March 1, 1985

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be His children forever and ever.

            And we say unto thee unto these words, for we say to you this parable, and yet, it is not a parable. We told you a story of the man from Yucatan, and we shall try to explain the meaning. The man is of those of the Indian culture who long lived under the domination of those from Mexico City. They are ready to throw the shackles aside and become a nation.

There are those who would help them at this time.

At the same time, there are those who would play upon the political sea. And the winds of March are as armies, small armies, who shall each single out their targets. Some shall assassinate to take lives. Others shall assassinate to destroy the image of the leader, of the person.

This shall happen in many places upon the Earth, and in your own country.

            There shall come a movement upon the land in strength that it shall not be safe for a two-week period of time for the leaving of the homes. You have such a group in this city. I think you know their target.

            Yet, there is the storm which shall ravish the land − and not only this land, but across the lands and countries.

            Yet there is time and hope. Bring your minds together, as we have told you before. If a man should burn your crop, if you would place your minds together, you may make the winds blow in the opposite direction.

Now we say unto you, we have explained these things that you did not understand.

            Now we should go on further to explain to you that we do not single out one person, at any time, to reprimand. When you are traveling upon a road, and you see your friend who would perish if you do not warn them, which would you do, warn them, or let them perish? If you saw your wife or your daughter who would fall from a great height unless you warned them, would you not warn them? For really, that is all we can do, is warn you; we are not allowed to alter or change the future. Only you yourselves may do this.

            And we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. Prepare. But as you prepare, know that those who say they cannot afford their two weeks’ provisions, they are lying to themselves. And that is a greater sin than lying to another.

            We say to you, for upon the land there are many types of birds. The one that we have mentioned the most is the eagle. Yet he serves very little other than himself. To take the form of the eagle was to take the form of a selfish being and transform it into a serving being. This was part of the karma, the karma of the servitude to mankind.

            There are many ways into which you shall reach in your lifetimes. And there are many messages which each of you shall take home with you, but we say to you, take unto your hearts and souls this message. Blessed be those who gives what they have not. Blessed be those who forgive those they should not. Blessed be those who love those they should not. And blessed be those who shall walk the extra mile.

            But we should say unto you, when you have done all these things, and those who would destroy you still remain, then bind together; combine your minds, and you will soon find that there is strength within you to protect yourselves. We have not left you unprepared.

            Now we say unto you, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1985 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.