February 22, 1985

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say to thee into this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of Your children, forever and ever.

            And we should say unto thee this parable in this way. For long ago in the land that you now call Yucatan, there flourished a great civilization with many wonders. But there was one who lived away from all these wonders. He did not use the electric lights, nor did he fly in the airplanes he saw in the heavens as they passed above him, nor did he travel in the automobile. Instead he used his animals to farm his land. It was not that this one wanted to shun people. It was only that he had his own way of life and wished to live it.

            One day, as he traveled on his horse, he met a young woman traveling upon a horse. And they fell deeply in love. And she greatly admired his wisdom and respected his ways. And they were wed. And they went unto his home to live. And soon she complained that she did not have electrical appliances. She complained that she did not have a hospital nearby to have her children in. She complained that she could not ride the horses. For all the things that she had seen within the man now were a burden upon her.

            Yet the man’s love was great. And so, he deserted his way and took her, therefore, into the city. And even there, because he was a farmer, the jobs he was able to have were meager jobs, yet long laboring jobs. He did them and did not complain.

            And they had many children, and the children grew up, and still his wife complained. She complained if she had bread and it was not as good as the neighbors’. She complained if she had cloth and it was not as good as the neighbors’.

            One day, when the last child reached maturity, the man went unto her and said, “I leave now to go back from where I came, for I do not fit into this world, and I do not want to die here.”

            She went out unto her neighbors and she said, “Oh, woe is me, my husband has deserted me.”

            And she went unto the local priest to complain. And the priest said unto her, “Your husband has returned from where he came. When you met your husband he was a farmer, and a good farmer, yet you were not satisfied with this way of life. And you knew of that which he did before you married him. To satisfy you he became the lowest of things in the city, and hated every moment of it. His life became a living hell to give you the things you desired, yet still you have not learned from it. You say he has deserted you. And I say unto you that you deserted him long ago.”

            She could not understand this. And she went unto the farmer as he went about his tasks. And she said unto him, “Take me back, for I have wronged you.”

            And he said, “If you wish to stay, stay; if you wish to go, go. But that that we had long ago has died and withered upon the vine.”

            She said unto him, “I have no place to go, so therefore, I shall stay here.”

            As she stayed, she found the simplicity within his life. She found that she lacked for nothing. The food was better than she had had in all these years. And as the children came and visited, all of them wanted to stay. And all of them wanted to bring their children that they might have a better way.

            One day, because of the long labor [on the] man, he went unto the small altar that he had prepared for himself and he died praying unto his Lord.

            Now his sons and daughters, therefore, knew that he had gone to make a place for himself, and they went to see that things were properly done. And they made offerings unto the Lord.

            The woman came and saw, for all of his children were seeking his way. And she said, “Oh, Lord, why is it that in this late time in my life can I see a truth? Why could I not enjoy all those years of goodness which You gave unto me? Why did I cast them aside?”

And the Lord answered unto her and said, “Only through the eyes of the beholder may you see.”

            Now we have told you a parable. And we say unto you, look unto the depth of it, and you shall find peace. If you cannot find the answer within it, you shall not.

            You have questions, ask.

            One moment, please.


            We should say unto thee, that new earthquakes in your northern hemisphere shall awaken. And the lines of fire shall continue. As they shall occur, so shall new earthquakes occur.

            But we say unto you, beware of the winds of March, for they shall be worse than [of] all the winds you [have] had up to now. Prepare thee thy homes and thy shelters for thy animals. Prepare thee of wood that thy homes may be kept warm; bring forth oil lamps unto thy homes, for there is no place that you may go to escape this.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [15-461-2…Houston, Texas] requests a life reading.”

            Our time is too short at this time to give a life reading. Ask that of questions, and we shall answer.

            But we shall add unto what we have already said and say unto you, keep two week’s minimum of food in your homes, and extra water, and extra fuel for your automobiles, that you may have that which you need, for there shall be a two-week period when nothing shall come in and nothing shall go out.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [17-500-1...Texas] born on March the 4th, 1984, and he asks, ‘Our son, R_____, was killed about four years ago. Is there any message that he wants to give us?’”

            We shall answer your question by saying this. There is new birth within your family. Look unto the eyes of the child, and you shall find your son.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [17-500-2…Albuquerque, New Mexico], she asks, ‘Will my investment in Alaska pay off?’”

We answer you with a very blunt, no.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you −”

            One moment, please. Because of the delicacy of this situation, we would suggest that as this subject is told the answer, inform her to inquire further, and we shall give her further answers.

            You have other questions.

            “Thank you, Aka. [17-500-3…Bedford, Texas], she asks, ‘How much profit will come to my husband and I from the land development known as the “Diamond Circle Estates?”’”

            We do not see of this. We would try to clarify this, for we suggest that the proper information be given.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [16-494-1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘What was the time of my birth?’”

8:22 a.m.

            Now we should say unto you unto these questions. Should soul Ray continue into his line of thought into a new serum, which he has in his mind to build, he shall find an answer for two things, that which he calls the flu, and that which is called, AIDS.

            Now soul Ray tires, and we should say, remember, this is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1985 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.