December 9, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we should say unto thee this parable.

            For upon the land, in the western plains, where once many made war were the animals that could graze on the land. And in this land were cattlemen and sheep men. And they did come forth into warfare, one unto the other. The valleys were green and lush, and there was plenty for all. Yet all wanted more.

            And there had been much hard feelings upon both sides. But the older heads of the both families decided to bring forth themselves into a meeting. And so, they did come forth into a meeting. And they argued over who would have what, and who would graze where, when that that looked like a young cowboy came in among them and sat down. And they looked upon him, and they said unto him, “Who invited you here?”

            And he said unto them, “For I have come about my Father’s work. And I have come here to represent my Father. And if I speak for Him, then you must listen.”

            And they looked at him and they said, “And [from] whom is your Father?”

            And he said, “The same as yours.”

            And they looked unto one another and thought, “This lad has gone mad, but we will listen to him.” So, they said, “Then what have you to contribute to this meeting?”

            And he said unto them, “Let us, where the stream flows, let the center of the stream divide the land. On the right hand of the stream, let the cattle graze. On the left hand of the stream, let the sheep graze. But at the head waters, let them both graze. And if they graze together, and graze in harmony, then let all graze together. Is this agreed?”

            The old heads looked upon this one, and thought, “Maybe he comes from a rich family. Maybe it is wise that, if his father is such an influential person, we should not listen to him?”

            And so they discussed this among themselves and decided that they would take his advice. As each year did pass, both flocks of sheep and the herds of the cattle did multiply. And gradually they were grazing side by side. They had made meetings from time to time, and gradually the families were beginning to intermarry, sheep men into cattle families, cattlemen into sheep families.

            And they decided to have another meeting, and they sent men out to the four corners of the valleys to find the young man and his Father to invite them to the meeting. They searched and searched, and they could not find him. When the meeting began, the young man walked in, and sat down among them. They were very glad to see him, and they said unto him, “Where have you been? We have searched for you and your Father. We have not found you.”

            And he said unto them, “My Father and I have been with you always.”

And they said, “How could this be?”

            And the young man looked upon them, and said, “For I am the son of God. God, your Father and mine, are the same.”

            And then, he said unto them, “You have learned the greatest lesson of all, that no matter where you come from, nor what you do, you may live together in peace and harmony. And from the peace and harmony shall multiply the fruit of the land, whether it be that that grows from the land, or from the sea, or that that should graze upon the land, or the fowl of the air, for all these things my Father has given unto you in your keeping.” And he left.      

            There was great silence in the room.

And one said unto the other, “For this was the son of God? How could this be? He was dressed in a cowboy suit? What was he doing dressed in such a manner; why did he not come dressed in a shepherd’s suit? Or, why did he not come dressed in all the glory of the Lord?”

            And the Lord spoke unto them and said, “My son has appeared to you dressed of your kind and of your liking, so that he might be accepted among you.”

            And all was quiet.

            Now we say unto you, what we have just told you is a parable. But we say unto you, it has great truth. For you dwell together with many thoughts. Yet cannot the thoughts live among the other in peace and harmony? Cannot that that you give unto your neighbor be given with a blessing? And cannot that that the neighbor gives unto you be given with a blessing? For the blessing from you is that that you say in the Father’s name − and so it should be, a great gift, a glorious gift, a gift from the Most High.                                                 

You have questions, ask.

             “Yes, Aka, thank you. I have a question from [2-19-4]; he said, ‘I would like to request a life reading. I would also like to know, what was the reason I was born into this life at this time?’”

            Yes, we see of thy need. And should say unto you unto these words. We have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we have before us the immortal body of the same.

            First, we shall go into that and into the time of Atlantis. This is not your first birth, nor your last, just one of many that is important to you. We find you there as an orphan child in the city of Atlantis, a city of great wealth, and a city where great scientific achievements are being sought forth. And it is heard in the city that the one known as the Eagle will visit your city soon with the great priest, Ra-Tai.

            You sought in your heart to give some present because all were making ready great presents to bring unto him. You, as a small child, had but the barest of necessities for life. And so you went unto the priest at the temple, and you said unto the priest, “What could I give of this great one, that he would accept? What great gift could I give of him, for I have no worldly things?”

            The priest looked upon you with much wisdom, and he said unto you, “If you have the chance, would you give him your service?”

            And you looked unto him and you said, “Yes, if I had the chance, I will do this.”

            And so the day came. And as usual, instead of being driven around in a great caravan, he walked among the people. He touched those who were ill and healed them. He brought gladness into the sadness of the hearts. And suddenly he was before you. And he looked into you and said, “Where have you been, my son?”

            You looked at him with great surprise, and said, “But I am not your son.”

            And he looked into you and he said, “Yes, but you are; come, go with me.”

            And so he took you from there into the great land of the Eagle. And there you did learn many wondrous things. And you grew unto manhood and you did minister unto the sick and needy. But you went into the land, which was your most favorite to give, and that was agriculture, and you taught. You taught nations how to feed themselves.

            Now through time, and many times, you have done the same thing. And we shall say unto you, why were you brought unto this place? What beckons you back? Why does it feel that it is a part of you? For this is the Eagle’s nest. This is the land of the Eagle.

You have known him since you first saw him, and he called you son again. And you know that he has asked you for nothing but your love. He would not take from you your free choice and say, “You must do this,” or “You must do that.” He has let you choose of your own free choice, so that you may find the direction that you will take. That is why we cannot give you the reason that you are here now, for that must come from within your own heart. His love for you is as his own son, and has always been that way.

            Now we should say unto you, we know that all of you have many questions in your minds. But soul Ray’s body is weak, and we must leave you, but not before we say unto you these words.

            For the gladness of your hearts, and the choice of your minds and bodies and souls, for the gladness of the Lord, God, and our own, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.      

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


            [Editor’s note: While Ray was awakening he grimaced and was evidently seeing vision, which he described: “I was seeing the valley, not just the valley, I saw the whole land. And the heavens was…orange, the whole heavens were lit up. It was almost like the heavens were on fire.”

            “Was there a war?” the moderator asked Ray.

            “No, [it] was a great darkness.

“Then I saw the valley. And all the trees were bearing fruit. And fish were being harvested. And a great feast was being prepared. Tables were being set up outside. [There were] flowers, lots of flowers. The clothes had become homespun, because there was cotton and wool − wool for the winter and cotton for the summer. And the springs, people were going there daily. And it was after; [it was] after.

“[And that’s it.]”


            [Note: The valley of which Ray spoke was probably the Dripping Springs Valley, in which Ray had blessed the Dripping Springs and asked that a pond be built, and a church that he simply dedicated to God, and called it a church to God, in the valley below the springs. The valley is about 100 miles east of Phoenix and north of Tucson, Arizona.]


[Numbers are substituted for names to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona