July 28, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening. Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God. Glory be the name of the children of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For now is the time of the Anti-Christ. For his fourteen years, he now is flexing his muscles. And so the weakest shall fall away.

But yet, the weakest are sometimes the strongest, and so we should say unto you this manner. We see they need. It would be far better that the prophet call these people in separately and talk with them. It would equally be suggested that the prophet call a meeting of the shepherds, and these matters be discussed wholly. [See editor’s note below.]

We shall suggest unto you that if thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside. The indiscretion of the lies brought forth against the prophet should be answered. A letter by the prophet should be sent to those who lie, allowing them a chance to come before the prophet and the shepherds, that these indiscretions might be heard.

We would further suggest that, should they continue as they have continued, these people do not wish good health or fortune to the prophet. It is their ultimate desire to destroy him totally and completely, for their own selfish gain. This is not the first time, nor shall it be the last, that they shall do as they have done. They have given information unto the enemies of thy people, that the people might be destroyed.

We shall tell you unto these words. Should it become necessary, cast them out, which it shall most probably be.

Yet, we are not allowed to say fully that which you know is sometimes felt in a most abominable way.

First, we should let you understand that the one known, and you have known as Aka, does not speak this night, for the Council thought best that since the two were tied so close, and are one, that it would be better that I be allowed to speak unto you.

The business matters that you speak of, we should suggest that a greater attendance and preciseness be used in making appointments, that each person who should make an appointment should be fully aware that they shall be charged in monetary value should they not keep it. And if they do not notify you at least 48 hours in advance, they are depriving others of the help that is needed unto them. That unto which you would call, booking, or listing of the clientele or the patients should be done so in a manner that each day is filled before another one can be made. This way there shall be less wasted time. An outline draft should be handed unto a new patient that they should fully understand that the treatment they might receive.

It would be further suggested that a greater attendance be shown, both in Phoenix and in Globe, that soul Ray is not left alone in a treatment room at any time, with anyone, unless he so suggests. But each person should be completely clad when he speaks to them privately. This way there shall be no room for slander of any kind.

We would further suggest that improvements be made at this time in going ahead and labeling all of your products, for that of the copyright that you have shall protect you if it is sent in and properly done as you would do a book. Also we should have you understand that the trademark shall be given as is.

We should also have you understand that the speaking of this of the English language is rather difficult. We shall say unto you, it is not my place usually as spokesman. It is my desire and hope that you understand each of my words precisely.

We should further say unto you, there are those who utilize and will utilize this organization to feather their own cap. Those who should do so should not want to work as a full part of a team, have no reason nor room for being placed upon the team.

We shall make one last suggestion, that the full content of this reading be published before any other. An explanation should be made fully for the reason that you have asked for the reading, and therefore, no one, therefore, will feel deprived.

Do you understand that which we speak?

“Yes, I think we do, Aka, I mean spokesman.”

We say unto you, as has been suggested before, the completion of the healing springs shall bring about a greater healing than you shall know.

Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, I think so. Are you satisfied with the construction as it is proceeding?”

Yes, and we should say unto you, and to each of you, may God’s blessings be with you. May the world smile in the heavens this day for your presence, and your concern is greatly appreciated.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, may God hold thee in the palm of His hand also.

Nothing from either side shall be allowed to interfere with this work.

As far as their psychic attacks are concerned, it is the right hand of God that shall smitten them, and it is the left hand of God that shall smitten them. For those who should place curses upon the instrument of God, their curses shall come from their mouths. And so it shall be.

For those who tell lies, their lies shall be made and created unto them, for they shall be their own worst enemy.

“Thank you. We are very grateful to you for your guidance this evening, and have no other questions.”

May the great world of worlds soon be complete. May the great universe of universes soon be complete. And may all of God’s domain lay before you.

Now, the words you have heard tonight are different; the love is not.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


[A note from the Recording Secretary in 1983, Charmion R. McKusick: “Lies were circulated which were intended to defame the character of Ray Elkins and thereby harm the Association. In order to obtain dispassionate, objective advice on dealing with this problem, I requested a private reading on behalf of the Association. This request was granted and a private reading was held on 28 July 1983.

“Somewhat to our surprise, the voice which gave us the reading was not that of the Aka who is so familiar to us. Instead, it was the cold, unemo­tional, precise voice of Katon (See the booklet, In the Beginning, for full identification of this member of the Council of Thirteen.) I had wanted a com­pletely objective viewpoint and that need was certainly fulfilled. Katon does not apologize for his slow, exacting formation of the English words. He merely mentions his inexperience with English as a simple fact.

“The transcript, with a few deletions of personal nature, is presented for the membership. Even Katon loves us, in his fashion.”


Editor’s note: No recording was available with which to  compare this transcript.]