February 14, 1986

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should say unto thee this parable, in this manner and in this way. Glory [be] the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            For there are many who should travel into many parts of the land. There are those who shall venture forth just to find new land, to feel the soil and know it, to see the mountains and the prairies. Yet, there are those who go with a purpose, for they have reached a decision that they must change their whole surroundings and leave all that that they have known before behind; they must do this to become successful. There are those who have had grief and turmoil where they have lived and they shall leave the land in which they dwell; yet they know not that the one thing they take with them is their selves. Yet it is good for people to look forward to moving.

            And so, we shall tell you a story about one who moved. And he bought a fine house. There were certain cracks in the house and he went to fix the house. And he chipped away and chipped away until the upper part of the house fell. And he chipped away until the foundation was no more. And he had no house.

            His neighbor looked upon him and said, “Why have you done this? Why have you destroyed the whole house to repair a crack?”

            And the one who was there to repair the crack said, “It is not my fault. It is the fault of the person who owned the house before me, that he neglected this crack and it became worse and worse and I had to go clear to the foundation to correct it.”

            The neighbor who lived on another side of him said, “Why did you destroy such a beautiful house, just to correct a crack?”

            And he said, “Surely I shall sue the builder of the house, for it was his fault, because that when I went to correct the crack the whole building fell down.”

            As each person asked, he had a different answer. He never looked into himself to see the problem. And the problem was himself, his obsession with flaws in anything. He could not leave the smallest imperfection, and so therefore, he destroyed all that was before him.

            This, in itself, is a common thing in your society − blaming others for your own faults − looking at an imperfection and saying, “This must be corrected.”

            There is a tower that leans. It was not built that way, but through natural happenings it leans. It has become very popular because it does so. There are places on your Earth where fine columns hold huge bulges and they stand forever. These were all parts of God’s making.

If the Lord, God, put imperfection into the Earth itself, and was happy with it, and found it good, what is it that these people would tear the house down to fix a crack? What is it that they want?

            When someone comes to you for counseling and says unto you, “You have all of these problems and they are yours,” are they yours, or theirs? Look upon it, and make such a decision in such a way.

            But also, know these things. If a person is sick and you try to help them, and mend them, and allow them to get well, and they refuse this, then that is their way. What they wish to be is sick, not well. They look out at all the rest of the world and they say, “The rest of the world is sick. I am well.”

            And they say unto you, “I saw our neighbor and I told them this or I told them that,” and within reality, once this person sees the neighbor they talk about you. Is not this type of person to be pitied? But what should you do with a person like this? Should you allow them to continue to fornicate and spread a lie as truth? What can you really do to stop someone like this? Sometimes if a river is running unruly and you have done all you can to stop the course and to alter the course, is it not better to wait until the season is no longer in full [storm] before you alter the course? Allow it to run out. Then alter the course in its weaker state. It will take less effort upon your part.

            We have given you question and answers. But understand this, there are many truths and half truths. And many truths that can be made to look as a truth when they are not.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka, would you please explain the comet that is due at the end of February? It comes in conjunction with two other planets, and what disasters it will bring?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. The disasters you refer to is great famine, and drought, and milk drying up in mothers’ breasts. This is already happening in parts of your Earth today. This did not begin just one day ago. This has been going on since 1972. The comet that came in 1972 is the same comet that shall return − the planet, Yahweh. It shall come in conjunction, and therefore, there are probabilities that the droughts that you have known shall become more and wider spread.

             There once was a king who had dreams, and he looked long and hard for those who could interpret the dreams. Finally a slave was brought forth to interpret the dream. And the slave interpreted the dream that there would be seven good years and seven bad years, and if he took those things he had now and put them aside he would not suffer during the seven bad years. And so it came into reality.

             The same thing bears fruit now. You have time to prepare food of many types. You have time to grow gardens and can from the gardens, and preserve food in abundance, before these things come about. For there shall be places that markets shall be full, but no one shall have the money to buy. If you already have that that you need at home, you will not need to buy.

Understand these things. Understand this famine may spread among you, but if you work as a whole, as a whole and part of a whole − if one man puts in a garden and he only has so many hours to put it in, and only so much is done, if many come together and make a joint garden and a schedule is laid out that each person has certain tasks to perform on certain days, then it will happen.

            But there are other things to take into consideration. Jonah came forth into the city and said, “Change your ways.” We have come forth unto you and said, “Turn around.”

            A temple was built, yet it lies empty. Is the world so full of spiritual need that it needs not one temple?

            We have answered your question.

            You have others, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [12-242-2…Payson, Arizona] asks, ‘Aka, would you please give me a life reading – also, the time of my birth, please? And thank you for all that you have already done for me and mine.’”

            We shall give you the time of birth, but not the life reading at this time, for soul Ray wearies.

             9:22 a.m.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-514-1…Sierra Vista], she asks, ‘What is the main purpose of this lifetime for me?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. The main purpose in this lifetime is to know life, and the meaning of life. And should you find these answers, for there are many, then become as a mirror and allow it to reflect out.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-514-2…Texas], and asks, ‘How can I be healed of this severe allergy cracks in my hand[s] and feet so my energies can be used completely for my channel resource?’”

            The information that you need is being placed into soul Ray’s mind. It shall be conveyed from one to the other.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-514-3…Dallas, Texas] asks, ‘Should I continue to pursue physical therapy or diversify myself into other areas?’”

            At the present time, physical therapy you shall − [Note: the microphone is being bumped by someone apparently moving it or moving around it.] Yes − at the present time you should pursue that which is before you. Other pathways shall be opened at a later time.

            Soul Ray now grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1986 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.