May 24, 1985

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee into these words. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            Now we should say unto thee this parable, in this manner and in this way.

For once upon the Earth there were great civilizations. And in the land that is known now as the continent of the Americans, the North American Continent and South American Continent, it was divided greatly by water − [in] between the divisions, the more to the Pacific side; Atlantis, to the Atlantic side. And great islands, and continents, as you would call them, emerged from the ocean.

            Great forests grew. And an abundance of fruits and vegetables of many kinds was upon the earth. Man had in all things the best of things. And there upon the land you now call the Sahara, there were great forests. And there upon the land in the Americans that you think of as shallow land, that from Holbrook to Yuma, grew great forests. And this land at that time was known as the Land of Kings.

For in the land of plenty, man accepted all things as though they were, and would last, forever. He soon began to drift away from all the land and all the knowledge.

And there were those who came forth and said, “Beware, beware that you do not bring forth the wrath of the God, Almighty.” And they laughed at them.

            Some of you now think that the story we are telling you is but a fairy tale. And we say unto you, no, it was not a fairy tale; it was a time of the golden age of man. He had reached his highest peak. He could fly into outer space. He had reached the stars and beyond. He had conquered the oceans. He had even thought he had conquered the inner Earth. And at last, upon that day of days, ­when all was brought down, and mankind fell back into thousands of years of development.

            We say to you, all these things are possible once again. All the things that you think are trivial that are happening upon your Earth − in the 26 nations of that land known as the African, soon it shall be more, and then more. And more and more of the land shall be taken and devoured, until pestilence reigns the land.

All of those things that have been can be again. And deserts can be born. We have told you before that deserts would form where forests once grew, and roses would grow where deserts were.

            Now, in those days there came upon those who predicted of these days, one of which you write about in your Book; you call him, Noah.

            And God came unto Noah and said, “BUILD THEE AN ARK.” And all the people laughed.

Which one of you could stand out in front of your neigh­bors and take the laughter, and take the finger-pointing and the shame that Noah took, and his sons, and the wife of his sons, and the children, and his wife? Which one of you could stand up under such shame? Yet they did. And yet, others did, for they knew that they were to prepare a way. It took much time, much hardship, and much preparation.

We say unto you, these things that were shall be again. The fulfillment of the book of Revelations is unfolding before you, yet you see it not, for you have blinded yourselves.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [17-505-1…Globe] asks, ‘Can you please tell me where I can find a medallion that I have lost that belongs to S_____ H_____? Thank you.’”

            Yes, we see this, and we would say, it is not lost, but another wears it. And the one who wears it is your friend.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Soul Ruth [2-30-2] asks, ‘Which is more important, or which comes first, your loyalty to friends or loved ones, or your own idea of right and wrong? Thank you.’”

            We would say these things, if the Lord, thy God, came to thee, would you know Him? If He spoke to you, would you know that the words were truth? Could you go into a field, day after day, and gather the leavings of others, knowing only but a promise of the Lord, that your whole world will become better?

            It is easy to go with the crowd. That is the easy. It is also easy to bend with the wind[s], whether it be good or bad. If a person comes unto you and says, “These things are so,” is it not easy to go that way? Is it not easier to agree? For deep in your heart, the truths of things are known.

            We can make excuses and say, “They have done this, they have done that; they are not this, they are not that; they are not perfect.” And we will say to you, when Jesus of Nazara came upon that day upon Mary Magdalene, and they would stone her and put her to death, and they said unto him, “Rabbi, the Law says, that she, being unclean, should be stoned.”

            And he said back unto them, “These things are true, but let those who have not sinned cast the first stone.” Jesus did not pick up a stone. He did not cast the stone. He blessed her and wished her well, and walked on. She was to follow.

            A person may go to a well many times, and carry the same urn. And one day, he can slip and fall and break the urn, and the water, [so] sweet and good, then run upon the ground. Everyone who sees it will shake their head and say, “What a great waste.” But if the Lord intended that you have a new urn, and that someone else or even yourself should build it, you will have a reason for it.

            But “not the smallest thing upon the Earth shall fall without my Father’s permission.” Know you not?

            For there were two sons − the first and the second begotten of God.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [17-505-2…Tennessee], and she asks, “Will my husband find a better job?’”

            (Chuckle.) We shall answer your question in this manner, yes. But we say unto you, what is better? There are time[s] for all things, and in the passing of time there is needed a time to be together, between husband and wife. Sometimes it is the hardship that draws you together. It’s when you have the least you share the most.

            [But] yes, when you have but three pennies, and someone needs two of them, it is a hard thing to give those two pennies. But remember, if you give them in truth, and give them with love, in giving them without expecting repayment, you, not only by giving, shall receive the greatest of gifts. For a person who gives and expects back in return is like a banker waiting to open his door. How do you lock up love? How do you hide it in a vault? Sometimes that is the only form of repayment you shall receive.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [3-80-8…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Approximately nine or ten years ago I started having dreams of war − then [for] myself, if [shot], or one of my family would be picked. Is there something in my past life that would help me understand these dreams, or could you give me help in interpreting these dreams? Any help would be greatly appreciated.’”

            There are different types of dreams. That’s why it has been written [that], “There will be those who interpret your dreams.”

            In your specific case, it is not a past life you dream of, but a future life, and a lifetime. And your family being shot, and shot at, is a future time. It is given to you so that you might alter the dream, and alter the events. If you wish, these things may happen. Is it not written that the future may be changed as easily as lifting a stone, by altering and changing your direction? If you wish to change these events, start now by preparing the way. Place in them a small piece of what we have given to you. As you would share bread and wine, share the knowledge we give, and you shall prepare the way.

            You have other questions.

            “Thank you, Aka. [17-505-3…Springerville]; ‘A life reading please.’”

            Not at this time. Ask again, and we shall give you that which you desire.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [13-433-4…Globe, Arizona], and she asks, ‘Will my buying a home here prove to be good for both myself and my son? And also, will my home in Colorado sell, and if so, when?’”

            Your home in Colorado shall sell in the month of July, the later part. Your buying a home here should prove, for both health and financially, to be a good thing. But it shall be a greater part, for you shall develop spiritually. Once this land, that was known as Omega, a place [where] all mankind bowed and gave praise unto, for from this point was the light that man could see unto their God, so it may be again, through this heart and soul of man. But it can only be if you’d make it so, and desire it. Open the door that we may enter.

            You have one more question, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka, [17-505-4…Panama Hills, California] asks, ‘I am interested in expanding my healing focus in the metaphysical realm. Which area most suits my native ability? With whom, if anyone, should I study? Thank you. Please give specifics.’”

            We shall be very specific. The International Psychic Healing Society that has been founded has been founded with good cause and good reason, and a good foundation, that learning may come forth and about. It was founded with much thought and much prayer. In time, it shall become the greater part of the healing society of the world. If you wish, reach out, and ask and receive, and you shall find that the things you ask for can be made so.

            Now we say unto you, our time has grown very short. And so we shall answer unto the mind of he who asks.

            And no, the time is not over. It is but the beginning of times. The time and preparation of the Messiah has just begun. Soon it shall swell and the membership shall grow as the pebbles upon the ocean, for we have promised to fulfill your needs.

            There will [not] be those who drop away, and this is their desire and this is their need. But have they truly dropped away? For their time that they have spent will have been accounted for into their soul, and shall be taken to account into the days thereafter before the Lord.

            But we say unto you, what the Lord giveth, no man may taketh. And we say unto you, the light and the beacon shall intensify until the radiance shall be as a blinding light before man.

            The time is just begun. It is not over.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim. And we say into thee, the Fifth Angel dwells upon thy Earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


 [Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502