September 16, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And [we] would say these words.

And we should say this parable in this manner and in this way.

For there was a jewel smith who dealt in gold, and he was considered that of the goldsmith, and he did make many fine objects for all over the world. Now this man knew of many places that the gold came from.

And one day, a young man came unto him to sell him gold. Now the gold he bought from the young man was of a very desirable type. Soon, because he encouraged the young man, the young man would bring him all of his gold to buy.

And he said to the young man, “With such gold as you have, how is it that you come by such a great and fine quality?”

And the young man said unto him, “Through prayer do I come by the gold I bring to you, for the Lord, God, knows of my needs and provides of them.”

The goldsmith could not understand this, for he struggled hard in his trade. And he paid his tithing unto the church, yet he did his share of praying also. But he must work very hard, he knew, for what money he made from that of his craft.

As time passed, the young man brought more and more gold. And the man said, “If the Lord is providing this gold and it is for your needs, why is it that you have more gold than you need?”

And the young man said unto him, “But it is not just for [what] only my needs, but it is of the needs of the community into which I dwell.”

And so the goldsmith said unto him, “I must know of this. Please take me unto the community unto which you dwell.”

The young man readily agreed to take him into his community.

And when they came unto the vill­age he saw many men and women and children. They dressed simply. They ate well. They grew of the stock; they grew of the fields.

And the young man said, “Now is the time when we should go unto the mountain that should give up the gold that God has offered that I may trade with you, that I may buy the staples for the people.”

And so, they went up to the mountain. And there in the mountain was a goodly amount of gold. The goldsmith became, you would say, very greedy, and he did strike the young man down and fill all his bags with gold, and ran as fast as he could to leave the valley. But as he had left the valley he had forgot to take food and water.

And as the days passed, and he was working his way back into the land in which he dwelled, he soon found himself throwing away gold because it became too heavy to carry and too much of a burden.

And as he grew more hungry and more thirsty, and as he had stopped by the tree to gather what shade it gave, suddenly before him appeared the young man, and he offered him food and water. And he said, “Come now, let us go back into your village that we may barter, that I might sell you my gold.” At no time did the young man speak harshly of him for striking him down.

This time, when the goldsmith went unto his temple of worship, instead of praying for himself, he prayed to the Lord, God, that he might be forgiven for his ghastly deed.

And one day, when he could stand it no longer, when the young man was there to barter, he threw himself upon the ground at the feet of the young man to ask his forgiveness.

And the young man said unto him, “Have you forgiven yourself? Have you gone unto your temple of worship, and asked your God to forgive you? And has He not done so? Then how could I do less but to forgive you? But now, I shall give unto you this gold this day, and you shall become a very rich man.”

The goldsmith said, “Nay, I do not wish of the gold that I work with except to continue my craft, for I am a rich man beyond all riches in the forgive­ness of the Lord, God, and the forgiveness of yourself. For I have learned that all that is the shiny, and all that glitters, is not gold, but the true riches is the riches of the heart, the soul, the body. But the true riches [for] all things is the love that the Lord, thy God, has for His children, and [that] the true love comes from one soul unto another, in the giving of, not gold, but of oneself.”

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14-456-2...Litchfield Park]. ‘Aka, would you please give me a life reading?’”

We had asked you to ask at a different time.

“Thank you, Aka.”

Soul Ray will be stronger at that time.

“Thank you Aka. Aka, I have a question from R___. ‘What is causing the GH-12 and the GH-22 to sting? At times the complaints are greater than others. Is it something done while mixing the formula?’”

We will explain in this manner, that the formula must be sustained at an even temperature. That that stings should be of the B substance of the B-3 substance. We would suggest that, in smaller quantities that in the place of the B, of the niacinamide, that niacin be substituted. This should be measured by one-half. You shall find a greater result, but also it shall do away with the stinging properties that go into the buffering of the niacinamide.

You have other questions, ask. 

 “Thank you, Aka.  [2-30-2] asks for help on her present health problem.”

Yes, we see thy need. Soul Ray has already answered your question, that of the GH-22 should be used.
            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. The orbit of Pluto is now inside the orbit of Neptune and will continue to be inside the orbit of Neptune for a number of years. What astrological significance will this placement have?”

It shall only have that of a beneficial nature. For that that should come from the farthest shall be as you have known it, “For the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.” And that which should come should be of a beneficial nature into the substance of mankind, for now shall be the birth and the timing of the psychic children upon the Earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [15-461-1]; he is here. He says, ‘Thank you for your help. Please thank the Lord for me. Please advise me why some people are healed with a touch and others are not so readily healed.’”

[Surprised chuckle.]We shall answer your question in this manner. The Lord, thy God, may intervene in this process at any time He wishes. It has been by choice that lessons sometimes be learned through the healing process, for in that itself is healing, for it is the healing of the soul and the spirit.

We see your own need. It is not that the Lord, thy God, loves one more than another. It is only that there is a greater need, by more than one, that this healing process may be served. And therefore, it is prolonged and brought forth, then a greater healing process may take place.

 But you also have been beckoned. You have been chosen as a disciple. And as such, it has seemed like we have forsaken you. But you are still with us. Had you forsaken us, we would have given you your healing instantly, and let you go on. For those who should stand the closest to the prophet, in his work, they have suffered the most. It has not been an easy task for us to allow this to happen. But it is a test of the faith, not only of yourself, but of that of your wife, that of your own, your mother-in-law, your father-in-law, and many others around you.

But it is also the test of the faith of the instrument or the prophet himself. For it is with much frustration that he must seek farther and find the answers. It seems unfair that you should continue to place before him, after all of his great suffering, further frustra­tions, yet within him we have placed the knowledge of the universes, and therefore, that they may be brought out and utilized, he must have reason to bring them forth. For yours is not the only one of its kind. You shall soon see that.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever.

Now you have one other question, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [15-481-1] asks, ‘Dear Aka, will my husband’s and my financial situation take a turn for the better very soon? Will the new job possibly turn into something positive for us? Also I need personal encouragement and validation, as I have been despaired. Thank you very much.’ And then she asks for a life reading extra; we could catch that at another time, but can you give her information on the job situation and her financial situation?”

The job situation shall improve. So shall the financial situation improve. But we have already answered part of your question.

Now we should say unto you, and unto you all − it is time that you knew that the weapon that was used to destroy the aircraft was not the normal type, it was that of ultrasound, directed by laser. Soon these facts shall be brought out. You shall also know that the aircraft was brought off its course on purpose. The intent was to bring another aircraft off its course, but once it was found that the aircraft at hand was brought off its course, then the murder of the people was imminent, but done to cover up the fact that they desired the death of two people.  

We are sorry that we did not give you the fullness of the in­formation you asked for before. But at that time it was thought that it was better that you did not know all. Therefore, we beg your forgiveness, but re­member, we are allowed to tell you that, and [learn] those things, that does not violate another soul. But now you have the souls of those who have passed on who cry out, and therefore, we will answer the questions at hand.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: In the previous two readings, Aka spoke of the civilian Korean Air Lines Flight 007 that was shot down by Soviet jet interceptors on September 1, 1983, killing a U.S. Congressman aboard and one who sought to bring about religious understanding.


Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona