November 11, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee unto these words − that in this land there dwelt a very rich man. He had but one son, and the son became ill. And so, he hired men to go unto all lands to bring healers to heal this of his son.

And so, healers came from many lands. They did bring forth many types of medicines, and yet, the son responded to none of them.

And then one day there came forth, what you would call of the time, of a Greek physician, who was highly learned in the skills of healing. When he reached the young man he spread before him an abundance of stones, or as you would call them, gems. He began to lay one gem after another upon the young man. He placed a diamond, and the dia­mond remained cold. He placed the ruby, and the ruby remained cold. He placed many stones. And then he reached into his bag and he placed that that is known as a peridot. The stone began to glow a brilliant glow from within. And he began to place blessings from God unto the stone to give healing. Gradually he brought forth more of the stones until he had placed thirteen stones upon the forehead and the chest and the abdominal areas of the young man.

The young man became well.

He removed the stones and wrapped them up in wool and gave them to the young man, and he said, “These are for you, and only for you, for they are the healing stones of your soul, your spirit, and your body. Do not think that they will work on everyone, for they will not, because in the art of using stones for healing, you must place and find the exact stone that mat­ches the vibration of the body, the soul, and the spirit, therefore, that allows the immortal body to enter and bring forth the energy from the Lord, God.”   

He picked up all of his belongings and prepared to leave. The rich man showered him with much riches.

And many of the rich man’s friends wanted him to stay and continue healing there. And he said, “I have come here but for one purpose, for as I am a mirror of God, so I have shown you the work and the miracles of God. But yet, it isn’t a miracle, for God has placed these of the stones for all to use and all to see. He has placed, in one form or another, healing for all. I am but the instrument. I go now, and one day, when the young man wishes, let him come unto me, and let him stay with me, and let him learn from me, that he one day shall become the teacher.”

The parable that we have just told you is a simple story. If you will look within, whatever is within is without. Nothing is hidden that you can­not uncover. All that you must do is to ask in the name of the Lord, thy God. For the God is a loving God, a caring God, One who has hidden nothing from you. He constantly sends you teachers. He constantly sends unto you those who you would love, and be loved in return, for the greatest healer of all is love.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. A few years ago I had a dream in which I went into a grotto near the creek and dug a large square crystal that looked like peridot. And I had it in a cotton box and I was using it for healing in this dream. And a voice said to me something about, ‘Be careful with this, for it is not for everyone.’ Did it mean that the peridot was for my healing, or did it mean that the secret of healing with crystals is something which should be used sparingly?”

It meant neither. Quite simply, for every act that is cast out, there is a reverse side. For good there is bad. For happiness there’s sadness. This is also true in the stone. Remember, the stones used incorrectly can harm as well as heal. In the use of stones, and the peridot is the greatest healing stone of all, that is why in the placing of it, it has been placed, as we said many years ago, at your hand, close at hand. If you will remember the early readings − you’ll understand this.

“Yes, Aka. I do not remember specifically about that part, but undoubt­edly we can find it.”

We told you of a crystal that was used at the time of Atlantis. We told you that it existed in three locations. We told you that one of those were underneath the sea.

“Yes, I remember.”

We told you that this was one of the locations where the crystals existed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [3-69-2]. And she asks, ‘What was my name during the time of Jesus, and Joan of Arc?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. In a name is but a meaning. In a small town, in the city of Bethlehem, a woman lived who taught. She was a great teacher. She went forth unto the land that is now known as the Dead Sea. There she taught both the young child known as Jesus, and the young child known as John. She was a member of the [cult] known as the Essenes. She was called, Jude. You would call it, Judy, or Judith. She traveled on to perform tasks of teaching with the two young men in many lands.

When you have understood that which we have said, and that which we have said before to you, you will understand the full meaning of the name and of the task at hand.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [13-441-10], asks, ‘Please, may I have a past life reading, also the time of my birth in the morning?’”

We will give thee the time of thy birth. You were born at 8:22 a.m.

The life reading you seek, soul Ray’s health will not allow it at this time. But we will tell you of these things.

There once was a story of a Hopi boy who was cast out of his village, and he learned to live and to hunt as an eagle. And one day, out of torment, he was cast into an eagle. And the eagle wore a turquoise bracelet and a turquoise necklace.

At this point you are wondering whether you were the boy or the person who taunted him.

As you know, as the Master went upon this continent, he taught many things. But the truth of this, it was he who brought about the [transfixion] of a boy unto an eagle. You were of the council in that of the Coyote Clan. You gave forth your counsel and picked up your feather that had cast him aside. You went forth to become a disciple. And you were told then that he would come again, to watch for the sign of the Eagle, and you would know in your heart those things that you must do.

You have seen the sign of the Eagle. Take, therefore, that of the knowledge we give you, and put wings upon it, and allow it to go unto the multitude, that healing may come into their souls, for now is the time that we prepare for the coming of the Messiah. Now is the time when we prepare for the Master to walk upon the earth again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [4-125-2] asks, ‘Will you show me the meaning of the Tree of Life?’”

The meaning of Tree of Life is life itself. It is the gift of life unto all things.

The Tree of Life and the symbology that goes into the ankh, which is [the] tree of life, which is called the pre-Christian cross, and was held in reverence by those who went forth to prepare the way for his coming, they wore it so that they might recognize one another. That is the true meaning of the tree of life. Later, a cross [of] the crucifixion, the death, was to become the sign [of] all Christianity. It makes little difference of what sign you wear or use. It is the meaning within your heart and soul.

But remember, we do not come from a dead god, but a live God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she also asks, ‘Where is soul John? Where is the spirit you entrusted to me for all lifetimes and planes upon ordination?’”

The ordination was not the entrustment. We did not entrust you with this; soul Ray entrusted you with it. It is for you to maintain and care for, as you would care for your, a life. You cannot give it away. Only soul Ray could take it from you, and he has never had a desire. Therefore, it re­mains. If you have lost it, it means only that you have lost yourself for a short time. Look within yourself and you shall find it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She asks, ‘our Father to give [W____ McW____ …Sierra Vista] a gift of spirit who knows our Father best, in the same spirit of love He gave it to me.’”

He who should give unto God shall receive from God. But remember, the sun and the rain shall shine upon all, and fall upon all.

You have other questions.

“Aka, [15-473-1] who is here tonight, asks, ‘I am going through some emo­tional upheaval right now. Can you comment?’”

If comment is that that you wish − yet we are saying this in a way to try and not hurt your feelings. It is written, “Ask and you shall receive,” “Seek and you shall find,” “Sow and you shall reap.” All of these things apply to you in the above order. Know this − which is greater, the teacher, or the student? Does not soul Ray wash the feet of his disciples?

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [15 -473-2], who is here tonight, asks, ‘How can I be most effective in my teaching of meditation and draw more people to the teaching?’”

Be as a mirror. Allow that which you are to reflect out. As those who pass by see it, they then shall be drawn to it. For as a mirror it shall reflect out the image, the true image that you are projecting. And if the image shall be like stardust, and the stardust has that to offer unto another, they shall be drawn to it, and they shall seek it. We say unto you, go unto the pool, the healing pool, and contemplate. Go there and listen, and soon you will know that which is and that which is not. But you shall know the true meaning of the Lord, thy God, and that which you were meant to do.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [14-456-3] asks for guidance for her oldest grandson who seems to be having trouble lately.”

We see thy need. And the guidance you seek shall be given.

Now we should say unto you, our time has grown short, and we say unto these words. Your Earth is like a beautiful forest with many trees of many colors. It is like the autumn which is upon you. It is like a time when it is ready for rest, when it goes into the winter. But if the autumn comes in a harsh manner, it destroys the growth.

The earth is now coming in a harsh manner. The turbulence of the earth is growing stronger from Europe to the Mediterranean. But now look unto your north, of those of this United States, and you shall see it tremble. We say unto thee, protect your animals, and now is the time, if you shall, to prepare for harder times. Store, but store as you can. Seek out a safe haven.

Soul Ray now grows tired.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona