August 1, 1986

 Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. For we have told you the parable of the healing well and the young girl who went there to receive healing.

And many people pushed and shoved to reach the healing well, and she waited. She waited until the very last. And a voice came unto her and said, “Why do you wait my daughter?”

And the child said, “For if in truth this is a healing well, there shall be an abundance left over for me.”

            And the Lord, God, looked unto this child and said, “BEHOLD, FOR IT IS YOUR FAITH THAT SHALL HEAL YOU THIS DAY.”

            And the Lord wept, and the teardrops touched the child and she became new again, and whole, a body. [Editor’s note: See the parable of March 16, 1973.]         

            The child rose and thanked the Lord for that that had been given unto her.  


            In three weeks the child was back. And again she waited.

            And there were some who had known her and had seen her from before. And they said, “Child, if you have not received healing go before these others.”

            She said, “Nay. The healing that I shall need and receive shall come when all of them have received that which they need.”

            And those who had received healing lingered. And when she walked to the well once again, the heavens opened and the water fell. And the voice came again and said, “HEAR ME, DAUGHTER, FOR THE OTHERS SHALL NOT HEAR. AND THEY SHALL THINK YOU HAVE GONE MAD. FOR I SHALL TELL YOU THESE THINGS. AND YOU SHALL GO UPON THE WORLD AND GIVE THE GIFT THAT I SHALL GIVE YOU THIS DAY. AND BECAUSE I GIVE YOU THIS GIFT YOU SHALL BE GREATLY PER­SECUTED BY MAN. DO YOU ACCEPT THIS?”

            And the child said, “Yes, Father.”

            All those who saw her saw the brightness of her face, and the glow of her body, and they knew that a heavenly body had touched her.

            And she left this place. And she went forth, but a child, to speak among all the adults. She went into the learned places, and into the churches.

            And the elders feared her, and they said, “Look, she is of the devil, beware of her.”

Yet there were those who looked, and heard, and saw a truth within her.

            She walked on. And she went into her parents, and her parents became greatly afraid. And she said unto them, “It is written that I must respect your wishes and I must obey my mother and father, and show you all the respect due unto you. But I tell you unto this day, the Lord, God, has spoken unto me and sent me on a mission.”

            Her mother became quite hysterical, and cried.

             The father looked and saw a truth. He reached down and he picked up his daughter and said, “Daughter, I see God in thee. Come, we shall go, and go about your Fathers work.”

So the father and the mother, with what meager earnings they could find, they went from place to place where the girl spoke. And more and more people began to gather to hear this wise and wonderful child.

            And she said unto them, “For I have come to prepare a way, for the Lord, God, has told me this day, I shall go forth to prepare the way for he who shall come and prepare the way for the Master.”

            And many said, “Why is it that you go to prepare the way? Why does he not come himself?”

            And she looked upon them and said, “I do not know all the ways of the Lord, for I am not as smart as some. I only know these things that I have been told to tell you. I know that the way of the Lord is mysterious and strange, but in the end you shall find that the greatest wisdom shall come forth, and the greatest good shall be unfolded before you, and the greatest wisdom laid at your feet.”

            One day as she had toured a foreign country, the voice came unto her, the voice of the Lord, and said, “DAUGHTER, NOW IS THE TIME, RETURN BACK TO THE WELL.”

            The little girl went unto her father. And great gatherings had come about, great fame had come unto her and her parents, for those who had believed. And her parents did not want to give this good life up. But the father once again looked upon the daughter and said, “Let us go, daughter, and we shall be about your Father’s work.”


            And they went there. And they did give of the water and they did give of the blessings. And they returned back unto the well.


            And she said, “Oh Father, tell me, who was the woman that you had brought me here to heal?”             


            And so it has been throughout time and throughout history -- one handing the torch to the other, unto this time. The torch of light that burns within you is the torch of love that overflows and comes this day into your hearts. It is like a beautiful bouquet of flowers; it comes in many colors. Pick it up. Hand it one unto another; share it. Do not be afraid that you shall run out of these gifts, for they are abundant.

You have many questions ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18-519-5…Tucson, Arizona] who is here tonight asks, ‘Regarding my adopted son, D____ __ L_______, is there anything I can be doing to help him physically and career-wise?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. Pray unto, for the body and the soul, and the mind. Give prayer. For at the present time the one you ask for will not listen unto you. But give prayer that he might listen unto God. Give prayer that in his own way and in his own light he shall receive the spirit -- and that spirit shall be his own and become part of the whole of God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18-519-6] who is here tonight…asks, ‘Is there any way I can help my son?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner -- once again, with prayer. It is said and written, “Ask and you shall receive.” And let it be so. But the person who receives must be ready to receive that, gifts which are to be bestowed upon them. We say unto you, give prayer unto the Lord that the wisdom that you need shall come unto you. But last, we say unto you, you have found the pathway to the well, for the parable we spoke of in the beginning is for both of you.

You have other questions ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-519-7…in Tucson, Arizona], and she is here tonight, she asks, ‘Am I really supposed to start a holistic center? If so when, where and what classes should I offer?’”

            First we shall answer your question in this manner. The parable that we gave in the beginning was also meant for you.

            We say unto you, you have done good with the work that you have handed one unto another. A center is nothing more than a house, a place to work. Come unto soul Ray and ask, and you shall find much truth and much wisdom. Remember that the light of the Lord is for all. As we have used soul Ray’s body as an instrument, as we have used his mind, we have only done so but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation of the coming of a messiah. For that which you ask for, speak frankly to soul Ray, for remember, he shall remember nothing that has been spoke of when he awakens. So be fluent in your desire and be frank in your speech, for remember, he knows your soul. In that manner, one brick shall build upon another.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-519-8] who is also here tonight…resides in Tucson, she asks, ‘Please give me direction on earth changes to come and how may I be of service and prepare?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner and in this way. Fear not the changes of the earth. You have the changes of the seasons. You have the summer, which is a time of growth. You have the fall which is a time of harvest. You have winter, a time of rest. And you have the spring, the time of new life. Now, we say unto you, now is the time of spring unto you, of new life. Enter it without fear. For that, changes which will come upon the earth, is not to destroy the earth, only to alter the form and bring healing. So fear not what shall happen. Do not run and hide, for the ground you stand on shall be safe. But what matters most is the place where you stand where you’re happiest, where your soul scores [soars] to the heavens, that is what matters -- where your soul finds gladness, that you walk in the sunshine, that you walk in the evening, that you walk in the nighttime, unto all times with gladness in your heart, allowing each day to become new and reborn again.

            You are looking for direction. There is thought in soul Ray’s -- soul Ro__’s mind, of that which can be put together, but it must come together in a form by all. Soul Ro__ thinks of a gift shop. And we say unto you, think of a general store.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-519-9…in Houston, Texas], who is here tonight, and known as B__, asks ‘How do I release my fear of success?’”

            By receiving the Lord, God, as your savior, and by knowing that the Lord will not forsake you under any conditions.

            But we say unto you, the law has been your practice and the interpretation of the law can be, and come, in many forms. There is other work less strenuous upon your mind, for you have never wanted to be that of the profession which you are. Seek out now to turn around. Do not lose or give up the right to practice law, because your advice and your knowledge can be given to many. But I say unto you, think of the hun­dreds of thousands of people who could seek out your advice by correspondence. And you could give them a truth at a fee that could be satisfactory to you, but could be livable for them. Advertise this service; it is a means of selling, and then you shall go beyond this, far beyond this -- one step at a time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18-519-10…and resides in Louisiana now] who is here tonight, known as M___ S__, asks, ‘What is my purpose in life?’”

             We shall answer your question in this manner. Everyone wants to give up all things and run to the mountains. If the mountain made your heart score [soar] and follow the eagles, then we would say, go forth there and do this. But remember, there are times for all things. Each of us contain our own special talents, our own gifts of God, our own personal part of God. Yours must be expressed and brought forth. You have thought briefly of the art of painting. You also thought of going into business with your brother. Any one of these would be fruitful.

You have other question, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-519-11…resides in Tucson] and he is here tonight, and he asks, ‘How may I better use the knowledge that has been given to me, the opportunities that come to me?’”

            (Chuckle) Yes we say unto you, we see thy need. It is said, “If thy right eye offends thee cast it aside.” But it is also said, if thy right eye gives thee blessings give it blessings back in return. Therefore, use the talent you have been given to the fullest of extent, allowing yourself to develop and mature as you go forth. There are many good in­structors, yet there are bad ones. There are those who would go forth and say, “Go this way or that.” But remember, the final decision of which way you shall go must come from within yourself. Even we might only give you the suggestion. You must make the decision, and that is as it should be. Take your decision and put it to work.

            And now, we say unto you, soul Ray grows tired.

            And we say unto you, soul Ro__, think ye of a general store.

            But we say unto all of you, now is the time of the cherubim. Many earth changes shall occur. New earthquakes shall shake the land as never before. Fear not, for the isles of California shall emerge from them and shall become a beautiful place for you to visit and live. Other places shall be altered in their form. Realize that the earth, to right itself, to correct its own flaws, must change. All things are changing, even the rivers as you look upon them. Is it so unusual that your earth should change? Volcanic action and earthquakes are but tools to bring about this change.

There shall be times when provisions of storage shall be needed. And we have told you this. We do not want you to preserve the food so that it cannot be used. We have told you, preserve and store so you may help those in need. A need of a desolate family without can come every day; it’s all around you. Serving the need of others -- but remember you must serve yourselves. This is not a greedy or selfish thought. These are thoughts of necessity. If you were to clean your neighbor’s yard, clean yours first, your own. And use the same with storing. If you should [have] your neighbors store, store yourself first, and by example your neighbors shall know that they need a year’s provisions.

            We say unto you, your spirits are strong. That yet war is about you, plan for peace, but know this, as we have told you; if you should live in a place where an earthquake should occur build a house that shall withstand an earthquake. It is the same way with other catastrophes. We have told you before that where water flowed, no water shall flow. The plight that is upon the earth and has hidden and struck the land is but part of the whole.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.