moisture begin to fill them.

In the meanwhile, he had gone to the other plants, and began to prepare a meal. And soon he gave unto them a feast of the desert. After they were full, they did say unto him, “How can you live in such a desolate place?”

And he said unto them, “But this is not a desolate place. We live here; we live happily. Because of the water situations, we live in smaller amounts of groups of people. But where we have chosen to live more and more together, we developed the under­ground water which lies in tremendous vats beneath the earth.”

And they said, “But do you have not earthquakes yet here?”

And the young man said, “Yes, we have had them. We have had them long ago. For once long ago this land which you stand on was once part of a great forest. And before that it sat beneath the sea, and thrust upward. Therefore, all these things that you have had where you live was once here. It has only changed its form in such a way that it can serve not only itself, but it can serve mankind.”

They thought upon this for a long time, and they said to the young man, “We are many people from where we come from. We must find homes for them; would you help us?”

And the young man looked upon them and said, “Yes, our people will help you.”

But that night as they began to sleep, the one from the ocean and the one from the mountain did come over together and say, “Is he tricking us? Is what he has and what he offers us, is it truly good? Can this be a vision of the devil that has been placed in this horrible place to trick us?”

The young man, in the morn, said unto them, “You may venture forth with me into our villages and see as we live. And then we shall escort you back, both back home.”

They thought upon this and thought to them­selves, “We shall catch the devil at work within his own realm.”

When they reached these villages, the one thing that made them more suspicious was that of the art of not speaking so much with the mouth, but more with the mind. And they saw other wonders about them that came from these of the desert people.

And they were taken unto the wise men and into council. And they said unto the wise men, “How do we know you are not of Lucifer?”

The wise men looked upon them and said, “This is a good question you ask of us. And since we have no way of proving to you that we are not, then it is your choice, your free choice, to make this decision. But we should take you unto one who has come among us from the beginning, into the valley of valleys, and let you see where the many live.”

And so the next morning they did go forth upon a journey. They did enter valleys, one after another. In each valley they found an abundance of water, they found an abundance of food, and happy people living in peace, each greeting them, and giving to them.

Finally one day they crested into the mountain and down into the valleys. There it stood, green. As they came into the valley they were greeted in a most unusual manner, for there in the valley they were first given fish, the first fish they had seen. They had seen dried fish in the other camps, but here there was fish, fresh fish in abund­ance. And they saw beautiful horses, all around and about them. And they saw fat cattle, and sheep, and goats, and many other animals, of different kind. And they saw fowl. They could not believe their eyes of all the wonders they were seeing. They saw vegetables growing bigger than they had ever seen before.

And as they entered, it was of the noon time and the time of the meal. They thought they would be taken into a great commune. They soon found that they were invited into a private home to eat.

The homes were simple, made both for winter and summer. They found, therefore, there was coal for heating, and the structures were made to maintain the coolness. They found many structures made for generating electricity, and many structures made for generating and producing water. All the elements of the earth and the heavens were put to use.

And they said, “It has been some time since all this has come about unto us and we have seen such abundance.”

And they were told that that night, that at the church and the meeting house, that they were welcome to attend. So they did go into the meeting house of the church where prayers were given up to the great Lord of Lords, the God of Gods. And they began to realize that the God these people wor­shipped was the same that they did. But they also began to realize these people had survived because they had schools for learning, teachers for teaching. But they were taught, both in their classroom and in the fields, of every plant and every herb that grew upon the lands in natural state, and all those things that they could grow, and how to grow them, and how to get the most from the land and the water at hand, how to use the sun, how to use the air.

And they were told that their lands would soon become safe for living, but in the meantime, that all of their people would be willing to open up their hearts and make places for them. It was to be understood, should they come and be allowed to enter into the valleys, that they must work, as all did here.

They agreed very readily.

And within a day or two, and their rest complete, they were taken very short routes home upon fine golden beasts. And when they entered their own homes and their own camps with their new friends, the people there could not believe, because with them had been sent the gifts of food, of clothing, of many things to sustain them on their journey.

Now, we should bring this journey and this story to an end, yet it shall never end. For the parable we have told you is that which will come and the time which will come.

We have told you [on] many times to prepare, and how to prepare. And if you wish to prepare, make these decisions. There is this time that these preparations can be made. If you decide to do so, then do so, in a manner which serves the whole and the one; the whole meaning the whole body, the whole soul, the whole spirit, and the whole people − the one meaning the one God, the one person, the one soul, the one spirit, and the one immortal body that should come into oneness.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6-274-2] and others ask, ‘What do you mean by, “Taos has fallen?” Some say the warm springs are not as hot as before.’”

We have said before, that Taos would be no more, both as a spiritual place, and that of a place that it would erupt and pour upon the land in its molten lava.     

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes. Aka. [1-1-1] would like to know how he can lose weight. He’s tried everything and seems to be putting on more.”

(Chuckle.) First, we would say, with more exer­cise, both morning and evening, the utilization of his pool − and he should do so now in such a way that it can be prepared to use in the wintertime.

Next would be that that he may prepare himself by diet. There are many substitutes for sugar. Eat the fruit that is in season, and as you can it, utilize that. Pastry should be limited to one or two days a week only, and a minimum amount of that − a balanced diet, more of the green vegetables, yet more of the solid beef, or red meat[s] for him, because of his metabolism.

We would also mention the fact that because of a thyroid condition, long­standing, the retention of fluids within his body, the new tablet which has been suggested to be made, when complete, shall greatly assist in this.

We would also suggest that he has with him several forms and ways of exercise − one of these is to go back to riding as soon as possible; next, unto the boating exercises which he had in mind.

We will give further information on this from time to time as questions should arise.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [3-69-2] and [2-30-2] say, ‘We need more information on Marsha − who Marsha was in the past, and how we connected to her?’”

We shall say unto you, it is a babe yet unborn. It is a babe that is important. Translate the word of Marsha, and where it comes from, its originality. It will show you its origin. And it shall show you how it ties together for the babe that is yet born, and the importance that it should be born. It shall need your assistance. It shall also need the assistance of its mother, and [in] her cooperation. This will come within time. It will also need the assistance of its grand­mother. She knows of herself. It is vitally import­ant, for there shall be a struggle in the womb for possession of the soul of this one.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Thank you for leading us to the papers we needed yesterday. For several years we have been having difficulties with papers dis­appearing. What may we do to prevent this in the future, and how did the papers with the pictures come to be in the building where we recovered them?”

It was quite simple. The one known as [6-281-1] did deliver them. There is further information that we will give on this subject also at different times.

If you shall prevent papers from disappearing, lock them up in safe places. You have those necessary places here. Utilize them. We would also suggest that for future papers, because there is so much, that under this building be constructed a concrete vault. Its dimensions should be approximately 10-by-10: 10 feet wide, 10 feet long.  Eight-foot in height, 7-foot would do. This may be done by the use of your concrete blocks and filling them in this manner. You will find that you do have ways of coming into your possession of asbestos that you could mix with the concrete, which would make this fireproof. Steel doors, again lined with asbestos, would stop any fire from happening. Or there are many doors that could be bought. This would simplify it in such a way that simple filing cabinets once placed inside could be utilized into the fullness of things.

As time grows on there shall be more and more things that will need to be placed into safer preservations.

We shall also explain to you that of the corporate structure. A corporate structure is nothing more than a vessel, an empty vessel, that needs to be filled. Take those things that is in Ray’s [1-1-1]’s mind and place them inside of it, but do so in such a manner that it is inside by lease, in other words, by double protec­tion. It is not unusual for an individual to sell his sole belongings to the corporation and the corpora­tion to pay dividends into the same. We think it would be wise if this was done soon.

We should further advise that the land that soul Ray [1 -1 -1] has advised [2-30-2] and [2-30-1] to look into the purchase of should be done immediately. At first, he will be turned down. It will be necessary that a trip to Safford be made. But this should be done, repeated and repeated and repeated again, until you get that which is needed to bring things into a whole. Do you understand which we speak of?    

“Yes, I think so.”

You will soon find that there are those around and about who shall wish to place other things into this for safekeeping.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘In the 19th of July 1975 reading you said Buddha had the mark of the Eagle on his chest. Can you give more information on this?’”

(Chuckle!) And we shall say unto you, for the Eagle was here at the beginning of your civilization. And wherever he traveled he prepared the way for those who would come after him. And from Adam to Jesus of Nazara is but one. And therefore, the journey inbetween took on many forms, as the Eagle took on the form. In the planet Yahweh, to this time, all is but the same. Look closely at the ring upon his finger and you shall understand that mark, for it is the marriage bond between himself, his karma, and his God. It is also the marriage bond between him and he who he comes to prepare the way from.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘What did Mary Magdalene do to make Christianity grow after Jesus shed the physical body?’”      

Mary Magdalene later became the wife of the brother of Jesus. But she did travel and speak as no woman had spoken before. Because of her and her words, the mother of the Emperor Constantine was influenced, and therefore, Christianity became a state religion. It was diverted and changed in its form. But had it not been for Mary Magdalene − as Jesus had picked her, as John had picked her − time immortal is but a play, and the players are but parts. They pick their parts; they pick the players, and they make the music of eternity. Mary Magda­lene was as great in the eyes of the Lord Jesus as his mother; for is it not written, “Should your brother die, you shall take his wife into your house, and she shall become as your own.” Do you not understand the Laws of Moses?

Yes, we see your confusion. Then we shall go farther and say unto this, “Should your brother die” − Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus of Nazara; as he was crucified, the next in line was his brother to take, therefore, her as his wife. He did so in honor of his brother, but also in honor of the child that she carried.

These things are new and strange unto your tongue and your ways of thinking. But as we have said before, this is the thirteenth year; therefore, many things shall be uncovered for you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [15-466-1…Prattville, Alabama] asks, ‘Where will I make my home after selling my property? Should I continue to wait on my friend?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. And we shall call you, tribune, for were you not the tribune at the crucifixion upon the skull? [Note: Hill of the skull.] Did it not leave your mind in a manner of knowing that you must search out the truth? And so it is with you now. You search for the truth, but sometimes the truth eludes you. Even when you played dice for a robe, far memory was placed in mind − which would later be gone, and this person will become a governor appointed in the state of New Mexico − and later, would come into your own mind. Yet you have driven it out. Remember it, for it is there but for recall, and it shall answer your question[s], all of them. Lift up your heart and your eyes unto the Lord, God.

You have other questions, ask.  

“Thank you, Aka. [15-466-2] asks, ‘Is my mother living or dead, and if living, where, and if buried, where buried?’”

(Sigh) We shall answer your question in this manner. Is it not enough that you have a mother to love?

Your mother lives not, your mother of birth. You will find that in the town of Fairfield, Illinois, in the cemetery of the Lady of the Grace that of the grave of your maternal mother. After you have completed this, then complete the other things that are necessary inside of yourself.

You have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [9-372-2] asks, ‘What direction should I go in my life now? Thank you for any advice. Thank you for all.’”

And we shall say unto you, a direction has been laid before you. The direction is to take now unto yourself the task that was laid before Buddha in his time − the task of not necessarily finding the truth, but living the truth. There has been a way laid before you, and a way to provide for yourself. Do so. But do so in such a manner that it lifts you upward.

You have other questions − one moment please.

Yes, we see this.

We should say unto you, soul Ray’s body now grows tired.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona