November 29, 1985 



            “Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever; glory be the name of His children, in the righteous name of mankind.

            And we say unto thee unto this parable − of a land’s that once sent forth to invite a prophet unto their land. And as they sent forth the invitation, the prophet accepted. And he ventured forth unto the land, and therefore, he found many good people.

            In some places where he would speak he spoke to many. In others he spoke to but a few.

He went about his tasks in his day-to-day work in a righteous manner before man and God.

            And there was many who would say, “Here or there goes this prophet, a man of God, who shall give unto us health and wealth and all those things of good and of bountiful things.” When they hailed the prophet they said, “We have come, oh, prophet, to receive all these gifts that you have to offer.”

            And the prophet said unto them, “I have but one gift, the greatest gift of all − yourselves. This I give unto you, for you have not found it for yourself.

            “The second gift I have unto you is the greatest gift man may own, and that is his soul, his spirit, and his immortal body.

            “Yet the third gift I give unto you is even greater yet − for it is the gift of God.

            “For [builtad][your God?] believes in you. And because He believes in you, so through eternity He has allowed you to make many mistakes. And by making these mistakes, He has allowed you the privilege of getting up by yourself.”

            “And you say unto us, ‘How many times must I get up? How many times must I rise myself − only to fall again?’

            “The sin is not in the falling, and not in the giving forth the energy necessary to rise again. It is the manner with which you rise. Rise thee then unto the eyes of the Lord, thy God, and allow this miracle [to] come forth this day.

            “And you say unto I [me], ‘What miracle could this be?’

            “And I say unto thee, the miracle of the kingdom of God – for you, and in your temple, possess the kingdom of God.”

            They wondered what he had said and how he had said it. Some pondered long upon his words, even after he had left.

            There’s many who said, “Why did he speak so long to the few, and not to the many?”

            “What is it that he said; what did he leave with us? What great gift did he bestow upon us? Was it riches or jewels or emeralds so fine?”

            Nay. Nor was it wine, or any of these substances. For within reality, it was, as you know, the substance of the soul.

            Now you have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka.”

            “[18511-1…Tucson, Arizona] asks, ‘Could you please give some advise on my job? Thank you.’”

            This question is not complete. This person no longer lives at the above address. We shall find this one. One moment.

            Yes, we find this one. Therefore, we find the body, the soul, and the spiritual substance of the same.

            And we say unto this one, you shall find happiness only when you are content to give of yourself of that which you demand of others. It shall not be easy. A gift is only a gift when you give it and expect nothing in return.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [1-851-12…West Germany]: ‘Thank you very much for the literature. As to the life reading, I would be very happy to get that opportunity. Thank you.’”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have the records before us. But we would say unto you, bring this question up at your next reading, for soul Ray’s health has not fully recovered.

            Ask other questions that we might answer.

            “Ok. [18511-3…Grants, New Mexico] asks, ‘Why can I not accept the spirits when they come to give me information on others or myself?’”

            It is said that, “there shall be those who shall dream dreams and those who should interpret the dreams; there shall be those who should speak in tongues and those who should interpret the tongues.” We say unto you, allow these things to enter. But know that which enters. If it is good, much like wine, then drink of it. If it is not, then cast it aside.

            You have one other question.

            [Editor’s note: The person reading the questions was silent.]

            Then we should say unto you unto these words. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children. We would say unto thee, look now into the land of Mexico, not so much for the volcano nor the hurricane, look now for the political bomb that is about to explode. The hours come closer one by one.

            Pray that these things do not happen. For the last eruption occurred; it shall occur again in greater volume.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.    


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio tape recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.