March 15, 1985

Globe, Arizona      



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your questions in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we should say unto thee this parable.

For in a desert land, where a river ran through the desert, a culture, a people, came north and wandered down and were driven from their homes in the highland. And they wandered down until they found fertile land in the desert. And they did grow mighty crops. And soon, they established trade routes with friendlier people, clear into the South American continent.

Gradually, their crops became more and more abundant.

            And then, there came a great sickness upon the land. And the people moved in many directions, fleeing for their lives, leaving behind their cultures, leaving behind their possessions. That that they did not leave behind was their religions.

And so they spread forth. And gradually as time passed, they intermingled with other people, then came forth upon the land again to irrigate and populate the same lands. And they spoke of the “old ones” as those who had been.

And they did bring forth crops in abundance.

            And upon the land came those from across the sea. And they came, because they were starving, unto these people. And the people fed them. And they did make war upon the people. And the people rose up to drive them out, and yet, they were beaten.

            And then once again, another people came forth unto the land. And once again they fed the people. And they did go to war and fight beside the people, those of the light skins. And they did make a place for them. But soon, those looked down upon these people, and said, “How could we know such people as these?”

            And so the people began to change, and say, “To survive we must learn all the White man’s ways. We must speak only the White man’s tongue. We must be as the White man; we must dress as him, walk as him, talk as him, think as him. And only then can we survive, for he comes forth like wheat, in great multitudes. We must take his religion, and accept all things.”

            And so it came about, and it came to pass.

But soon, as generations passed, the people did not know even themselves, for they had lost the true identity of themselves. They had lost their cultures. They had lost their true meaning for being.

            Now, we say unto you, this that has happened before was like a great karma that was working through and completing its time. But now, as war and rumors of war begin to rattle the hemisphere, as your great leaders gather to talk of peace, they plan of war; they plan of assassination. Already in the land you call Russia, the land of the Bear, it has sprung a new head, and now, it looks out hungrily at all the land and all the people.

            You have already lost Nicaragua and El Salvador. Those are gone. If the present course is continued to take place, soon Mexico will be gone, your greatest neighbor.

            When this happens, you say unto us, “We will go to war to prevent this.” Yes, this could be done. But as we have told you before, the winds of March are upon you. Great change shall take place in the political sea across the land and faces of the earth. Decisions shall come forth, and false treaties shall be made.

            We say unto you, now is one of the Earth’s greatest times. It is a time when it may walk at peace, or go to war. It is like the fickled whims of a politician. Be careful that you are all not caught in this trap.

            Be not as those who would hide their head and say, “This is not happening. These things cannot happen to me.” For one day it is your brothren that they shall attack, and the next day it shall be you. There is but one way that you may survive all these things, and that is if you bind together, become as one.         

            Know the honor of one. Know the needs of one. Know the duties of one. And be as one. And then, let your whole land prepare itself. For warfare is like a step away from you. It is as though we look upon the Earth and we see sabers everywhere.

You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [15-461-2…Houston, Texas] requests a life reading.”

            Yes, we have us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

            And we would say unto you, we find this one in the earlier days of Atlantis, when it was of a mighty nation among nations. We find this one as a banker, a man who lent and collected money. There were many who belittled this man, yet he kept his faith, and in his faith he cheated no man. He took and struck a fair bargain, and lived by his bargain. He made others do the same.

Now we say unto you, as a banker you made several investments that were almost your downfall. You have done so once again. Now all these things you need are laying before you, from one time to the other.

            We say to you, we will tell you the highlights. The reason for this is soul Ray grows very weary. Know this, that you came at a time, and have come at a time, when it is highly possible that a civil war shall occur in this country. You have come at a time when chaos is but one step beyond. We say to you, stand up, be tall; be counted, so that of the worldly goods can become as one.

            We say unto you, you have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [16-492-3…New Mexico], she asks, ‘Dear Aka, is now a good time to put our house at Cochiti Lake, New Mexico, on the market?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer your question in this manner, yes, for you have many things to gain.

            Now we say unto you, soul Ray now grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


 Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.