September 23, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For upon the land − and the ruler of the land had sent out messages upon the land to have brought forth the most talented of the singers, the writers, and composers, that all those involved in the arts were to be brought forth, and the finest of these would be selected to receive special reward. And great tribute was to be paid to them. And money was to be paid to them.

And from the four corners of the land many did travel. And they brought forth their talent.

But one among them brought forth the talent of what you would call that of the psychic abilities, for this person was born blind. This person was born deaf. Yet, this person wrote and sang beautiful songs, and this person wrote of times that could have been and times that were.

Now all the judges who were to judge this saw and heard the work of all. And it came unto them that the most beautiful voice they had heard was this one. And it came unto them that the best stories that they had read were of this one, and that the finest songs and music that they had heard composed was brought forth from this one. And they made the decision that instead of three winners, there would only be one, one single person to receive the reward for all three.

And the day came when they were to present the award. This one walked up to receive the reward. And she was female of species. And the way she had conducted herself, no one knew that she was afflicted in any manner. It was not until after the rewards that this became known.

And the rulers of the land said, “This cannot be. It cannot be known that we gave unto this one all of this glory, for this is a cripple. And how could it be that we rewarded and paid such tribute unto a cripple?”

Now, there was one that they sought counsel from that warned them, “Say nothing, and do nothing, for if you do, the person you say is crippled is not crippled. It is only you who are cripples, for you are crippled in your mind. And for this one, surely she is not crippled in her mind, for if she can do all the things you say she can do, think what she could really do with her mind.”

And they thought upon it. And soon, they made great stories of all hard things that this person might do with their mind. And soon they sent forth their special police to give them protection. Yet they knew that even the police could not protect them. So they decided upon this day that it was only through this person’s death could they be safe. And so they plotted her assassination.

And then one of their aids whispered in their ear, “If this person has all these powers, would they not know that we were plotting their assassination, and therefore, would assassinate us?”

And so they all fled from their land, even the ruler of the land. And this young girl became the ruler of all the land.

And she did make most of those of like minds in ruling positions. And there came upon the land a time of plenty and abundance, for she sought those who knew of the psychic and used their abilities to control the farming of the land. She sought of those who used compassion and enlightenment to collect the taxes of the land.

The land became the richest of the world, and those who had fled from the land sought to return. And they sent [envoys] and [emissaries] to seek their return.

They were welcomed back into the land, but as citizens of the land, and not as rulers.

Now you say unto us, “Why have you told us this simple story?”

But is it so simple? For how often have you thought yourselves crippled? And how often have you feared another when there was no need for fear? For fear is only the greatest sickness within your land. For fear not, for all that has been hidden shall come unto light. And all that was covered shall be uncovered.

You have questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. I have a question from [15-472-1…Tempe]. She asks for a life reading.”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Rather than give in full that which she asked, we shall give her that which should serve her the best at this time and in this place, and in this plane. And we say unto her, for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

And we see this one in the time of Atlantis, in the time before any destruction had come about of the land. We find this one working for what you would know as a mercantile store. And we find this one ordering and selling of merchandise.

Now this does not seem [directly] important, but if you shall look into your life at this time, you shall find that this is the business you are in now. You are working now for a large chain store. You are ordering of the linens. Apply that which you knew before into what you know now, for within your memory of all times lies the completeness of this time.

And you shall find that you, in this time before, you were married, and you contemplated a divorce. You are contemplating a divorce now. We shall say unto you, if you continue on the course that you are on, it can only bring regret unto your life.

Stop and bring memory into your mind. We have only brought the past to show you the future. The future is like a road with a fork in the road. If you continue in the road that you are on, you will regret the path you have taken many times in the future. If you stop and re­member where you have been, and restore your marriage, let not those around you influence you. Continue your working, for it is part of your life. But bring the knowledge [in] the order of your work home, and you shall soon find that your marriage shall be full and whole again.

This is all for this at this time. You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul John asks, ‘There are those beautiful souls, such as W___ Mc______ and M___ J_ H______, whom I serve as a minister, some who are far away from Globe, yet they have such love for God, and believe in you, and seek to be fed by God through me. There are others, such as charismatics too, who need a touch from you to know that I teach from you what is true in God’s love. Would you please allow me to be an instrument and give them the gifts of love from our Father as you once gave to me, also?’”

What was shall be again, and all that was shall be returned. Use it wisely this time, and it shall remain. In the name of the Lord, our God, so it shall be.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. In the past we have been told that we return from life to life with the same moon sign. Please explain how this works and why it is important.”

We shall explain it to you in this manner. When a dog is chasing its own tail and it bites it, it seldom knows that it is biting its own tail; it always thinks that another dog is biting the tail. As a result, it is necessary for the course of karma that you may have the opportunity to overcome it, that these signs remain, and from them that you build upon them.

Yet, all that was shall be again. It is like seeing a star in the heavens and knowing it has gone out. You shall see the star forever someplace at all times, for it never goes out. Once light has been created, it shall be remained. But as you see it from a different angle, it shall be and look like a different star; yet it is the same star, the same light, the same person.

Do you understand of that that we speak?

More or less.”

(Sigh.) Then we shall answer your question in a different way. If you went to the store and bought an apple, and you cut the apple into many pieces, and handed it to many people, would it not be the same apple? Yet it would taste differently to each person who ate it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Why was the 260-day Venus calendar of importance to the ancients of this hemisphere?”

We shall answer in this manner. For Venus was a stepping stone. And at one time, the orbit of the Earth was the same as that of Venus.

You have other questions, ask.

 “Thank you. Is the fact that 20 moon cycles equals one Venus year the basis for the vegidecimal (20-base) numbering systems?”

Yes. But we should answer your question − that as Venus was, it is not anymore. What was has changed. But the heart of it remains.

You have other questions, ask.     

“Thank you, Aka. Does the 52-year coincidence of the Sun calendar and the Venus calendar reflect the holy combination of 4 times 13, or is it the basis for it?”

Yes. But we shall farther say unto this manner, that “13” and “4” are the same.

You have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. Soul John asks, ‘Will our Father answer my greatest two prayers, the first for others, all others, and the second for myself, from that deepest within my own heart?’”

We have already answered your question, fully and completely.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have no other questions tonight, Aka.”

Then we shall answer this question. In which you have come, you have come with hope and doubt and respect. We can appreciate all of these things. But remember that that that you asked in our Father’s name − and you have said unto us in your mind, “If you are so, then read my mind,” and we have done of such, and you have said, “If you are so, you are true, then let my prayer be answered” – go, therefore, and see for yourself if the truth is not before you.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children.

But we say unto you, hark, for the days lie at hand before the event of the prophet. There shall be those who shall try to prevent this time from happening. Do all that you need to do to make it happen. And remember that the power that you seek is but at your bidding. Use it and use it wisely. But remember while you possess it, thought may kill. Do you understand of which we speak?

“To whom do you speak, Aka?”

Unto you, Paul.

“Yes, I understand you, Aka.”

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona