July 15, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer this manner and in this way. And so we shall say unto thee this parable.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

For there was a young physician who went to many schools of medicine and higher learning. He had spent many years, and he had spent many years of internship, to become a physician. And then that day came, that day that came when he was no longer an intern, no longer the apprentice, but a doctor in every right, to hold life and death within his hands, to have power to order of all miracles, he thought.

And there came unto his keeping a patient, whose symptoms did not meet the textbooks, whose rationalities were altering and changing, yet he knew not why. He had tried everything he knew. And he thought into himself, “Here are my other patients, and each of them, they are getting well. What should I do [with] this one patient?”

And then, a friend of his who had become a colleague in the study of the human mind came by. And they, over a cup of coffee, did discuss the patient. And he said unto him, “Bring him into my custody, into my care, and I shall make him well.”

This was done. Yet with all his potions and all his enchantments nothing was happening. He was not getting well. And so, they decided to send the man home.

Each day that passed the sick man became more despondent, and more and more crying out for help in this wilderness he now walked in. And so, he did call upon a mighty healer.

And the healer said unto him, “I look unto you and I see not one problem, but many problems. The pollution-type drugs that are entering your body and causing these problems are from where you live. Go and live elsewhere.”

And he said unto him, “How can I do this? How can I go and live elsewhere, when this is where my job is?”

And the older man said unto him, “What job would you have if your health fails completely?”

And he said unto him, “None; none at all.”

Now we say unto you these questions − we say unto you these words. Soul Ray is much more tired than he has shown you, and therefore, it is harder for us to control his nervous system and his voice box that you would understand that of which we speak, and therefore, we shall depart the body and allow it the time to rest.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona