July 1, 1983

 Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For there came into past the bloodline of a great family. But as each generation came forth, even though the seed was plentiful within the family, those within the family left because they did not want the responsibility, but most all, they did not know what the name of the bloodline meant.

And so, it came to past that within the land there was only one left. And yet, he had sown many seeds. The seed of his seed had turned unto foul things, and had gone astray. As he looked over the which he knew and loved, which had come unto him from his father, and the land unto which he had acquired in his lifetime, he said unto himself, “Now that it is come my time to pass this on, who and how should I pass it on, oh Lord? For my seed has run away, and that of my seed has run out.”

Upon a mountainside he built the altar. And at first, each day he brought offerings unto the Lord, to bring forth an answer. And none came. And then he did try to bargain with the Lord, yet no answer came. In desperation he threw himself upon the altar, and said, “Oh Lord, I offer up unto myself unto thee. But give me this answer.”

            And the Lord, God, looked unto him and said, “For there is seed all around you. And the seed has grown unto a harvest time, and you have not seen it. For the seed that you have planted in your lifetime is not that that should come from the womb of a woman. But the seed you have truly planted is the love you have planted in many hearts and in many ways, to blossom forth, and to have taken from you your gentle ways to pass on to their seed, and to their seed beyond all seedS. Is this not enough?”

And the man cried out in agony, “But Lord, let it be that I have one seed that takes up this cup from me and carries it forth.”

And the Lord looked upon him, and He said unto him, “For we cannot take freedom of choice from anyone, not even to continue the line of your seed and your name. But your name shall continue as easily as a man shall turn THE stone, for you shall be remembered in the hearts of men.”

And yet, the man still anguished inside, and cried out unto the Lord and said, “Oh, Lord, but that that my father has given unto me, and I as his son, should it not be that I should pass it on to a son of my own?”

And the Lord, God, looked unto him, and said, “What difference should it make unto you if that of a son shall be a daughter? What difference should it make unto you if the land that YOU have placed before theM should ripen and become whole? We give unto you the choice to place all things that you have offered unto Us UNTO those who love you most.”

The man thought upon this. This was a great gift he had received, the greatest gift of all, for that that he had offered the Lord most of was love, a lifetime of love. And he could pass it on to whomever he wished. It was not of stone nor wood, nor graven images. It was of a great treasure. It took very little to carry it, only a heart and a mind of love would be the vessel.

So the man turned unto mankind, and unto those who he loved, and began to pass it out.

Now, the parable we have told you, you will find many who you know who the parable would fit. But we say unto you, does it not fit all of you? How can you take all of your love, all of the Lord’s love, and place it only in one place? For it is too enormous, too beautiful. You cannot bury it as a treasure. It must be shown. And by showing, it must be given. And by giving, it must be done with love.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [14-465-1…Knoxville, Tennessee], ‘Will I hit oil this next time?’”

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner − yes. But we shall give you even a greater gift, that is the gift of life unto your daughter and health. Pick up this cup and let it run over, and you shall find that it has filled itself once again.

You have other questions, ask.     

“Yes, Aka, [12-423-1], who is here tonight, asks, ‘Will you please tell me where the well papers are I prepared for [l-l-l]?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer you in this manner. You shall find them, that that remains of them, in the room where the recording equip­ment is now. But you shall also find that those of the records have burned, and been burned on purpose, and with purpose in mind.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes. Aka. Do you have any advice for [l-l-l] from the standpoint of safety on this project of tumbling that he was proposing, tumbling stones, for his safety?”

Yes, we would generally suggest that the minimum of safety precautions be used. He knows of these. In the place of lead, to shelter himself from, use that of pure rawhide. Use Neat’s Foot in rawhide. You will find that that that he wishes to do cannot penetrate through this. Also, that safety masks be used while handling this equipment. That that he has in mind not only shall work, but shall enrich these things. He also has in mind that that that is brought from the dock root be used, both the juice and the fiber; this also shall work. It should be further suggested that that of clothing dye may be used to alter the colors once it has been opened − also, that vats of bleach be used for that, using your peroxide or peroxidation liquids for the same − that these things be soaked from 24-to-74 hours at a time. The rest of the knowledge that is needed we have placed in his mind.

To bring this that he wishes to do, he must bring about the com­pletion of that of the airboat. He knows this. But not only will the completion be of a monetary nature, but of records, long stored, that shall be of great value to that of your organization and to all mankind.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request from [10-381-1...Tucson]. She asks for a life reading or assistance in that direction.”

We shall say unto you, little has been written and little knowledge has been given of the days that the one known as Jesus did apprentice with his father, Joseph, as a carpenter. But we say unto you, look into the life of Joseph’s, and you shall see into your own life. And look unto that that he was involved in, and the writing, that you would know, of the Dead Sea Scrolls. For most people have thought that these scriptures were all written after the death of the one known as Jesus, and we say, nay. The writing started long before his birth. The first scripture, you shall find of evidence in Daniel, and therefore, you shall find Daniel speaking of the one known as John the Baptist and of his coming. And you shall, therefore, find of one of his followers that he did not send with Jesus, who also apprenticed with John the Baptist, and later, he apprenticed at the same time with that of Jesus of Nazara. He later did come forth into the land of the new land, for as John was transferred in time and space, so was this one. And the voyage across this you know as your American continents, that John did come forth to prepare the way, this is why you find such a great familiarity now.

We shall say unto you, you who have no race, yet you who has but color, you have been many races, many times, and many colors. You have been all of the five. And that is what has brought you to the place here and now. We shall say unto you, as you know of these things, so should you know of that which you must do in the preparation. We have spoke to you before, now we speak again. There is a place to apply yourself.

Now, we should say unto that one who fears to ask a question, who fears that we do not understand her. We say, you shall come unto soul Ray tomorrow, and that that he touches you with shall come from us, as well as himself − for remember, soul Ray is I and I am soul Ray, for where he dwells, so do we − and in his love that he has for you, so do we, and so does the Lord, God. Do not judge yourself so harshly. But we ask you this question. You are not a dumb beast, and even the dumbest of beasts should not be beaten. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God’s. May the Lord bless you and keep you in the holiest of ways. Let the crown come upon your head, and know that that that you have brought forth is special unto the Lord.

And now we shall say unto that one who should ask, and has asked, of the building of the pool. Yes, now is the time. And now is also the time for your healing. Count the days, for if all goes well, before the prophet’s birthday, the first of the healing pools shall be complete, and ready for the next. But, for those who love you, we have laid a task before them, and that is its completion, for we knew deep inside, that you needed this and this proof − and therefore, you shall feel it and touch it, as real as the flowers at your feet, as sweet as all the roses upon the earth, as gentle as the gentlest wind, as kind as a hummingbird upon the wind. For as the humming­bird should migrate great distances and back, so should your healing, and so should that that should last and be good take time in the making, but now is the time. [Editor’s note: Ray’s birthday was July 13. Under the dripping springs of Dripping Springs mountain, Arizona, Ray asked that we build a healing pool, after he had built a church to God in Dripping Springs valley below.]

And we say now unto soul Paul [2-30-1], yes, we see thy need. And when the day comes forth and baptisms begin at this pool, then shall come a time when we shall tell you, as the prophet already knows, that a new way of baptism shall begin.

And we say unto you, hark, Ruth [2-30-2], and listen. For as a stone was moved on the third day, and yet an appearance was made, [but] not yet whole, and yet it came upon the third day of the third moment, so it shall be again. We know that all of these things are coming so rapid that it is hard for you to understand. But we say unto you, now the needs of the people shall be filled, not as the rain drops upon the desert, but as a storm upon the desert, and the water shall flow in the same manner.

And now, we should say unto the one known as [2-19-4], and shall answer your question. If wine is worth making, it’s worth taking the time to make it. If you think that you can accomplish in three days that that it has taken all of those thirteen years to accomplish, then try. But we should say unto you, make a good wine, and then you shall look upon it and know in your heart that it is good. For there is the youth that needs that which you have to give, but remember you too must take the vows to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. If you do not, then you have not fulfilled the prophecy, and you have not fulfilled that that you slept through. [Note: The nights he attended as a boy when Aka spoke through Ray.]

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows tired.

But we shall say unto [12-428-1], go there unto the pond tomorrow and make a sketch of the dam, that those who should build it should have that to work with. You know of which we speak. Make it strong. Make it where it shall not leak water, for it shall be the water that is needed in another day to sustain life, quite possibly your own and those you love most. And we shall also say unto you, (chuckle) “Rafael!” [Note: He often teased Ray when he was awake, and thus the angels through him, by saying “Rafael!”]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona