1985 Readings

January 4, January 11,
February 1, February 22,
March 1, March 15,
May 3, May 17, May 24, May 31,
June 7, June 28,
July 12,
October 9,
November 29

These readings are copyrighted 1985 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona U.S.A. 85502. All rights are reserved. U.S. Library of Congress registration A 624240.

"Nothing is preordained. All man need do to change his destiny is but turn around, to be transformed"

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke January 4, 1985, of a war that was averted that year. They have said if those who live in this land "live in a righteous manner" and pray, "then and only then can these things be averted." May God continue to bless America.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Before we venture forth into other areas and questions, we shall answer the question utmost in all of your minds. We have told you before [that] the year of 1985 was the year that war could come unto your land.

Nothing is preordained. All man need do to change his destiny is but turn around, to be transformed. This is true for one man, or all mankind. These things are possible, but normally not probable. Should the present course of events continue, you shall find yourself in warfare before the end of the new year.

If you yourselves could think of the reality of nuclear arms; you have nuclear shells for cannon; you have nuclear-guided rockets for tanks; you have anti-nuclear personnel artillery; there is not one area where if you could fire one bullet, there is not a nuclear bullet to take its place. You have graduated yourself into laser and ultrasound, which at the present time outdates and puts behind you nuclear war. Yet, there are those who would use it. There are those who would use germ warfare without declaring war. All of these many probabilities are before you, and choices.

Now, you say unto us, "Now that the time is at hand, what should we do? Shall we take and bare ourselves and wait until each step is taken and happens?" And we say unto you, nay. Do not do this. When the time grows near in this day, and the days are at hand, we shall tell you.

For those who wish survival during these periods of time, we would suggest now is the time to build; now is the time to store. In storing we mean not food alone, for books are as important as food. There are many ways that you may prepare yourselves. Yet there is another way. You may prepare yourself to leave this world, to pass through. The choice is but yours.

But above all things, do not run like frightened children. Do not stop living your lives and hiding in caves. The time will prove itself, when the man shall crawl out of his caves once again. A new Atlantis shall rise again.

We shall also say unto you, because of the [temperate] weather, things shall be more harsher.

But remember, there is a good side to every bad; there is an opposite. And there is good that can come from bad if you only look at it in that manner. So we say to you, go on with your daily lives. Prepare yourselves to live. And part of that living is not crawling in a hole. It is living each day unto the fullest, and planning for a future. If enough of you plan for a future, if enough of you reach outward and inward, all that we have said will pass by and never happen.

March 1, 1985, the messengers of God gave this information about a war that took place in Mexico. Thanks to God and to prayers and plans of many people that it did not come to pass. Yet the message can also be about terrorists today.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee unto these words, for we say to you this parable, and yet, it is not a parable. We told you a story of the man from Yucatan, and we shall try to explain the meaning. The man is of those of the Indian culture who long lived under the domination of those from Mexico City. They are ready to throw the shackles aside and become a nation.

There are those who would help them at this time.

At the same time, there are those who would play upon the political sea. And the winds of March are as armies, small armies, who shall each single out their targets. Some shall assassinate to take lives. Others shall assassinate to destroy the image of the leader, of the person.

This shall happen in many places upon the Earth, and in your own country (U.S.A.).

There shall come a movement upon the land in strength that it shall not be safe for a two-week period of time for the leaving of the homes. You have such a group in this city. I think you know their target.

Yet, there is the storm which shall ravish the land; and not only this land, but across the lands and countries.

Yet there is time and hope. Bring your minds together, as we have told you before. If a man should burn your crop, if you would place your minds together, you may make the winds blow in the opposite direction.

Now we say unto you, we have explained these things that you did not understand.

Now we should go on further to explain to you that we do not single out one person, at any time, to reprimand. When you are traveling upon a road, and you see your friend who would perish if you do not warn them, which would you do, warn them, or let them perish? If you saw your wife or your daughter who would fall from a great height unless you warned them, would you not warn them? For really, that is all we can do, is warn you; we are not allowed to alter or change the future. Only you yourselves may do this.

And we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. Prepare. But as you prepare, know that those who say they cannot afford their two weeks’ provisions, they are lying to themselves. And that is a greater sin than lying to another....

There are many ways into which you shall reach in your lifetimes. And there are many messages which each of you shall take home with you, but we say to you, take unto your hearts and souls this message. Blessed be those who gives what they have not. Blessed be those who forgive those they should not. Blessed be those who love those they should not. And blessed be those who shall walk the extra mile.

But we should say unto you, when you have done all these things, and those who would destroy you still remain, then bind together; combine your minds, and you will soon find that there is strength within you to protect yourselves. We have not left you unprepared.

March 15, 1985: But now, as war and rumors of war begin to rattle the hemisphere, as your great leaders gather to talk of peace, they plan of war; they plan of assassination. Already in the land you call Russia, the land of the Bear, it has sprung a new head, and now, it looks out hungrily at all the land and all the people.

You have already lost Nicaragua and El Salvador. Those are gone. If the present course is continued to take place, soon Mexico will be gone, your greatest neighbor. When this happens, you say unto us, "We will go to war to prevent this." Yes, this could be done. But as we have told you before, the winds of March are upon you. Great change shall take place in the political sea across the land and faces of the earth. Decisions shall come forth, and false treaties shall be made.

We say unto you, now is one of the Earth's greatest times. It is a time when it may walk at peace, or go to war. It is like the fickled whims of a politician. Be careful that you are all not caught in this trap.

Be not as those who would hide their head and say, "This is not happening. These things cannot happen to me." For one day it is your brothren that they shall attack, and the next day it shall be you. There is but one way that you may survive all these things, and that is if you bind together, become as one.

Know the honor of one. Know the needs of one. Know the duties of one. And be as one. And then, let your whole land prepare itself. For warfare is like a step away from you. It is as though we look upon the Earth and we see sabers everywhere....

Next Aka spoke to one individual, who was a banker: Know this, that you came at a time, and have come at a time, when it is highly possible that a civil war shall occur in this country. You have come at a time when chaos is but one step beyond. We say to you, stand up, be tall; be counted, so that of the worldly goods can become as one.

The spiritual messengers of God said, June 28, 1985: Yes, we shall answer the question utmost in your minds. And you say unto us, "How can you speak of flowers when men are being held captive and when war knocks at our door?"

And I say unto you, unto the worst battlefields flowers have grown. They have come forth to replace the scars. At Dachau and [Daulitzdaire] you shall find flowers. They come forth to cover the wounds.
[Note: Dachau was the first Nazi German concentration camp opened in Germany.]

It is like the music in your air. It is born sometimes from many forms of healing. Sometimes it is born from the hurt and depths of the soul, sometimes from the height and laughter of the soul, yet always it is the universal music from the galaxies that ring[s] in your ears, that dances and performs before the greatest of all mankind, for it is for all mankind. And it is the music of the gods, as the flowers or the music.

We say unto you, yes, those times we have told you about shall come forth, but do not cease to plan for tomorrow. Prepare, store. But do not make that all of your life, make it part of your life.

If you may send food to Ethiopia, also prepare and send food here at home, and start. Feed the nations, for this is a test for you. It is a test that one third of the Earth, as had been written, would be struck by the Lord and nothing should grow upon it. And one third of the Earth should perish from starvation. It is your test, the test to see if the rest of the [three]-thirds are worth saving.

If mankind can overcome his bigotry − it is like Jonah calling in the wind; let it be heard. If you give, give with your heart. Give that which you have. Put into storage that which you have here. Give what you can unto the third of the world which now dies of starvation. Let it go as a gift of love, and know that what you have done is a gift of love.

We say unto you, yes, the time of storing shall be in many forms. But remember, knowledge will come unto soul Ray’s mind that shall seem to come from nowhere. Listen to his thoughts. Bring them together, and they will give you the substance to do those things you need.

For the land at hand is not enough. And time shall come and time shall go, but the greatest time shall be the laughter you have in your heart, and the tears you shed for your love. There is the love that comes from brother to sister, the love that comes from father to daughter and mother to son, but there is the love that comes from one part of mankind unto another that does not ask the color or race or religion of a man or woman or child, [but] only knows that it cannot see them suffer, that no man may suffer. Know it in truth.

What is your test? Do you not see it? Can you not understand it?

List of 1985 Readings

January 4, 11
February 1, 22
March 1, 15
May 3, 17, 24, 31
June 7, 28
July 12
October 9
November 29

Two transcripts are missing: March 22?, July 14?