June 24, 1983

 Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

         “Good evening Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we shall say unto thee this parable.

            For a man had many sheep. And each year his sheep had multiplied, for he took very good care of his sheep. Around him he had very jealous neighbors. And one day, one of his neighbors came forth and stole from him the very best of his brood stock.

         When the man came home and found what had happened, he went to the local police. And they did investigate, and they found nothing. And soon the police forgot all about the man’s stock being stolen, but the man did not forget. He continued to scour the countryside. And one day, he decided to visit a market that he had normally not visited. And there he saw his neighbor with his brood stock, and the neighbor was selling it. The man ran forth with a shaft; he beat his neigh­bor severely. And he took back his brood stock, and he drove it home. But on the trip home, many of the fine animals, which had been badly used, died on the way.

         Each day he thought of this, and each day in the fury grew worse. Each time that he saw the neighbor again, he went forth and thrashed him again.

         One day, a stranger came into the valley in which he lived, and with him were twelve of his apostles, or his followers. The man had heard of this one, the Prince of Peace. And so, he went unto him and he bade him enter his house and take from him his bread. And so the Master did.

         But he said unto him, “I will break bread with you if you can forgive your neighbor.”

         The man thought long on this and he said, “But each time I see my brood stock I become angry. And each time I see the man I become angry.”

         And so the master said unto him, “How many times must you beat your neighbor before your anger is satisfied?”

         The man thought upon this, and he said unto him, “But I have no desire to beat my neighbor.”

         And so the Master said unto him, “Then why do you not cast this from yourself? If you had in your flock a wolf, would you not cast it from your flock?”

         And the man said, “Yes.”

         And he said unto him, “Then is not this anger inside of you which possesses you, as a wolf?”

         The man thought upon this. And he said, “Yes, yes, it is as a wolf; it possesses me. It drives me into madness.”

         Then the stranger said, “Then go, therefore, with me and forgive thy neighbor.”

         When they reached the house of the neighbor, and the neighbor saw the man approach, he started to run away when the stranger called unto him. And the man stopped. At first he was much afraid. And when the neighbor said unto him, “Forgive me for beating you, that I may forgive myself, and cast aside my anger,” the neighbor thought unto himself, “This stranger great powers over my neighbor. [But] why should I allow him to get rid of his anger for nothing?” So he said unto his neighbor, “I will allow you to get rid of your anger for 50 of your breeding stock.” Upon which the man brought forth his shaft and began to beat him again.

         The stranger sat and watched and did nothing and said nothing.

         Soon the man stopped. And he said, “Master, what shall I do? Every time I see this man, even when I try to forgive him, he tries to take more from me, for he reminds me of the fact that he has stolen from me to begin with.”

         The stranger said unto him, “My friend, you think he has taken from you, but I say unto you, he has taken nothing from you, for only you may do this. For only you can really take from yourself, for you are robbing that of your soul and your immortal body. Now you have come unto this one to ask his forgiveness and cast it aside, and he has insulted you. And you have beat him profoundly. What would you do now?”

         The man said unto the stranger, “I should ask forgiveness. But first, I shall ask God to take anger from my heart.” And so he prayed unto the Almighty God that anger be taken from his heart.

His neighbor, when he saw, he too prayed, and he prayed that jealousy be taken from his heart.

And when the prayers were ended, they did look unto each other and become friends.

         The parable we have just told you is but a parable. Yet it is true in all of your lives. A garden not yet planted shall not yield a harvest. And the only way that you, all of you, shall harvest the crops which you wish to harvest is to cast all of these things from your hearts, so that you may work together, and be of one mind and of one entity.    But if you cannot look into yourself and find these things, if you cannot ask God’s help, then the fields you choose to create, to plant, shall forever remain unplanted.

         You have questions, ask.

        “Yes Aka, for the pamphlet that the Shepherds’ Committee is preparing − you have mentioned nuclear war. How long will it be necessary in this area to remain in shelters to avoid being harmed by fallout?”

         You ask two questions. We shall answer them in this way. We have told you before that things shall be as five. For the time to be of complete safety will be five months. But within five days, [with] proper clothing and the vastness of your Aloe Vera harvest and the use of the same, and the use of [it] upon the land to neutralize the land around and about you, and to neutralize your trees, your gardens, of all things that grow, and of all things alive, you shall cut this time into less than one month. But only if you can work together.

         You have other questions, ask.

        “Could our livestock go out to graze safely within a month?”

         If one part of Aloe Vera to 100 parts of good water be mixed together and the land be sprayed afterward, then it may graze anywhere it shall. But understand this, there shall be mutates which shall survive this, not only of the animal, but of the fowl, but of the fish, and of the man. Yet, we should say unto you, if you should plan and plan well, your people shall survive.

        Yet, we say unto you, if you can produce 300 people of righteous hearts you may avoid this from happen­ing, that they may come together before God.

        You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, how long should we in this area prepare to be without electricity?”

        If proper preparation is made, you will not be with­out electricity. But if you shall depend upon, as you would call it, outside sources, it can be for almost an indefinite time. It will be five years before your nation shall begin to put itself back together again.

        You have other questions.       

            “Would it be as long as five years before gasoline will become available?”

        We have just answered that question.

            “Thank you, Aka. When is it most likely that the earth will move on its axis?”

        Not until the year of 1990.

            “At that time, what longitude will Globe be after the shift?”        

        It shall be a simple problem of mathematics. The earth has been shifting since 1932. It has now shifted 10 degrees. It should only [need] to shift five more degrees before the next 10 shall be multiplied to it. That will be the longitude and latitude. All things shall be one-fourth off from what you have known it.

        You have other questions, ask.

            “What present geographic location will most probably become the new North Pole?”

        In what you should know as the mid-Pacific, or northern Pacific − very close to what you now know as Japan.

          You have other questions.

          “Yes, Aka. [10-381-1] needs guidance for her and her daughter at this time in their lives.”

        We shall answer your questions in this manner. When you felt that the world had abandoned you, and God had abandoned you, you found that neither had happened. A job was provided, a livelihood was provided that you might wait out a period of time so that you could go on with your lives. We say unto you, take that which you have now, and utilize it in such a manner that what you wish could be brought into fulfillment. You are reluctant, not necessarily because of your color, or race, but for other reasons, to ask for a place to place your roots in the valleys. Yet we say unto you, “judge not, lest ye be judged. Ask and you shall receive.” Have not the things you thought were most impossible at the time when the need was the greatest, were not these provided?

          You have other questions, ask.

        “Aka is there any guidance which you wish to give those gathered here this evening?”

        We should say unto you − first, we should say unto the [6-269-6]s, there where you now dwell you should prepare to make the changes which you have thought of before. This has been hard on you; yet there has been ways that shall be opened unto you which you shall see and know of.

        The Tucson area is not a safe area, for we have told you not only that a nuclear war can happen, we have also told you of war that is but an eyelash away, and that is a war in Central America which is sweeping forward and shall go forth into Mexico. In any event, the area in which you now dwell, for many reasons, is not the safest. We would suggest that as these new ways are made and prepared for you, that you recognize them and take the necessary steps to bring yourself into fulfillness with yourselves. But only do so if it is satisfying unto yourselves.

        Now we should say unto the one known as [1-1-2], and we shall once again call you Martha, the sister of Mary. The greatest part of your fears shall be removed. And that which you fear the most shall be rectified in such a manner that all shall be made whole. Healing sometimes comes about slowly, sometimes painfully. Yet, if it is done with love, it may be done completely.

        We shall say unto [12-23-1] and [13-437-3], love is the most, and richest of all commodities. It is but, and it is the only substance that you may take out of this world with you. Know this. And also know that the parable we gave in the beginning fits in many places. But what is given, and given freely, even though at times it does not look as though it is given fully back with love, does not mean that it is not.

         Now we should say unto [2-19-4], we see thy need. We have watched you, and seen the truth of most things. We have seen the love and devotion that sets in your heart. There is much to be done in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. The time now grows short, and many of the strong backs that picked up the yoke when we first came, their backs are not so strong anymore, yet their hearts are willing. Become that of their strength, and the reward you seek shall be yours.

         We should say unto you these words, all of you. If a shepherd should tend [the] flock, and your prophet has seen forth to appoint five shepherds, he has done so with the thought that the five shepherds shall meet and discuss and plan how the flock may increase in number and in wisdom. If this is done, then the fullness of these things that we all desire shall come about.

         Now we say unto the one known as [10-379-1], we see thee, and we see that which you are about to do, and have done. You have asked for healing for [10-380-1], your husband, through soul Ray. He has given the healing freely from his heart and his soul. And as the healing has come, so has the Council gathered with him to prepare that this might come about. But we say unto you, beware, for we shall not tolerate any more discretions − for we come but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

         But we say unto all, the safety and the well-being of the instrument is of the utmost importance at this time, that the flock may reap the harvest that the Lord has promised. Now is not the time to go astray. Now is the time to build upon, for your thirteenth year has passed. That was the years we allowed for growth and to reach maturity. From these years forth shall be mature years, for as we have said before, the half times are passed, and the full times are upon you.

         All things that were shall be. Ask and you shall receive. Listen and you shall hear. Look and you shall see, for the great Sword, that should cut two ways, is upon you. Where nothing grew, all things shall now be plentiful. Yet, a third, and [a] third, and a third of the earth shall be laid waste.

         Each type of pestilence and floods have been brought forth to show you, to bind you together. As we have said before, bring 300 souls who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah unto one house, and that which you dread the most shall be prevented.

         You have other questions, ask.

         “Aka, by bringing them together in one house do you mean in one worship or in one geographic location or building?”

         Of one mind.

         “Of one mind; thank you. In the Bible it is mentioned that the temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Is this a physical temple?”


         “What circumstances will lead to its being rebuilt?”

         For land beneath it shall be destroyed; the present-day temple shall be destroyed. And from ashes shall rise the temple.         

         Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary.

         We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We are also here to bring you love and kindness and good wishes from the Lord, our God. As we have said before, ask and you shall receive. For those things which we have just mentioned are the richest of commodities.

         Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona