January 11, 1985

Globe, Arizona



             Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, I see thy need, and we should say in this manner and this way, glory be the name of the Lord, of [thy] God; glory be the name of the children forever and ever.

            And we should say unto thee this parable in this manner and this way. For once there came unto the land a man. And the man had four sons. And the four sons grew up many miles apart.

The day would come that they would come together. Each brought the most precious thing that he possessed, and that was himself, that that he had become. And he brought it and presented it to his father.

            His father took each precious gift and thanked the sons. And the father said unto the sons, “Here, I give you fields. Take the fields, each of you. Divide them equally, and be brothers. Go forth and multiply and be fertile into the land.”

            [There] the brothers divided first unto twos. And each one took that that he was best at. Instead of dividing the land, they kept it as a whole, and each took that that he was best at, his craft. And soon the land began to prosper.

But as the land began to prosper, soon jealousy was born between them. And each would say, “That that I do is most important, and that is why we have prospered.”

            They thought upon this.

And one day the father came forth unto them to visit. And [he] went over the land with [them]. And he did give praise unto each part, one unto another. But he gave the praise in equal shares, as he had given the land. And still there was jealousy.

            And one day, the brothers decided that they would talk and find where their difficulty was. And they invited their father there.

He listened. And he said unto them, “You have but one difficulty; you are jealous of one another. ‘If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside,’ sayeth the Lord. And what offends thee the most is your jealousies. Remove it; cast it aside. And that that you shall have shall become the finest in all the land.”

            At first, the brothers could not see that that the father had spoken of. But, one by one, they saw this.

            Now, the brothers, one day, each had children of their own. And as time had passed, more land was acquired. And they said unto their children, “You must work together.” And once again, they were faced with the task of jealousy.

            Now you would think that once something was conquered and laid aside, it would not have to be confronted again. But you will find that from the beginning to end of mankind, nothing changes; it only changes its form. The play goes on; the actors only play different parts.

If in truth you have learned a lesson to take from one lifetime unto another, you will learn it in such a way that when someone sees you, they will know that that lesson has been learned, and from you the light will shine and come through and be part of the same.

You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [12-428-1…now resides at Globe, Arizona] requests a life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body, and therefore, we have the records in all their completeness.

We find this one in the time when those who came from Yahweh made flight unto the land you now call, Earth. He had become a fast friend and designer of craft for the one known as the Eagle.

In that day of days, when many were sent back into the heavens in their craft, he was also. And as he rose above the Earth, he looked back upon it, and saw the Great War begin and end. He knew then that what had begun would go on through time until peace was restored for all times upon the Earth.

            He chose birth upon this planetary system, at the time before the destruction of Atlantis. And once again, he became the fast friend of the Eagle. And they worked on many new designs. And many times he ventured forth into Egyptan and Atlantis, one and two. [Editor’s note: It is said there were five continents of Atlantis.]

            And many times he went forth unto the Sumer village of the Sumer people, or Sumaria. There was all the great knowledge [and] the great teachers. He learned and he built. He saw the great energy sources, and how they came about, and how large amounts of energies were transported from planet to planet, and around the earth, and the other planetary systems.

            We find him again in the time that you call the Christian era, that time after the death of Christ. We find him as a disciple of Paul. And he came forth unto Paul and said unto him, “Are you that that I seek? For in my memory is a memory of a time of before.”

            And Paul said unto him, “Nay, I am not that, for he who you seek has gone on before you. They say he has gone unto another land; go hence.”

            And so you ventured forth and came unto the American. And there once again, you found your friend. And you went forth through the many parts of the land in the preparation of the coming. And your friend said unto you, “Though we walk on the water this time, we must walk on it again, for this is the beginning, not the ending, nor not the way, complete. For in another time, in another place, we will come back into this land, and in truth we shall prepare the way.”

            Now we say unto you, you are here; you have come to the Eagle’s nest. Prepare yourself. But know unto these things. You have wed, and therefore, it must be your joint decisions of the direction you shall take from this point forward.

We say unto you, make your choices. Make them wisely and compass­ionately unto yourself and that of your wife, for there are many ways to serve.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [17-498-1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Will the year, 1985, be a fresh and new beginning for me, filled with creative activity? Thank you, [R____].’”

            We say unto you, the year that lies ahead can be many things to many people. Yes, you shall have a new beginning. But we say unto you, changes are about to take place. Be as a willow. Bend with the tree − bend with the wind. Let the tree not break. Be, most important, the type person that you can live with.

            Now we say unto you, soul Ray now grows tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted in place of names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.