August 26, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now we should say unto thee the Parable of the Twins.

For in a land of plenty, it came to be that this good man and this good woman could not have children. They had laid themselves unto a good farm with much stock of many kinds. They had built good store­houses, and yet, even though each day they came forth and knelt unto the Lord, thy God, there was no answer. From the offerings they had given, nothing was taken. From that unto which they gave unto the Lord, thy God, the Lord seemed to be listening with deaf ears.

And then one day, as the woman went about her daily tasks, and was in the garden harvesting that of the bountiful amount of vege­tables, there, among all of them, sat an angel of the Lord, thy God. And the angel did speak unto her and say, “For [of] you this day, and it shall come about, shall be the mother of two nations. And one nation shall begot unto another nation. And so it shall be.”

As she had seen the angel, she fell deep into a sleep, and she slept the long day.

In the field where her husband worked, therefore, appeared an angel, and the angel did say unto him, “For behold this day is a great day for rejoicing, for your seed shall be the seed that shall begot nations.”

Now this man, being a God-fearing man, knelt before the angel of the Lord’s, and said unto them, “Yet how can this be when my wife is bare and gives me no children?”

And the angel said unto him, “Is it your wife that is bare, or you? But that shall be no more, for you shall father nations, for your seed shall spread upon the earth, and it shall find unto itself that of many nations.”

The good news spread far and wide across the land − for behold, a child of the Lord was to be born.

And as the news spread, soon the great physicians of the land ventured forth, for they too wished to play a part in the birth of this special child. And they did examine her and find that not one, but two children lay in the womb. The day came forth, and two fine boys came forth of the womb of this woman.

And the father thought, “How can this be? How can they both be head of a nation?”

Time passed. And when the boys themselves were that unto eighteen, a vision did come before them that each should travel in a different direction, leaving one another. They looked so much alike that no one could tell them apart, not even their mother and father. So one went east, and one went west.

And one, when he had came unto the edge of the ocean did build a mighty craft. And he did sail this craft until the day that it came unto the land of the Americans. And therefore, he became the father of the land, for with him he brought those of both sex, and they did bring forth and make the land fertile, and did populate the land.

And the other young man, he went forth until he hit and came upon a great ocean. And he too did build a craft that was great and mighty, and he too did sail. And he reached unto that which is known as the South American continent. And he too did set about to populate the land. And he was thought of as Quetzalcoatl, that of the greatness of leaders of the land.

And in the other land, he who settled upon it, he too became of a great leader, and the father of his nation. And he too did build of great civilizations. And soon his children and his grandchildren went upon the land.

And soon the descendants of both brothers were trading with one another. And each, as they reached the other, told of their ancestor. And they realized that they were of cousins.

And soon there was marriages arranged, both for and about unto the land, and they did begot other children. And soon all of the land was populated by the descendants of the two.

Now all was quiet and all was peaceful upon the land. And whenever a man looked upon the land he thought, “What a good thing it is that these two were brothers, for there shall never be war among us.” And for as long as the two brothers lived, there was no war.

Yet their descendants begot other des­cendants. And soon they began to quarrel over who was the greater. And so they bought and made graven images of each of the brothers, yet, and they did use them as totems to march with in their [armies].        

And one day they faced each other across a great field, therefore, to enter into battle. Each looking unto the other’s totem became confused because they dressed alike and their totems was alike. Their totems looked alike. And so, they began to say one unto the other, “Why do we fight each other? For what reason?” − because one could not be greater than the other if they looked alike, if they dressed alike, if they were alike, and if they were brothers − “Then we must prepare a great feast upon this battle­field.” And they did do so.

Now we say unto you, did you not all come from the same tree? Are you not but different branches of that tree? Are all of you not going in the same direc­tion? Do you not seek our Father’s mansions? Therefore, we say unto you, there is but goodness and glory in the hearts of men.

Yes, there shall be men who shall say unto you, “Hate this person; dislike this person,” for this or that reason. But is that a reason enough? We say unto you, forgive thy brother and sister. Forgive thy mother and father. Forgive, that brother and brother shall be brothers, and sister and sister shall be sisters. And all upon the land a greatness shall reign.

For now the valley has been opened. And you shall soon see the abundance of the valley.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [3-69-2]. She asks for a life reading or a past life important to this time in her life.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall say unto you unto this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

And we shall say unto you that once there was a time that was known as the time of Joan the Arc. And she did ride unto the generals, and the generals did listen unto her. And she did have of a friend who she confided into, and told of the many voices she heard. And one of the voices she heard was the voice of the Eagle, who whispered in her ear, “‘Beware, for those who set with you shall set against you.”

You helped prepare the way for this, as you helped prepare the way in the time of Jesus of Nazara, for you, as a teacher of John and a teacher of Jesus, for in all three things that you did, you did well.

We have given you this task once again, and the reason we have given you a task is that you may prepare yourself in such a manner that all shall become in completeness. And the glory of the Lord shall be with you. And you shall not forget, for you shall know from where you have been, and where you are going. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-459-1], She says, ‘I wish to live in Dripping Springs some day. What can I give to those already there? How can I help?’”

The gift of love is the greatest gift of all. When you have seen with thine eyes, you shall know the answer, for the greater of greatness shall be placed before you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12-423-1] asks, ‘Aka, thank you for our readings. At this time would you please give me the time of my birth? Also what will heal my leg?’”

The last shall come first, and the first shall come last. We say unto you, the water of the healing springs, when it is complete. And when it is com­plete, and soul Ray shall call on the Kiva of the springs, and when the Madonna is placed upon the mountain, then all shall be in readiness.

9:45 a.m.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [15-467-1], ‘Will my son, J___’s actions cause the rest of the family any problems?’”

If you throw a rock into a brook or a quiet pool, the first thing you shall experience is the splash. The second thing you shall experience is the rippling of the water. The third thing you shall experience is the stone quietly settling into the bottom of the pool, therefore, to take its place with one other stone. It did not originally come there, but the other stones will not know this, and therefore, it will become part of the whole. We say unto you, so shall that that you speak of become part of the whole.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [15-467-2] asks, ‘How long will it be before both my hands and face will get back to normal?’”

Place your faith where it belongs, and that that you seek shall be complete.

Now we say unto you unto these questions, and unto these that we say, soul Ray now grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona