November 18, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say to thee in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now we say unto thee this parable, and in this way.

For in a faraway land there reigned a great king who had no sons. And he had but one daughter. Now the king wanted to make arrangements that he would have a grandson, and through this he would arrange the marriage of his daughter. But the daughter was strong willed, and she left her father’s house and dressed in the clothes of a peasant, and she went forth into another land.

Now, as she went about her task[s] and learned to work to provide for herself, a prince who was the son of the king of this other land, looked upon her and found her fair, and fell deeply in love with her, and her with him.

But he went into his father and said, “Father, how do you know when a woman is truly in love with you? Is it the things that I can offer her, is this the reason? Lifting her from the fields and the toil that she has been to become a princess, is this the reason that she wants to marry me? How will I know the difference whether she truly loves me or not?”

And his father thought long upon this. And he said into his son, “I shall publicly denounce you as not my son, and cast you into the fields, and we will see if she still then wants to wed you.”

In the meantime, the young girl’s father had searched through many lands for her. But when the prince found himself in the fields with the girl, the girl was in love with him. And she said unto him, “But there is something I must tell you − that I am not a peasant, that I am a princess, and I come from a great kingdom afar.”

And the prince did not know how to believe her. But not wanting to call her a liar, he took her to his father. She became quite furious when she found that they had tried to trick her. The prince said unto her, “But you tried to trick me, for you said that you were a princess.”

At this time her own father had found her, and in truth, both found that they were prince and princesses of great lands. The two fathers had begun to talk and found that peace and harmony could come into both lands by the marriage.

But both decided, to find happiness that they must [leave] the lands of both their mothers, their fathers. And they did this. And they worked in the fields for one year together. At the end of the year they returned back unto the fathers’ land and they said, “We know now that we truly love each other for one another.”

And so they became wed.

You ask unto us why would we tell you a story that you could read from any fairy tale book? The reason we have told you this parable is that you may know that what you see, or think you see, is not always the truth. And yet, what you are told sometimes is the truth, yet may not be. So how should you know the truth when you hear it? How do you know that we do not lie to you? And we say, the same as the prince and the princess, through the heart, through the soul, through the very essence of yourself, so you shall know that the things we have said unto you are true or false, for you are the judges.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. In numerology, pinnacles and challenges are figured in the United States using the month, day, and year, while the rest of the world uses the international form of day, month, and year for figuring. This seems more logical. Is it correct?”

No. We would say unto you, look unto the Mayan calendar. It was brought forth before the Mayan. It was probably the most accurate calendar that man has ever brought forth.

Your Greek and Hebrew astrology and numerology was based on the numeral, 7. The Egyptian numerology was based on 9, which was based on the pyramid inch. This, and divided by 9, so should give you the answer, even in numerology. In the answer we have given you, it will take time to study the words to fully understand what we have said.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. What are the characteristics of the zero or cipher pinnacle in numerology?”

We would say unto you, pi. [П]

You have other questions, ask.

“What are the characteristics of the zero or cipher challenge?”

We shall answer your question in this manner − into infinity, for there is no beginning and no ending.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have a question from [15-470-1] who is here tonight. He said, ‘Being that my present place in California will be unsafe with the coming earth changes, will you suggest a location where I could have a reasonable chance of survival, and how much time do I have to relocate?’”

At the present time there are many probabilities, and undecided factors. But one factor that has not changed, that will not change, is the factor of the earth changes, and the time scale for the same.

There are many, many places that shall be safe, and safe land to dwell upon. There is land in parts of California that will become islands. There is land in Nevada. There is land in Arizona. To understand these things, know that from the tip of Alaska, as you would know it now, which now is Anchorage, from the point feeding downward to the land you now know as Phoenix, Arizona, across and above Tucson, downward toward what is known as the continental divide, it shall shear that way. On the other side of the continental divide, it shall shear in the opposite direction. And that shall go toward Florida.

You wish to know where a safe place is. There are many safe places. But you have not said safe for what. Do you want to farm? If this is what you wish to do, then choose Arizona, for it shall have the water, and the rain. If not, then there are others.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he asked about how long he had to relocate?”

It is already begun. The exact time of the final blow shall come in seven years. But the blow that shall be struck in the land in which you dwell shall be three. Yet the land shall feel unsafe and life and limb shall be in danger from other elements in less time than that. And that is the element of war. [Editor’s note: In 1985, a Soviet agent defected to the United Kingdom to warn of a surprise attack planed by the U.S.S.R. upon the U.S.A. within 10 days. Through prayers, war may have been averted then.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you very much, Aka. I am concerned about old people and people with little or no income and the rapidly rising energy costs. For instance, one of the local utilities is asking for a 46% increase. What should people on low income do to combat the high cost of energy for heating this winter?”

You shall find, without the deregulation of natural gas, had it come about fuel costs would have lowered by themselves. We would suggest that the best insulation possible be used. And the use more into the electrical. These people that you speak of cannot afford solar heat because it has been placed beyond their reach. Wood is no cheaper. Warm clothing and warm bedding, and the heating of one room, and one room only at a time, will have to be their answer.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9-360-1] asks, ‘What is the hour of my birth?’”

9:22 a.m.

And now we say unto you, our time grows slower and short, for soul Ray now grows weary.

We would say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherubim.

But we would also say unto you, you have feared war and earthquakes. There are other elements of nature which can cause man greater damage, and that is flooding and freezing. This is what you have to fear now.

For those who live in the Tucson area move into higher ground. Look to the washes that have been covered up and built upon, for they shall open and water shall run again through them. It shall become an island once again. Beware.

For what you have felt is but the beginning. The winter that is ahead of you has just begun. The dams across the lands are full. You have not made provisions to protect yourselves or your animals against these elements. As we have said before, where no water flowed, water would flow. And so it has come to be.

For those who have ears, let them hear, and beware.

Remember the parable of the man that went forth into the desert; God had provided him with all the food and water he needed, and he left them all at home. If he died in the desert, whose fault was it, God or the man’s? You have all the tools you need to protect yourselves, to help yourselves and your neighbors through this time of trial. Do so.
            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona