June 3, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, for we shall say, as we have said before, nothing shall interfere with the work that is at hand. Thirteen [years?] has passed, and the prophecy has been fulfilled.

Now we say unto you, unto this parable in this manner and in this way.

For in the beginning, God looked upon man, and that that He did create of His children. He said unto them, “Behold, and I shall send forth the Seven Spirits, and they shall create you a home. Go therefore, and build a place that I may rest my head.”

And so the children did come forth.

And they broke the Laws of God, that they might survive and reproduce, and become fulfilled. They did so in such a manner that the seed of man should be sprinkled upon the universe and galaxies beyond galaxies, that the word and the love and the Law of God would become whole.

And the Lord sent forth among the men and women of the Earth, and earths, His prophets.    At first, there were those who thought that surely, for the Lord should choose a prophet, was a beloved thing, and surely that this one the Lord had chosen would bring peace and love unto the Earth. But even unto the greatest in loves for the Lord, the yokes were heavy, the yokes of love. And the Lord looked forth and saw these things. And He did remove the yoke, and make it lighter upon their shoulders, that the weight that they carried they might carry it with greater ease.

Now from the beginning until now the Lord has sent these to prepare the way for those things He wished His children to know. And He did create into them a difference, that the world might know that the Lord, God, was God beyond all question­ing. He did not do it to prove His love was greater for one than another of His children.

We say these words. For though we have cleaned the garden, and though the fields now grow ready to harvest, all those from any place, at any time, who wish to hear these words, let them hear. For all those who should see, let them see, for we have come not to hide; we have come not to ridicule, nor defile any person. We have laid our hands, that the prophet we have should do the work [for] the Lord, thy God. It is by his free choice and his love to the Lord, thy God, that he does so. Under­stand these things, and in the understanding, things will be much simpler to understand and ac­cept. For it is within him to love his God with all his heart and all his soul. And the Lord, God, he has offered [into] the Lord, God, his body, his life, and his soul and his spirit. And the Lord, God, has seen fit to use of these things. The Lord, God, has not changed the man, for there was no reason to change him. For as time has grown, so has the man.

Now we say unto you unto these words. Behold! As we have said before, in the city of the saints, as in the time of Jonah, shall be of the first of the cities, and the first warning is now. Let the rest of the word look upon it, for now all is in readiness. For that that would enrich the earth can destroy the earth. We have said before, where no water flowed, water would flow; that the great Sword was at hand to cut both ways, land masses and masses of people. And the Lord now has pick­ed up the Sword. And the Sixth Angel now walks upon your earth -- not the Fifth, but the Sixth. [See The Revelation, chapters 4 – 7 and 19. See note below.]

Now, more than any other time, you must bind your wounds and bind together, for from the old shall be cast new seed into the fertile fields.

But we say unto you, from the mountains shall come the forces that shall destroy the [upper] lowlands. And the mighty thrust is but the beginning. We told you before that in this year, and in this time, these things would happen.

For those who have loved ones in the cities of Sacramento and San Francisco, beware. For those who have loved ones who live on or near that that you call the great Mississippi River, beware. In the lands of the northern parts there [are] of New Mex­ico, for as Taos has fallen, it was of the second city, as we spoke before. Now look unto the Colorados and beware. There is much that we could say, but all you must do is look around and about you, and you shall see the truth of it.

For the cleaning is at hand.

You have within your minds this question, how long shall we remain this time with you? And “Why did you not tell us when you left us?” And we shall answer both of your questions. We did not leave you, for soul Ray was with you all along, and when he spoke, we spoke with him and through him. Can you not hear the crying in the wilder­ness? [See Isaiah 40:3.]

You have many questions, ask.

“I have no questions except life readings tonight, Aka.”

Soul Ray’s health cannot do those at this time. And we shall answer the questions within your minds.

First, we shall say unto the one known as [15-461-1], as the stars should sit in the Orion Belt, so shall the truth that thy seek come into fulfillment. We say unto you, we have placed the knowledge of thy health problems in the hands of soul Ray. It shall become and made as complete as possible. Of the other questions you have in your mind, we say unto you, we did not leave you unprotected.

Now, we shall say unto the one known as [15-461-2], you wish to know, should you invest in the property at hand? And we would say unto you, we should not interfere with your freedom of will. We would say that you should receive a balance of values, for the things that you seek upon the land is upon the land. But it shall take patience and for­titude to nurture them forth.

Now, we shall say unto the one known as [3-69-2], we have heard your prayer, and we have come forth and sent those who were necessary to guide him through. He sleeps no more, but walks. And he shall tell you this one thing. It is very simple. He says unto you, “Thanks, Mom.”

He [had] asked us to prove to you that he is he who he says he is. Yet his mind is filled with so many things to tell you. He says to tell you [these] words, that upon the porch that he loved so well is fulfillment, and that you shall understand.

Now we should say unto the one known as [2-30-2], and we should say unto you unto these words. For hark, and hear the birds sing, for some shall sing with the most beautiful of all tones, but even birds sometimes sing off tone. For that that is incomplete shall be complete.

We shall also answer the question in your mind, Paul [2-30-1]. For [  ] life begets life − what more could you ask for? It shall become complete. You have followed this star this far. Ask yourself these ques­tions: Have we ever lied to you? Have we ever hurt you? Have we not tried to bring blessings into your life? Then, we should say unto you, take that which we have given and pick it up, for there is work to do, and places to see. And soon these things shall come about, very soon. Prepare thy mind and thy body that you shall be the right hand when the time comes.

And now we should say unto [1-1-3], behold! And look upon the stars. For we have wiped away the misery. Shed no tears, for it is not the time for tears, but for gladness. For that that was cast as seed upon the ground, new growth shall grow. And what shall grow from it shall be greater than you have ever imagined. For now, in truth, this that has begun thirteen years ago is now ready to grow up and become mature.

And we say unto [1-1-5], look around you and you’ll know the truth. Abide by it. There shall [be] many who shall come and tell you this and tell you that. But what is truthful? You were there; you saw; [you] felt; you knew. It is not necessary that this time or any time be built in such a way, only with love.

And now we shall say unto Mary [2-33-1], (chuckle) [our mass], we see thy need. (Sigh). And we shall come forth and cast upon, and add yeast to the bread you have cast upon the water that it may multiply and become into fulfillment. Do you understand that, that which we say?

“Not definitely,” [she answers.]

(Chuckle) You soon will. You soon will. For as you picked up a rock, and turned it over, and you shall look beneath it, it shall turn unto silver and gold.

And now we shall say unto [6-274-2], hear these words. Hear them clearly, that you shall under­stand them. Make your own burden light, and we shall lighten your burden. But do not cast a star too far, that you cannot reach. For we have not brought him this far that he should not go farther yet. And in the pathways which he travels [it] is not the same as your own.

And now we shall answer the question which you have long desired, [13-437-3] and [12-423-1]. For you have a song and story that goes, “[While] under the chest[nut] tree,” and we should say, under the cottonwood tree, above and below, 200 yards beyond, where the rock is white, is that that you seek to find. You shall understand which we speak of.

And also we shall answer the question which lies in the mind and soul of [15-461-3]. It has been said that a river may change its course at any time. But a river that runs clean need never change its course, it may only improve upon itself. If the snow above it gives it equal amounts of the moisture, and the streams that feed into it do the same, then that which comes from it, and goes from there to the oceans, shall continue to flow. And that is where you shall find that which you have sought out. For that is where he has gone. But other things shall come about, and new friendships shall be bound together and brought into fulfillment. Utilize these. But do not forget that when a hand is ex­tended in friendship, pick it up, for friendship is but a rare and beautiful gift, and sometimes better by far than all the other things upon the Earth, and earthly things.

And now we should say unto [9-360-1] and [11-399-1], you rush forward. When you asked for a way to be provided, you do not see what is at your feet. You wished for a day of independence, to be on the ground floor of things. Think of that which you wish for, and think of what lies at your feet. If you do not understand fully, for this is a private thing, if you do not understand fully that which we wish to say unto you, wait until tomorrow, and speak unto soul Ray and he shall tell you which we speak of, for we shall lay in his mind the knowledge which you need.

And now, we should say unto the one − not the one but the two doctors, [15-461-4], [15-461-5] − we should say unto you, has it not been shown to you in many ways that this land holds in it for you that which you need? [And] can you not see that a way has been provided and multiplied unto the same?

There are many of you here that there are messages for that are very important, yet our time now grows short, for soul Ray now wearies and grows tired.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: In December 1983, fishermen off the coast of Peru noticed a warm Pacific current that was named for the Christ Child, El Nino, because of the time of year. Where the spiritual messengers of God speaking of El Nino, which as years passed brought flooding, increased storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, famines, when they said, “Now we say unto you unto these words. Behold! As we have said before, in the city of the saints, as in the time of Jonah, shall be of the first of the cities. The first warning is now. Let the rest of the word look upon it, for now all is in readiness. For that that would enrich the earth can destroy the earth. We have said before, where no water flowed, water would flow; that the great Sword was at hand to cut both ways, land masses and masses of people. And the Lord now has pick­ed up the Sword. And the Sixth Angel now walks upon your earth.”

Was the city of the saints, and their warning, “For those who have loved ones who live on or near that that you call the great Mississippi River,” about flooding in many places along the Mississippi River that ensued over the years, as well as about Hurricane Katrina which devastated much of New Orleans in 2005? As the Sixth Angels still walks upon the earth, are we being warned of more to come?


Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona