June 10, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God. Glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto you unto this parable, unto this manner and unto this way.

For in the valley of the great Nile, long ago, there was a river man. And the river man crossed the Nile daily. And he did carry passengers back and forth across the great Nile. And sometimes he carried cargo. And sometimes [his] cargo was that of live­stock. It made to him little difference, for they all paid the same price to cross the Nile. As long as his boat was full he was happy.

But one day as he started to load his boat, a very rich man walked forth. And he said unto him, “How much do you get for a whole boatload?”

And the man looked at him and thought, “This man must be willing to rent my boat to ship his goods.” And so he told him.

And the man paid the money, and walked out onto the boat and said, “Now let us be gone.”

And the man said unto the rich man, “But where are your wares? We have an empty boat.”

And the rich man said unto him, “I am the wares. I am the way, of all things, for I have just purchased a trip on your boat.”

Now the river man was not a wasteful man in any manner. And he was not a greedy man. But here was a person willing to pay to cross the great Nile. And the mighty ropes that towed the boat across and all the animals on both sides that brought it to and from, on the land, would not have the heavy burden to pull in the hot of the day. So the man said, “Then we shall be gone.” But he started to give the order, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not utter the words from his mouth. And he said unto the rich man, “I’m sorry, sir, but I cannot take your money to just haul you across the river, when my boat can carry many who need to cross as badly as you.”

The rich man became very irate. He left the river and went back into one of the great cities. There he had a great boat built and many animals brought forth, and placed beside the river man his great boat, where he began to have himself [pulled] back and forth across the river. The river man went on each day, taking his cargo. The rich man, with all his wealth, laughed and laughed. It did not bother the river man.

One day a great storm came forth, and both boats were in the center of the river. And as it would be, both boats were overturned, and both the wealthy man and the river man were killed. Now, in due time, [both] bodies were found, and the rich man was embalmed for his great journey, and the poor man was embalmed for his small journey.

Now, as death crept forward and they both awaken[ed], the rich man looked upon him and said, “How can you be here, for this is only for the great.”

And the poor man looked at him and said, “I think God has a place for me, for I shall carry His many wherever He wishes.”

The rich man once again became very irate, and he did venture forth unto what he thought was a high official. And he said unto him, “How dare you let such riff-raff into this great place!”

And the man said unto him, “Sir, we have a private place for you, which will make you very happy.”

When they reached what [they] thought was a dock­ing port, he soon realized it was to remove from this great place, and he said unto this man, “But why should I be cast from this great place, for I am wealthy, I have done great things?”

The man looked at him and smiled, and said, “Heaven is for the needy, not the greedy.”

The rich man became very irate, and he said un­to the man, “How dare you speak to me in such tones!” And so he stomped forth. Each step he took he thought surely should take him into the Almighty, Himself. And he shouted in loud overtones. Soon his overtones [became] curses. But soon, he realized that he was on the outside looking in.

We have told you a story, a parable. You could interpret it in many ways. But we would say to you in this manner − he who hollers in great tones of the badness of others is only trying to expose the badness in himself.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. The first question I wanted to ask you was in regards to the economy in the Globe-Miami area. How soon should this improve, measurably, and what will be the cause of the improvement?”

First we shall answer your question in this man­ner. The economy, as you wish it and you thought of it, shall not prove, or improve into such measures of money flow to be it was once before, but it shall improve, for now you have clean air and blue skies. You shall soon find there are many who shall wish to come and live in this area, for both health and both for business reasons. But there is a new rumbling beneath the earth. Where there once was copper was king, oil shall be. Oil shall be that which rises your economy. But we say unto you, it would be at least three-and-a-half years before the economy, as you would know it, shall reach the same peak and level it once was before. Yet each day you shall gather new residents. And they shall come for a different reason. Some of the reasons shall be spiritual. Others shall be but for the love of the land.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question regarding numerology. The question is, ‘In numerology do you use your birth name, or the ones, the name you use most. And how do you use your married name, if you are a woman?’”

In the days when numerology was brought forth, a woman brought forth into her married name that of her family name. And then she at­tached upon it that of her husband’s family name. This was the fulfillment of the woman into full numerology. But your surname, your birth name, is the proper name to use. Yet there were some, who that which they are called by, shall be that which they are.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, on that same subject, Aka, I have, ‘How do you work your birth time of day with what, numerically?’”

The time of day, the longitude, the latitude, the place of birth, the hour of birth, the moment of birth, the date of birth, all these must be placed together to give you an overall picture of that which has been. Let us explain to you in this manner. Into the heavens, instead of Seven Spirits of God, there once was Thirteen. And when Lucifer was cast from the heavens, six were cast with him. And six is the number of Lucifer, and seven is the number of man. Do you understand?

“I think I do. Six is the number of man − are, you mean the influence of Lucifer on man?”

Six is the number of Lucifer -- six, six, six [666]. Seven is the number of man. Thirteen [13] shall be four [4], and it shall be the spiritual number of the Lord, thy God, and the messengers He has sent forth unto you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [13-431-1] asks if Dallas, Texas, will be a safe place for the next three years for her daughter to go to school?”

As we have said before, there are wars and rumors of wars. In the year of 1985, war is almost evident, inter-nuclear war. We have spoke[n] to you before of this. At that time the city of Dallas, Texas, shall be no more. I would think upon this, and know that the first rumor she must be removed. It shall be as a tremor of the night, a rattling of the leaves of the fall. We shall tell you ahead of time; we shall warn you when to remove her. Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [She answers.]

You have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [5-206-2] asks, ‘What will happen in the year 2022? You mentioned that year as important, for some reason. Will man’s lifespan be increased?’”

We have said before that those from the heavens and those from the Earth should rise to restore the earth, and the thousand years of peace shall be upon the Earth. In the year, 2022, mankind shall have knowledge beyond knowl­edge, for he shall be in communication with his brothers and sisters throughout the galaxies, and galaxies beyond galaxies. And they shall come forth and help man restore himself in a peaceful manner, that war[s] shall be no more.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, someone asks, ‘Why is the Southwest, the Globe area, chosen for this organization, Ray, and this work?’”

In the beginning, as the work was planned for, five were chosen. They were tested and retested. Five is the magical number, for “for there are five races,” five basic races. At first, it was thought that if three did not succeed, then the mission in itself would be a failure. That opinion has since been changed, for now it is one. We have prepared other places and beginnings in the hearts of men, so that they may know, and receives our messenger.

Why was soul Ray chosen? He was not chosen, for soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray. Our destiny, our karma, our lives are the same, for where he lives I live, and where I live he lives. For as he did come before through the many times throughout your history to prepare the way, so he has come now, [from whom] went out from among us, one was chosen to enter the Earth plane, to be born from the womb of woman to live as one of you. He knew before birth that the road that lied [lay] ahead of him would not be an easy one.

In choosing who would come in the body form, we chose the one among us who we thought loved God the most. It is not by chance that the first name is Ammie, “beloved;” it is not by chance that the second name is Ray, “king,”— “Beloved king.” It is not by chance that the last name would be Elkins, for the full name, and the interpretation would be “Beloved King of Kings.”

We know we have chosen now, this time, to give you information we have long held back from you, because we knew that as his growth took place, and his energy built, and his mind grew, he had to be protected. And now he no longer needs that protection, for he is now, Beloved King of Kings. He is the one sent forth to prepare the way for the First Begotten Son of God.

And so it shall be. All things that have been hidden from you shall now be opened and lighted. Your questions shall be answered.

Why are you so surprised Paul? Have you forgotten him so soon? Yet you have not. You have denied him, but you have never forgot­ten him. For he is as he was, and you are as you were. He was your beloved friend then; he is your beloved friend now. He left you to complete his task.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. How can we, in this coming year, with our Annual Meeting coming tomorrow, how can we best, what can we best do to put our work in order? What is most needed? What course should we set that would accomplish the most?”

First, we shall say unto you, utilize the abilities that we have placed at your disposal − all of them. Complete your church. Complete your healing well. Let those who wish know that now is the time to prepare the way, but to do so, they must survive.

Lay out a platform and a plan to increase your membership. Take from your shackles, the restriction we have placed there. Open your Board of Directors to include all of your membership. Utilize the talent which you have to the fullest. Cast aside any jealousies, but do not get so busy casting aside that you cast aside the best parts of yourselves and others. Add to, build upon the foundation. Lay a plan of ac­tion to increase your membership. Let each member become an envoy. Let them reach ten in the coming year. If you do so, you’ll soon multiply once again and again.

Now is a time of growth and maturity. You have had your childhood in your thirteen years. That time is now past; it is over. Remove it from you. You no longer need it.

You have other ques­tions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question concerning the water rights, the stock-pond rights and water rights in the area where my clay pit is and where the other, another church site is. Do you recommend that I fight vigorously as necessary to protect these rights, or are they going to be unimportant, so that the effort would be wasted?”

We will say to you, fight vigorously to protect those rights. Let no one, or no group of people, take these from you. They are yours by right, and the right that you should use them to help the peo­ple.

But there are more reasons they want your water rights than meets the eye. If they have the water rights, then they have the drilling rights. And that that lies beneath the ground, which they are truly after, would soon destroy your land.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, on this same question, Aka, at the present time the road is closed through that pro­perty for the reasons that you know, and the Forest Service has offered a proposed exchange of right of way. Is it favorable to keep the road clos­ed and then make this exchange, or should it be opened, or what do you suggest?”

Let it happen, but let them place land in its place. But if they truly wish it, they will trade. But when they open it, make certain that you have the right to use the right of way. Do you understand what we have said?

“I believe I do, Aka.”

You have other questions, ask.

“I would ask you, Aka, to speak to those here who have any question or the greatest need at this time, or to speak to us [with] guidance.”

We see thy need, and we shall answer your ques­tion in this manner.

First we shall say unto [11-399-1] and [9-360-1] these words. Why do you rush? Have patience, for that which you seek sits before you.

We should say unto [13-431-1] that to plant a garden is to prepare the land. But you must have the patience once you have planted the seed to let it grow and mature. For if you try to force the growth it shall die on the vine.

And now, we should say unto [15-462-1] these words − it is time. Now is the time. We understand your frustra­tion, but we would say unto you, soul Ray’s mind needs a little time to heal, and then it shall be ready to work with you. Soon a book shall blos­som and we shall put the force and energy behind it that is necessary for it to sprout wings and fly. But we say unto you, bring all parts that you have at your disposal about soul Ray. Do not discount the work done by [13-447-1], for that work is also, can­not be wrongly used, for it is owned in part, and the greater part, by your own publishing com­pany. Think now of looking and gazing out and upon you and upon the world in general, and see other great works that shall be dropped at your footsteps. These shall be placed there so that the monetary value in which you need to make growth happen may happen. We see doubt and confusion in your mind. We shall bring into your mind a fullness of understanding.

We say unto [14-459-1] that though the sapling grows, and grows astray, it one day may become a good tree. Do not become discouraged. But remember, you have chosen a way. Do not unchoose this. Do not cast what you have to the dogs, for growth and maturity shall come, and have come, and will come.

We would say also − and we shall not mention by name that which we wish to speak to, they shall know, by what we say, who it belongs to − there have been many times when you have wished that your faith was stronger, and that your will and your thoughts were purer. But understand this, that even though sickness has entered your household at times, and even though you have felt that the Lord was not with you, the Lord is with you. Your time of fulfillment is at hand. Reach out.

And now we shall say unto you, soul Ray grows very tired, and so we shall say unto these words. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. The Cherubim is with you.

Now you have in your hearts and souls the chance to make the work at hand work. If you are going to do so, remember, keep the Sabbath holy. Fill your church. There’s always a reason you think of for not attend­ing, but is it really, truly a valid reason? We say unto you, is it really a truly valid reason? We would suggest that you do one other thing. That you may be known by that which you sing, build a choir group into your church, and make it work well. And soon, your church shall be known through the land. And soon the world shall come to you and you will not have to go to them.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona