June 17, 1983

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For there had been many who had come to learn from the teacher. Some were good students, and some were even better. Yet, some were great. As time passed, different students took that that they had learned to take into another land to teach.

One student had remained beside the teacher, for the student had become much beloved by the teacher. But one day, deep inside the student, the stu­dent knew that for its own growth it must grow un­to another land. It did not know how to tell the teacher. It did not know how to come and say, “I have learned from you these things I have come to learn. I have appreciated your love, and your knowledge.” It did not know how to say these words. And [soon], one day the student left and went unto another land.

The teacher was much hurt, and much of not understanding, for the teacher had forgotten that that he had taught − for the greatest honor that could be placed upon a teacher was that a stu­dent should rise above him. But still, even with this inside of him, even with this knowledge, it still bothered him a great deal.

         And one day the student took pen in hand and wrote to the teacher, and thanked the teacher for the honor of being able to study with him, and also in the letter, in a kind and gentle way, said, “Thank you for allowing me to go unto this land that I might develop myself into a full person, that I too may become a teacher in my light and in my way.”

         This is a parable, and as most parables go, it contains truth. For those who have ears to listen, let them hear. For those who have hearts to feel from, let them feel. For those who have eyes to see, let them see. And they shall know the truth of the parable.

         For a teacher is like that of a rose. When it is young and beginning to teach, it’s afraid, because it knows there are greater roses around it. But one day it comes into full blossom, and it knows at that moment, at that single moment in its life, that it has become the greatest teacher of all. And so it is between the teacher and the student.

         You have questions, ask.

         “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [9-373-3] who is present tonight, Aka. He asks, In a small mountain range about 12 miles west-by-north of Organ, New Mexico, legend tells of a bowl-shaped area in which there is an underground cavern. The opening to this cavern is hidden and covered over. Are we in the correct bowl-shaped area, and is there such a cavern? If so, are the three piles of stones, or the shadows of three small peaks, the correct clues toward the opening? Thank you.’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. That that you seek is not where you think it is. If you should come unto soul Ray in private, he shall show you these things which you wish to hear, and see from. He shall also show you what lies in the place that you look for.

   You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [3-67-2] who is here tonight asks, ‘About a year and a half ago, in a reading you answered my question with the following, “You have a secret desire; we will not speak of it at this time. Fulfill it.” I am still in a confused state, as I have several secret desires. Please give me some directions, hint, or any help you will. Also, if there is advice you could give me and others at our place of work, we would appreciate it very much.’”

            Yes, we see thy need (chuckle). And we shall answer your question in this manner. For on a personal nature, that that you seek shall seek you, and it shall not be so far away as you think. In the place where you work improvements not only shall be made, but will be made. Changes shall be forthcoming that shall change many things around you for a long period of time.

In one of the things we have mentioned, your heart’s desire, was the message we gave you from the other side. I think you understood this fully.

            On the financial level, do not go into the days of folly that you were in the beginning when you first came to soul Ray. You need this not. Your days shall become full and mature, in a mature way, with a mature person. I know that what we say at this time seems an impossibility. But so have many other things you have thought, and have been brought forth.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. What is the Christ state? Is it when you learn to control and direct all of your life experiences?”

            (Chuckle.) We shall answer your question. From Adam to that of the Nazarene was a great journey, a journey within and from without. And in the journey, the creation of life begot light. The Christ state, as you would know it, is not necessari­ly the knowing of all things, but the understand­ing. And it is only through the understanding, with compassion, and love, and hope and desire, is that that you mentioned achieved. As we have said before, as strange as it may sound, the beggar on the street might be the next person to walk through that gate. But it is not a gate that leads away from man, but rather to man, for it is the love of mankind that causes you to return.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I have another question. You men­tioned the need to survive in the years ahead in a previous reading. Will nuclear fallout affect the Globe area? What specific precautions do we need to take to prepare for survival here?”

            Nuclear fallout shall affect all areas. (Sigh.) The first and real danger shall come in sequence of five − five hours, five days, five weeks, and then five years.

            The precautions that should be taken is being able to purify the water; second, because of the way your water is stored under­ground. The underground water shall not be con­taminated in this region, but the purest water you shall have for drinking shall be on the other side of the mountain. Much of your drinking water shall come from the Dripping Springs area. Wells have been provided that can produce that that is needed.

            We should further explain some things to you. Look from the valley in Dripping Springs and you shall look forth and see that of that that you know as the Christmas Mine. The small communi­ty which lies a short distance from there, that you speak of as Cooleyville, shall be almost as a bor­derline marching straight in line. There shall be damage on both sides, and then the safe zone shall begin; because of the arrangement of the moun­tains and air currents in this area, that a direct fallout shall not take place, as you know it, in this valley. It shall be picked up and over, and drop­ped, therefore, around and about.

            In the Globe area, the canyon unto which you speak of as Kellner Canyon has similar qualities, except that it does not have the necessary water, and enough abundance.

            As your periods of, your climatary periods begin to alter, in the fullness of this shall come about the one-third shifting of the planetary substance. That in itself shall alter seasons and make it necessary for you to grow in different manners.

As we have said before, those things that you wish and desire are but a short step from you. If you really desire them, they shall be furnished. If you wish, all that is necessary has been placed at your feet’s. It shall take that that you know of as axle- or elbow-grease, hard work from you and your people to bring this about.

            But we shall also answer your question in another manner. Your greatest threat shall not be the survival of radia­tion, but it shall be from those of the larger cities who shall flock from the north and the south, east and the west, seeking a safe place. We say unto you, put these people to work. Allow them to work, that they may eat, that they [pay] the toil of their backs, for those who wish to work. For those who do not wish to work, be prepared in such a manner that they shall know that they shall not take from you these things that are necessary to sustain life.

            Last, we shall mention to you that even in earthquake, tornado, and hurricane, the worst damage is not done by that that is caused by the turmoil itself. It is the aftermath, the loss of electricity, the loss of any type of power, the loss that should come about by being unprepared, for using conventional fuels, and being able to switch over to them rapidly. What good is a freezer full of food if there is no electricity to run the freezer? You have a certain period which you could can this product, and preserve it, even when the electricity goes out. You cannot do so if you do not have that that is at hand to perform the task.

            Your next, and one of your more important things, that means of transportation. For gasoline, as you would know it, shall not last forever where you are. This means that work in fields and many other types of work must be done either by hand or by beasts of burden that shall survive with you, and may breed and restock the Earth with you.

            Now we say unto you, the year, 1985, is a year that can be changed, can be pushed forth, and away. War, [its sudden], can be diverted at this time, if, and on­ly if, the people change their ways.

            We shall answer in this manner. You have a Pope of the Catholic faith, which has asked for the support of any faith in bringing forth peace. We would say unto you, you do not have to become one of the flock to be going the same direction, to become a traveler of time and space, with like minds and like achievements. If you wish, you may alter the course of things.

We know that it is easier for you to say, “Let someone else do this, for I am doing all I can in what I am doing.”

            We also say unto you, for those who shall ask, that that is needed shall be provided. But they must be willing to [take] the Lord, thy God, as the one and only true God.

            Now we say unto you, soul Ray now grows very tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona