September 2, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy needs. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now we should say unto thee this parable.

For we shall tell you of the story of [the] three young men, who lived upon a fine land. Yet there was an ocean that was all around and about them. And each day they came to the edge of the ocean and [they] looked upon it and wished that they knew what was on the other side of the ocean.

One day one of the young men suggested that they build a craft that they might sail through the ocean and find the land that lay beyond the horizon. And so they did this. And they built a mighty ship. They did outfit it with provisions of all kinds, and tools of all kinds.

            And then came the day that they should depart. And as the ship left its dry dock to enter the water there were mighty cheers. The three young men, not looking back, sailed off into the horizon.     

            It didn’t take them long to realize that they had lost sight of their own shoreline, so there was only horizons beyond them in all directions. They sailed for forty days and forty nights.

And one day they came upon this great land, and they did disembark upon it. And here they built their home, and here they grazed and made great fields, and captured many wild sheep and goat, and some cattle. And they thought, this land is but the land of the most bountiful of the world. So they made ready to depart.

But as they were making ready to depart, a company of men entered into their village and hailed them. To their surprise, they knew of these people, and they said unto them, “How did you come to this place?”

And they laughed and said, “We thought you [were] lost at sea. No one has seen you for a very long time. No one knew that you had sailed to this part of the land.”

They said unto the others, “What do you mean?”

And the others said unto them, “It is quite simple, you have never left the land you originally dwelled upon.”

They said, “Look. But look at the different fruits and vegetables. Look at the wild sheep that are now domesticated and multiply. Look at our cows. Look all around us.”

And the men who came said, “Yes, we know of this; we have known of this place for a long time. We come here to hunt and gather food. We take it back to barter.”

After much confusion they had made their mind up that all would go aboard this ship, this mighty ship; staying close to the shoreline, they would go back to the land that they lived. So they all took their great wealth and they did enter the great ship.

But in the middle of the night, the ship was caught in a mighty storm. And they sailed again for many, many days. And they found another new land. And so there they took those things that they had brought with them, and planted them, and yielded from the land, and yielded from the forest and trees, and the heavens above and the streams and the oceans.

And then one day, more people wandered into their camp. And they knew them too. And they knew right away they had not entered a new land, but it was more of the same. And so, they made the decision once again to board the mighty ship, one and all, to depart.

[Now] this time they had decided that they would make a type of compass, that it would allow them to guide themselves in the navigation and bring them back to their homeland. So they went to work, and worked, as you would say, long and hard. And then one day they decided to depart once again. Only this time, they decided that one person would remain on shore, following this one along, calling out to them, that they may always hear the other voice, and therefore, could not become lost once again. So they boarded the great ship and once again set out to con­quer a new world.  

Now in the meantime, this friend of friends who lived in another land had built many things great, and many things that were of superb nature for all to see. They decided to take these things with them, and this time all did return home. Each had his own tale to tell. Each had the greatness of power of the story to be told.

There were many there who laughed at them, but there were many there who listened to their stories, and contracted with them to go and live in the different parts of this on their own land.

Now we say unto you, you have passed upon the land you live many times, and though you think you have seen it and experienced it all, if you look with new eyes, you shall see it each time you pass, anew. And you shall find new things within it that you have not seen before.  

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Thank you. I have a question that was submitted, that asks, ‘Why was the lighting fixture taken from the church, and was it taken by the same people who took the stones from the spring?’”

We should say unto you that that that is missing shall return, but it shall not be the same, for the original was broken.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question in my mind regarding the airliner that was shot down, sup­posedly by the Russians. Was this airline, was someone on this airline on a spy mission, or what is the significance of this?” [See note below.]

We shall say unto you, the significance was the killing of one man, one man who Russia, the Bear, feared. This is the torch that has been lit.

If you face a forest fire, it will not go out by itself, unless it con­sumes you and all that you own. Sooner or later you must face it, and put the fire out. One day the Eagle shall know that the fire is that that it sets upon, and then, it may be too late.

But we say unto you, whether it is the taking of one life, or a million lives, it is all the same. Any people upon the Earth who take life for the joy of taking it can not be the people of the Lord, thy God, and can not be a coun­try or a nation of the Lord, thy God. Therefore, we say unto you, “If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out.”

But we say unto you, if you were bartering for peace, and you had but the blessings of the Lord to barter with, what part would you give up first, your head or your tail?

You have other questions, ask.    

Yes, Aka. I think, if I understand you correctly, you are saying that the Russians, in effect, are murderers, and I’m not saying that they’re not, I’m only, for the clarification and the issue, trying to figure out how we as people should think, and also what we as people can do.”

We are not allowed to tell you how to think. We are not allowed to tell you what to do. We can only tell you that that you have asked. And you have asked, “Are they murderers?” And we should say unto you, a thousandfold. We should also say unto you, “If you lie down with a dog with fleas, you shall soon have fleas.”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you very much, Aka. [7-316-1] asks, ‘I need guidance on where I should be as to the data and objects at Prison Hill at Yuma; also Agua Caliente. Thank you.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your questions in this manner. That that you seek is riches of the material kind. If that is what you seek, in the black hills of Agua Caliente, you shall find that which you seek. Toward the peak, in what is known, the small hill, shall be found that which you seek.

You have other questions, ask.   

“Thank you, Aka. [9-371-5…Peoria, Arizona] asks, ‘Please give any advice or guidance regarding our property or personal affairs. Should we relocate? If so, when and where? Thank you.’”

We shall say unto you unto this question unto this way, unto this manner. At the present time, due to a physical impairment, things have become confused unto you, and you have become dissatisfied of that that you dwell, and where you dwell in. And we say unto you that where you dwell has brought you happiness and prosperity. If you seek beyond this point, then there is only to look around you, and that shall be given also.

You have other questions, ask.            

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [5-230-4…Tempe, Arizona]; the person asks for a life reading or any help you can give in that direction.”

We shall correct the name into P________. And we shall answer your question in this manner.

As soul Ray is very tired at this time, we shall not go into the fullness of this, but give unto this one that that is necessary. And therefore, we would say unto you, we see thy need, the need of frustration, both of the monetary value, and that of the soul in tur­moil.

First, we should say unto you, let the last be first and the first be last. Find peace in your soul, and you shall find it from within. For there is a quiet place within your mind; look for it and you shall find it. Seek and it shall be laid before you, for there you shall find the quiet pool, where the candle of eter­nity shall glow forever. And that shall be the soul and the spirit from where you have come and where you dwell. It knows of all things, for it knows of all things you have experienced, and all things you have learned. If you wish to tap into this source, it is only necessary to go within yourself to find the greater amount of truth.

But remember, [that] truth comes in many forms. For one person there shall be one truth, for another person there shall be another. Truth is the satisfaction of the soul, and the know­ledge that you have not harmed or interfered with another in their search for their truth. It is the peace from within, from where you dwell. It is the giving and receiving of knowledge in a peaceful manner. It is the rain that shall shine and come into your heart. It is the sun that shall rain into your heart and grow your fields and let your harvest be great. For all, and for all eternity, man is but man. Seek not that which you are not. Seek that in the fullness which you are, and the happiness that you seek shall dwell forever within your heart and soul.

You have other questions, ask.

I have no further questions.” 

We shall say unto you unto this way, for we shall answer the question of the one who seeks. A way shall be provided that you shall know [a] truth, for we shall come into you, and into your mind, in dream form. You shall know of it by that matter, but you shall also know of the truth of it by the measure of its goodness unto you.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Korean Air Lines Flight 007, also known as KAL 007, was a Korean Air Lines civilian airliner shot down by Soviet jet interceptors on September 1, 1983 just west of Sakhalin island. 269 passengers and crew, including US congressman Lawrence McDonald, were aboard KAL 007; there were no known survivors.

The Soviet Union stated that the aircraft had entered Soviet airspace as a deliberate provocation by the United States, the purpose being to test its military response capabilities, repeating the provocation of Korean Air Flight 902, also shot down by Soviet aircraft over the Kola Peninsula in 1978. The incident attracted a storm of protest from across the world, particularly from the United States.


Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona