October 9, 1985

Grants, New Mexico

(Home of Sue and Henry Elkins)



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever; glory be the name of His children.

            And we should say unto thee this parable in this manner and in this way.

For as each man should pray unto his Lord he should pray for different things. The farmer should pray for rain when he has seed in the ground, yet he should pray for no rain when he is trying to harvest. He should pray for frost at the right time of the year. Yet, the businessman who sells his real estate, he prays for no rain, only bright sunny days. And the fisherman, he prays for no rain, only bright sunny days. Each man prays for his own needs.

How does God know which prayer to answer? Is it not written that the sun and the rain shall fall on all?

            If you pray for rain, and you wish it to be so, pray for the place that you wish it to be. Pray in such a manner that it means something to you, and it shall mean something to the Lord. If you ask in the name of the Lord for a car, make certain that you also ask Him for the means to pay for it, and a place to put it, and a way to pay the taxes upon it, and maintain it, and put fuel [in it], because the car alone will do you little good.

            If you are in a desert and had no water, and you said, “Lord, I am thirsty; give me rain,” and the Lord brought forth a rain, but the rain rained above you and around you, and the arroyos where you stood water came in abundance, you have just provided the means to drown yourself because you did not ask in a specific manner.

            Meaning exactly what you say, at all times, is probably one of the most important lessons that man can learn.

            Man, because he was given a mouth to speak with, thinks sometimes that that’s all he must do, is make noises, instead of giving intelligent thought to that which he shall speak. You have man as a whole gives 10 percent to thought and 90 percent to unthought.

            When you have a neighbor and you cannot, within your heart, speak goodly of him, speak not of him at all.

            [But] never bear false witness. Never declare the guilt of another person unless you know it to be so, for you have condemned this person to death or worse, only upon your words. But you have also created a thought. And [the] thought form is like the mustard seed; it gathers and grows as a mountain. The false accusation of a person could bring about a very belligerent act toward yourself or someone else.

Give [in] truth where you find it.

            There once was a man who took stones and built himself a very simple altar. Those who saw him build it went around the valleys and said, “Look, this man builds a stone to worship to false gods.” And soon, across the whole country people were talking and saying, “This man worships the Devil. This man worships false gods.” The man went on building.

One day the people came as he was in prayer. They did not look to see what was in his hands or in his mind; they stoned him. In stoning him, they created their own karma, for in his hands he held the very sacred scroll that he intended to share with all.

You have many questions. Ask.

            “Yes, Aka,[17-510-1…Grants, New Mexico] and she asks, ’What does the Lord have planned for me to do now and in the future?’”

            We shall answer your manner [question] in this way. The Lord has said, “LET THY WILL BE DONE” − not His but your own. The Lord provides you with everything you wish to do, all the tools that are necessary to complete your act. But He does not say, “Go and do this, go and do that.” You must make your own decision. But we will tell you, indecision is the worst enemy of man. If you wish to serve the Lord, then say, “Lord, I wish to serve You,” and an answer shall come to you. But the Lord, God, gave you free will to exercise yourself. If you wish to ask us what shall happen in the future, then be specific in what you ask.

            You have other questions.

            “Thank you, Aka. [17-503-1], who is here tonight, asks, ‘What kind of winter will we have here this year, and will cattle prices go up this fall?’”

            We shall answer your question. You shall have a severe winter. Cattle prices shall go up, not – we shall answer very specifically − it shall go almost up to 70 cents a pound for 400 pounders. But it should be like a wayward woman, it should wander any way and with the whim of the wind.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, she also asks, ‘Will the uranium industry come back to this area and if so, when?’”

            We should answer your question by saying, no. There is, [both] by far, cheaper uranium deposits in other countries, with cheaper labor. At the present time the United States is not interested in taking its own raw minerals. It’s interested in buying raw minerals from other countries and reserving its own for a time when it might need them. The time when it may need them might happen again in two years.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [15-462-1] who is here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, please give guidance about the direction of my life to develop to full potential.’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer in this manner. That which we told you before would happen has happened. Now you do not know what to do with it. It has overwhelmed you, yet it should have not. We say to you, continue. But there are some things that you need to simplify. Make your time worthwhile, but allow other things to go to subordinate people, that they may do more menial tasks. Your business shall grow and prosper beyond most of your own wilder dreams. The work that you have done [with] the Association, it too shall take wings.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I have no further questions at this time.”

            Yes, we see thy needs, and we shall say to you in this manner. For we shall answer this question. For we shall place in your mind a manner into which you shall build that that is needed for your machinery, the gate. As soon as this gate is completed you must patent it. For very soon, within a three-month period, you will have many people at your doorstep wishing to buy, to franchise and to grow. For the one who this is intended for, they shall understand it fully.

            And now, we shall say unto you, for the new office that you have placed for healing, it too shall now prosper. And the other parts shall grow and blessings shall be given unto it in bountiful amounts.

            We have these words to say to all of you. New earthquakes shall commence. Mexico is just but a beginning. Yet a bigger one shall strike her and take her to her knees. Yet California shall soon quiver like a top. But look into your own Midwest, into Nebraska and Kansas, and Idaho. They too shall have earthquakes in such a manner they have never known. There shall be parts of Arizona that shall have earthquakes, and parts of New Mexico. They shall be below you, but yet, you will know it has happened. There shall be huge tornadoes that shall wrack the earth in such a manner that you shall think the Earth shall end, but it shall not.

            The disease known as AIDS is but an extension of what has already been. But there shall be new discoveries made that mankind shall accept.

            We say to you, for the evil that has been spread upon the Earth, nothing can fall from this Earth without our Father’s permission. Know this. Because our time has grown short, we shall not elaborate fully upon this. But know this, that soul Ray has used the quinine and the R-factor so it shall work as the preventative to stop the spread, for those who take it.

            You have other questions in your mind. And we shall answer unto the builder of wood. You are now thinking of building of rock and adobe and wood and combining them. This shall be very prosperous to you.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber. 


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.