May 17, 1985

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we [shall] answer in this manner and in this way.

For we should say unto thee this parable.

            There once was a mighty river. And it came forth and split. And each became two rivers, and then four. All of the rivers that had split from the main source headed for the sea.

            And upon each river man settled and began to cultivate the land and use the water.

And each of these groups called their lands by the name of their river. And because each of them spoke a different language, each called it a different name. But it was known in all languages as the Mother, the Giver of Life, and the Source.

            The older men farmed from it and enjoyed it. The younger men built bigger and stronger boats. And soon they were to go up the rivers. As they went up, they soon looked upon the mass of the whole and thought, “What a great river we live upon.”

            As each started to leave, he knew not that there were three other rivers branching off from the single, and so he went back a different way, and there he found new people. And the people, expecting their own back, could not understand. And they could not understand the language.

            And after a year had passed, each was allowed to go back up the river once again. And there they met. And in this time they had learned each other’s language. And they had also learned a greater message, that the Source of the river was still the Mother.

            And they said, “Let us go now down each of our rivers and find where they go.” And so they did this.   

            Another year passed, and then still another, and they found themselves in a great ocean. Because they had not the compass and they knew not greatly of navigation, it was quite by accident that they came all to the same place at the same time. And each knew that he had paddled so many lengths, and so that was the first of their navigation. And they began to teach one unto another. And they were sea-faring men, and had things in common, and therefore, they understood each other. But they also understood that their people were different, and had different ways and different customs. So it was decided that each of them would trade places once again with their people, only different groups this time.

            Once again, the people were confused, but slowly they began to learn to talk, and communicate. And once again they went to the Source, and then homeward.

            It was many years before their children ventured forth, with the stories and the language their fathers had learned. And when they ventured forth into the new lands they were welcomed as the sons of those who had come before them. And because the fathers of the sons had been hard-working people and sea­faring men, they were welcomed.

            Now we say unto you, there is more to the parable, and yet greater knowledge to the meaning.

But we would say unto you, as you have said, “That that goes around comes around.” It is like a great circle − because of the point of beginning, there shall not be a point of ending. Yet, you shall pass that same ground you have walked on many times. If you learn from it, you shall reap the harvest. If you do not, you shall reap that harvest also.

Let peace be with you, and carry the knowledge of the words we say, one unto another.

            You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10-379-1…Pasadena, Texas] asks, ‘Is it going to resolve for B__ and I to have a home?’”

 Yes, we see thy need, and we shall take once step at a time.

            The first step shall be your health. And we shall say into you unto these words. We have given you back the health of your husband; we shall give you your own health back − not because you promise us something, because you asked in the name of the Lord, and because you have asked in the name of your prophet. These things that you ask for shall be given, one step at a time.

            Bring forth your health, but see the truth of it. Nothing shall be the same. It is time, it is way past time, that you thought of doing things on a smaller scale. It is time that you quit pushing the body and the mind, and looked into the truth of yourselves and your God, and where you fit in this world and the scheme of things. We shall give you that that you ask for once again − but how about the next time? Must there be a next time?

            We say unto you, we have put into your keeping more than a prophet, but a healer, a person who can bring not only the body, the mind, and the spirit into one. Utilize the talent, that the work may go on.  Now is the time for unity unto one house.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. [17-504-1…Harriman, Tennessee], she asks, ‘Will I be getting a good job soon?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer your question in this manner. For that that you seek, you shall receive. But reach out and seek it in truth. There are those who would ask and go behind the woodpile or the haystack to receive that that they ask for. Be not ashamed of that that is given, nor the source.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-431-1…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Please, Aka, I would like to know more about purpose and destiny.’”

            (Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. Yet purpose and destiny may be the same. If you come into a lifetime with destiny you surely shall have purpose. If you look upon the Earth and see a need, whether that need is take the weight of the yoke [or] burden off of a man’s shoulders and ease it for something better, then that is both purpose and destiny. If the need that you see is to bring spiritual comfort to others, that is both purpose and destiny.

But there are those who would seek the purpose and destiny of another. There are those who would want this, but be sent as a helper. We shall explain to you in this manner. Jesus of Nazara came forth as the first begotten son of the Lord, thy God. He came from Adam to Jesus. Paul, or Saul, came forth both in purpose and destiny, that the word would pass into the Gentile and into the land. But it was not his message, it was that of Peter, who would have the dream and see the curtains rise on the four corners, and the sails that rose [on] the ships that sailed to the four corners of the Earth, and know the meaning. It is why you have your testament that is called the Pauline Doctrine of today. That was not the purpose, nor the destiny − yet it was not the intended destiny, it was his freedom of choice − he altered and changed the written words. That is where you get the expression, “Robbing Peter to pay Paul.” At the time that he took on the task, he thought it was the only way. And knowing the condition of the financial status of the churches, he was sure.

            We say unto you, we have come forth for both one of two purposes − not to change the prophesies, and not to change the laws of Moses, but to show you the fulfillment, and to bring to you the coveth [covenant] in its original form. We are come not to rob, nor steal, nor to place words in the mouth of the one known as Jesus, nay. We have come to show you this. But we have also come to prepare the way for the coming, that he might come unto you once again, and a completeness be brought to the Earth.

            We hope we have not talked in riddles. We hope that we have truly answered your question in such a way that you fully understand from which we speak.

            Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

            We shall leave you now.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


 Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.