February 1, 1985

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

            And we shall say unto thee this parable in this way.

For once upon the land, man decided that he would build great buildings, buildings that would stand into the ages that all mankind would look upon.

            Now the master builders were brought from across the land. And they were brought forth into the land of Egypt. And one builder, and one builder alone, knew secrets of building that were beyond all the others.

            And as each builder came forth, and were speaking one unto another, each gave forth their specialty, that that they were best at. Yet, this master builder did not give his specialty. He talked in general of building. On a whole, most there he went unnoticed.

But there were those there who knew of his skills, and knew that of the great tasks they were to undertake, they cannot do without him. But each time that they tried to approach him upon this he changed the subject.

            And finally, that that was king of kings did call him forth and say, “I have brought you all here because each has a special craft. But you and you alone may bring all of these crafts into a whole. Yet, you have avoided this. Why is this so?”

            And he said unto them, “For that that I have to offer, most would not believe. So why should I speak of that which you would not believe in the first place?”

            The king had him seized, and said, “If you do not give us your knowledge willingly, we shall extract it from your mind.” And they began to punish this one with harsh, severe treatment.

            And he spoke not. And in the harsh treatment, he died.

            And all the builders wrung their hands and said, “What should we do? What shall we do, for we know not how to build as this one would.”

            And the king of kings came forward, and realizing the mistake he made, he sent word into all the lands and brought forth the son of the master builder. And once again, the son was asked to do that that his father had refused. And the son looked upon them with great contempt.

            And then came one who they thought was a builder, and he walked up to them and said, “Oh, king of kings, in your day you had a father. Had one come and slain him, would you have served him?”

            The king of kings said, “Nay, I would not have served him.”

            Then he said unto the king of kings, “You wish your building built; then step down and aside, and ask this one to give forth his talent. But remove yourself, that this task may come forward.”

          The king said, “I cannot do this.”

            And the stranger said unto him, “But look into yourself. Which do you want greatest − this great building, that shall [be] remembered for all time, and you shall be remembered because you have instructed its building? Or shall you shall be remembered as a man who slayed a great builder?”

          The king removed himself.

            The son turned unto this stranger and said, “Why should I give him glory? He deserves none of these things. It is not only my father he has been cruel to, but all mankind around him. But I shall build that that he wishes.”

            The stranger walked away, laughing unto himself. When the building was done, the young builder sealed it with nothing in it, nothing that could be seen.

            And the king of kings became curious. Here was a great monument that he himself had planned to enter, yet he had never been allowed to enter; now it was sealed.

            The young builder left the land. The king spent the rest of his life regretting all that he had done. Yet as the stranger had said, he had left a mark upon the land that would last into eternity.

        Now we say unto you, the words we have spoken are but a parable. Yet, see the truth within the words. And in seeing the truth within the words, it shall answer the question within your minds.

          You have questions, ask.

            “[17-499-1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Will I be able to live, work, and be completely committed to truth for the rest of my life?’”

            And we should say unto you unto these words. There is truth in all things, and truth is like a river. When you see it, you think it is the same, yet it is changing every second and every minute. If you should live in truth, then be as a river, and allow the change within you.\

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [17-499-2…Oklahoma] asks, ‘Who would my son be better off living and growing up with, his mother or his father? If his father, then how do I go about getting custody of him?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. Once upon your Earth there lived a wise king. And he was known far and wide for his wisdom. Yet one day, a child was brought before him with two women claiming to be the mother. And he said, “And yet, there is only one way that this could be [satisfied], both claims could be satisfied.” He said, “Bring a sword, and cut the child in half and give [to] each a half.”

            The true mother said, “Nay. Give her the child!” And the king knew.

            We should say unto you, the same rule applies now. Cut the child in half, as you cut away mother or father. Let the child make the decision. If he cannot, or will not, then let him remain. But remember, whatever you do, if you hurt a mother, you hurt the child. If you hurt the father, you hurt the child. If you are thinking truly of the welfare, hurt neither. Find a fairness where all can walk.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [11-406-2...Texas] asks, ‘When will we make “Diamond Direct” distributor in the Amway business?’”

            When you apply yourself. You wish to know at what precise day, and at what precise time this will come about. And we say unto you, your economy is not that that it once was. Your people, and the people around you do not have the buying power. So if you wish to reach this height, you must expand; you must reach outward and put more of yourself in the effort.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she also asks, ‘When is the best time for _______ to retire from American Airlines?’”

            We would say unto you, let it happen in a two-year period of time.

             You have other questions, ask.

             “Thank you, Aka. [17-499-3…Texas] asks, ‘How is my brother, G______? Where is he, and how can I reach him?’”      

            We would say that your brother, G_____, is fine. He resides in the city, of Pennsylvania. If you wish to see him, look him up in the phone book.

            Now, we say unto you, our time grows short.

            You have a question in your mind. And we shall answer this question, for the first of the question has already been answered in the first of the parable.

We say unto you, each scene, each part, comes in its own time. Yet there is a time for all things. And now has come the time to look beyond and say, “We are whole; we are complete. We may have weaknesses, we may have flaws, yet we like what we see; we like what we are.” Throw no, no more stones, and go on with it.

          Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1985 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.